We, the people, decline all future decisions made by Bill Gates's now defunct and criminal WHO. Piss in the wind 'cos we ain't listening!

Mick from hooe (UK) Unjabbed and remaining so!

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Bill Gates is such a swell guy and through his Philanthropy a new word for evil he says rich countries should eat lab grown meat so he's invested in it. He is also invested in Monsanto/Bayer the ones that genetically modify crop seeds to likely cause illness. He was sending genetically modified mosquitos to Florida and other states which supposedly would reduce illness by the GM ones killing off the natural ones. Then he invests in company that does the same thing with ticks there are now reports in the US when a person is bit by this tick they will become allergic to beef. I expect a tick invasion blamed on climate change soon. He is large owner of farmland with over 270k acres so a famine could be engineered. He is likely salivating over Warren Buffets coming death because he is to receive over 90% of his wealth into the foundation. Warren created a Philanthropy in memory of his wife that facilitates abortions. Bill Gates bragged about a 1000% return on his investment in vaccines and holds many patents. The US donates $400 Million to the WHO each year while China is only around $60 Million but Bill is such a swell guy he matches what the US donates as a country through his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation of Hell so he has lots of influence over the WHO. He also spends about $300 Million per year for news outlets to say what a good guy he is and not to speak ill of him. I presented these facts with others on MSN news page and have been permanently banned from commenting again yet did not go against community guidelines that I could see. Stopworldcontrol.com is a great resource of information post covid and what's to come. You will see that the UN/WHO/WEF which are really one hate humanity and do not have our best interests in mind.

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To be honest, the WHO was created by the UN to be a Global Control of the Population. That's all it's ever been. People who believe any of them give a crap about people are totally insane.

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I have heard some horrific stories of the UN Peacekeepers. When the left was demanding defunding the police I think it was to install these monsters. I remember kids when I was younger collecting coins from others to send to UNICEF which another tentacle of the UN. Then some horrific stories of UN Peacekeepers involving children.

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Politics= poly= many; ticks= blood sucking parasites

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Sad that they act like Alpha Gal is a side note in that article. For someone who has it, it isn't just an "allergy to beef". It's anything mammal. Dog saliva, rotting animal on the side of the road, someone cooking mammal meat, and all the crazy a$$ mammal byproducts in food. It is horrible, frustrating, and down right life altering. And most of the time is accompanied by one of the other tick "diseases". Nothing to me has been scarier in my life than anaphylaxis reactions. Sometimes coming on from simply smelling meat cooking. You tell me this BShit isn't a bioweapon. PERFECT lead into plant based fake plastic meat. Oh, and the fact that more cases have been diagnosed of AG since the jab???? Hmmmm........


Signed- Alpha Gal suffering Deep State Hater.

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WOW! People have become that allergic from tick or the clot shot? I am happy to see it looks like justice could be coming from these Biden mandated vaccines and AstraZeneca has been completely halted. Stopworldcontrol.com is an anti-globalist site that goes post covid and their plans coming down the pipeline unless we stop them. Now we are hearing of the Avian Bird Flu just in time for another election/selection.

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You are correct.

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How is that psychopath GATES still breathing?

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Don't you wonder, knowing all that we have learned in these last 3 years,....why is Trump still pushing the VAX? What is wrong with that man everyone thinks is our Savoir here in the USA? What does Susan Wiles, his campaign manager, who works for Pfizer, GAVI (BILL GATES) and the UN, have one him, that she and her ties to big PHARMA can make him still brag about the mRNA shots??????????? How do you vote for someone who is still pushing it? I've lost FAITH in Trump. A very sad place to be.

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I totally agree. He is too proud of warp speed! He will never admit he was wrong or mislead even if it means people dying. We need someone that cares about the health of our Country over themselves.

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He was lied to by Fauci, Birx, so many others, and now he’s lying to himself. Big time Mea Culpa needs to be stated re this. It’s the biggest area of vulnerability he has vs the left. And they will contort this issue continuously in order to compromise and delegitimizate him.

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When you are a dumb kunt with no frigid idea, you are going to pay experts to tell you what to believe. This is Trump and he is not going to admit that he is a dumb kunt. Warp speed away to be the next President of the dumb Kuntry.

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If you aren't smart enough and don't surround yourself with smart enough people then maybe you shouldn't be president.

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Well, gee, maybe we can just continue on with 4 more years like the last 3 and sign that WHO Treaty! But at least it won’t be Trump and there won’t be any mean tweets!

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You don't seem to get it Trump and Biden want this. They both stink.

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His campaign manager works for Pfizer? WTF. 🤦‍♀️

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As you know, the covid scam and the jabs were both DoD projects, a new type of weapons platform. Trump is a front man for The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), who had Steve Bannon recruit Trump to run for President. The ONI has been at war with the CIA since the CIA was established in 1947 by NAZI refugees and sympathizers, like the Dulles brothers and others on Wall Street. The ONI put JFK into The White House to report to ONI about what the CIA were doing. Nixon, Carter and Reagan were also ONI men. All the other post-war presidents were CIA men.

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Agree, I have mentioned that in many podcast episode interviews! I believe the American public is being played like a piano between our politics and the entertainment industry (media). This is a call for people to turn to faith and get their truth in the Holy Bible!

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Excellent, well written and spot on. I’m certain, however, that none of these criminals that were notified of this took the time to read it, much less to reflect on the note, or more specifically what they have done. The only serious way to resolve this will be in criminal proceedings in the form of Nuremberg 2.0 trials for the commission of crimes against humanity, where these defendants along with many others, will have to answer for their actions in a court of law.

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The monsters could give a sh#t, and these days it would shock me if the justices presiding over a Nuremberg 2.0 were not themselves on Team Monsters Inc.

"We hereby declare case dismissed due to plaintiff's lack of standing and the urgent need for the work of the World Health Organization to be ongoing."

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"Justice" and the rule of law were only ever a pretense. Now they are not even a pretense. Who do you think controls the "justice" system and the courts of law?

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Of course, “they” until the justice system. That’s why it’s even more important that we make it clear, and consistently clear that there will be prosecution of the criminals. If we don’t, they win.

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Yeah I have had them lodged in me as a kid. Pesky things. Here is article related to people becoming allergic to meat. https://acaai.org/allergies/allergic-conditions/food/meat/ Here is another where they come to defend Bill Gates investment in genetically modifying ticks: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/sep/01/instagram-posts/no-connection-between-gates-funded-modified-ticks/ He must have been bullied a lot as a kid to have deep hatred for humanity however very much into eugenics like his father who was Board of Director for Planned Parenthood.

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Just look at him! Of course, he was bullied as a kid! Someone that geeky doesn't get a free pass from normal children, let alone bullies! Then you add in his propensity to steal others ideas and inventions and it's game over.

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I recall seeing short clip where he is being questioned by the Government where he was rocking back and forth and acted like he couldn't answer simple questions and needed them repeated and got a pie in the face outside. Should have been something else. He did get charged for anti-trust and it's way past due for them to bring him back over all his nefarious activities but now I think all the politicians have been corrupted with bribes most likely because they are all multi millionaires today with Nancy Pelosi probably having the greater net worth. Clinton's & Obamas left the W.H. broke and are now richer than ever.

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Yep. I'm sure he's on the spectrum. I LOVE to watch him getting the pies in the face. That is when they made the antitrust suit against him. He bribed his way out of it somehow and switched over to the medical side, made the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation &/or GAVI, to get them off his back.

Clinton and Obummer did NOT leave the White House broke! They left with more money than they went in with, and are still gaming the system. Piglosi is not the richest from the insider trading. It's a senator I have never heard of before. He's way above what the drunk has.

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You can add the RepubTurds to the list of bought and paid for trolls! Do you know what you call ALL politicians at the bottom of the ocean? A good start!

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Agree both parties are heads of the same beast and serving their interests first and the that of UN/WHO/WEF and then pretend to represent us. A former Congresswoman said she had to sign oath of allegiance to Israel to receive AIPAC funding for her campaign so this might me something to look at as well.

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Or maybe these "people" are just not human?

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They are not! They are heartless, Godless, Demons!!

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And mothers of their “vaccine” killed children should be allowed the pleasure of putting the nooses around the necks of these monsters before they are hung.

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I'd say give the Mothers a good long while unsupervised in a locked room with them..

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With baseball bats…

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Cease and desist? Immediately? Do no more harm? Why not arrest him and all the others who manufactured and perpetrated this murderous scamdemic and put them on trial, immediately.

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Agree 100%. The harm is already done and is ongoing, do not wait.

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No doubt they will ignore it - I remember Pascal Najadi explaining that the WHO, WEF, UN, GAVI etc have complete immunity from prosecution by any law anywhere:


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I agree. They'll toss this aside and just laugh.

"It's too late to stop them now."

The Day Tapes


Archive - The New Order of the Barbarians


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Good links. I already have the transcripts of Dr Richard Day and that is exactly what he said - 'it is too late to stop them now' Everyone should listen to the video you posted.

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I wouldn't count on immunity if I were them.

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Wonderful! Thank God for all the truth-tellers standing up for humanity! ❤

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Shit doesn't stick to teflon (PTFE) coated demons, no matter how much you throw at them.

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I published this back on March 16, 2024 but it appears no one was listening. Please share this widely. Let's make this popular.

The Great Setup With Dr. David Martin - Part 1 (34:30)

January 14, 2024


The Great Setup With Dr. David Martin - Part 2 (33:39)

February 22, 2024


Please pay attention to timestamp mark 9:38 of part 2 to see documentation from 1913 when all this began. Take specific note of the liability shield they gave to themselves in what they titled THE UNITED NATIONS CHARTER.

To wit: Article V - Representatives of Members: "(a) Immunity from personal arrest or detention and from seizure of their personal baggage, and in respect of words spoken or written and all acts done by them in their official capacity, immunity from legal process of every kind;" In other words, they cannot be prosecuted for anything in any way as long as it is done under the umbrella of the official capacity of the organization under the UN Charter dictates, including the WHO.

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What we are up against is nothing shy of Demonic possession-in my purview. This translates as: They (Tedros-Faici-Gates Daszak) will gaslight, ignore, and deny anything resembling the factual truth. This is not to say that I don't support lawfare actions; we must follow the rules of the bureaucrats until we create a better model of governance. If any White Hats in the military are reading this article, please consider that the evildoers continue to 'suicide' honorable whistleblowers (just sayin').

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The charge read we hereby place you: a man: Tedros Adhanom

What is with the 'a man' ? Is this a play on gender?

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How Bizarre! Two weeks ago, after receiving many such texts, supposedly from my local doctor's medical practice, all inviting me to attend their premises (or another unspecified NHS location) to have dangerous EXPERIMENTAL material to be injected into my body under the guise of 'protection' from the man modified CoronaVirus. (Covid 19)

I felt drastic measures were necessary after receiving FOUR such texts during the month of April alone.

My letter was headed 'CEASE and DESIST' -I demanded this communication was irresponsible and must STOP forthwith. I stated that the repetitive texts, inviting me to potentially harmful materials to be injected into my body, could be legally construed as 'threatening behaviour' or 'attempted Assault'.

The surgery accepted the letter, which I delivered by hand, but told me that there was no doctor available to discuss the matter.

The medical practice has not responded since but, coincidentally, the very next day i received another text from NHS inviting my formal rejection of the (DEADLY EXPERIMENTAL Covid shot. None of the previous texts had any option to 'opt out'.

I'm wondering if I should make an appointment to visit the practice to discuss the matter in depth, with any Doctor who continues to peddle the DEPOPULATION formula called 'VACCINE'?

And who could be stupid enough to accept an injection of an EXPERIMENTAL injection, when it is generally known that the manufacturers like Pfizer & Moderna enjoy ZERO LISABILITY = TOTAL AVOIDANCE of any/all responsibility for injury or death that follows the failed 'unsafe and ineffective' injection.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Pfizer are just trying to make a buck. Can't we all just give them a break? Those people work extremely hard for their shareholders who demand maximum profit. Does Big Pharma get stuff wrong? Sure they do- During the Plandemic it was envisaged that EVERYONE would have got the jab, but sadly that never happened. We'll be back again!

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