The Private Federal Reserve and Theft of Fractional Reserve Banking
How Inter-Generational Organized Crimes Buys Up The World with Digital Dollars Created Out of Thin Air
Executive Summary
In 1913 organized crime banking interests lobbied and bribed Congress to pass the Federal Reserve Act, which created the private Federal Reserve (FED) to back-stop and “legalize” the ability of private banks to create money out of thin air and lend it at interest. The process is called fractional reserve banking, and the basics of the swindle is that when you go to the bank to get a mortgage, the bank is not lending you another depositor’s money.
They simply create the money with a few strokes on the keyboard, and the average person spends the rest of their life paying interest on a loan created out of thin air. If a bank gets in financial trouble and/or experiences a “run-on-the-bank” where depositors begin to pull their money, the FED steps in and provides the troubled bank(s) unlimited capital to maintain faith in the crooked system.
The Documentary: Century of Enslavement by James Corbett of the Corbett Report exposes the history and scam of the Federal Reserve System and crooked monetary system. It is one of the documentaries in our flash drive of freedom: The Liberator
The Theft of Inflation
In addition to the inherent unfairness of allowing certain companies (banks) the monopoly privilege of creating money, the process steals the purchasing power from the dollars earned and saved by everyone else in society. As the banks create more and more dollars, the excess dollars begin to compete with the existing dollars in the market, bid up prices, and simultaneously reduce the purchasing power of existing dollars in circulation.
This is the main reason why the cost of almost everything in the economy (housing, healthcare, education, energy, etc.) is going UP when absent the organized crime money system; costs should be going DOWN as innovations and productivity improvements reduce the costs associated with producing the necessities and luxuries of everyday life. Not only is society being robbed by the inflationary theft of rising prices, but it is being robbed of the reduced costs and growing purchasing power that would exist absent the organized crime banking system. Absent the anomalies of hot housing markets and hot stocks, it isn’t that the value of your home and portfolio are rising; it now simply takes more rapidly depreciating dollars to buy the same amount of housing and stocks.
The list above comes from a 2011 study called The Network of Global Corporate Control, which analyzed 37 million global companies and 43,060 transnational corporations and built a model of who owns and controls what and discovered that just 147 firms, primarily banks and financial institutions, control 40% of global wealth.
Currently, there is even more concentration than ever, with Vanguard and Blackrock collectively controlling around $16.5 Trillion. Vanguard had $8.1 Trillion under management in 2022 with Blackrock managing $8.49 Trillion as of the 2nd quarter of 2022.
Blackrock and/or Vanguard are among the three largest institutional investors for 505 out of 505 of the S&P 500. (100%) One or the other is the single largest institutional investor in 422 of these. (84%) Source: BlackRockVanguardWatch.com
The Documentary: Monopoly - Who Owns the World by Tim Gielen from our Flashdrive of Freedom: The Liberator. Tim’s website has disappeared from the DARPA Internet?
In what appears to be a mockery of the tax slaves, the organized crime private Federal Reserve and US Treasury have made US banknotes the exact same color as monopoly money. Once backed by gold, which was/is mandated by the Con-stitution, the rapidly depreciating notes are now backed by the worthless promises of a bankrupt empire. At the same time, the banks engaged in fractional reserve banking have bought up all the plant, property, equipment, real estate and other hard assets.
The Results: Monopoly
Imagine you are playing the game Monopoly with a group of people where the banker is cheating and giving himself unlimited funds. At the end of the game, who owns everything on the board, and who are renters and debtors? The ability to create money out of thin air has enabled the banks to:
1. Buy, consolidate, and weaponize the media into nothing but deception and distraction.
2. Provide unlimited funds to a small handful of organized crime companies to consolidate their own industries and trade as a cartel. See our Liberator folder on Banking Cartel’s Monopoly Consolidation.
The Future & Solutions
Unfortunately, the death of the dollar appears to be approaching and the organized crime system behind the “government,” fractional reserve banking, and the control-of-perception media appear to be whoring out the US Dollar as the information revolution begins to expose the theft of trillions. Could wiping out the US dollar and the tax slaves be in the cards? Definitely!
What Can be Done?
Educate Others - Please share this article! We offer bulk copies of “Government” - The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! and Liberator flash drives in low-cost “Friends Bundles” in our online store at Government-Scam.com/Store.
Use Cash, Crypto, Gold/Goldbacks, Silver and Other Dollar Alternatives - The more your community is diversified away from the USD, the better prepped you are to weather the storm of a currency collapse or devaluation. Here is an article with some tips:
Why It is Critical to Use Cash! (And Crypto, Gold/Goldbacks, Silver, and Even Nickels!)
Boycott the Money Center Banks in Favor of Credit Unions - If your bank is a corporate member of the Council on Foreign Relations or the World Economic Forum then you have the wrong bank. Choose smaller banks not involved in funding crooked politicians and ESG. Pick credit unions.
Boycott Digital Dollars (as Much as You Can!) - Shop at farmer’s markets, brick-and-mortar retail, and bank branch locations in person when possible. Pay cash even for large payments like rent and taxes.
Vote with Your Feet - Move to libertarian and voluntaryist communities like the ones we highlight in “Government” - The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! where a greater percentage of the population is awake to the criminality of “government” and its crooked monetary system. Check out the Free State Project in New Hampshire.
About the Author
Etienne de la Boetie2 is the founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation, the author of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! and the editor of the Art of Liberty Daily News on Substack and Five Meme Friday, which delivers hard-hitting voluntaryist memes and the best of the alternative media. All his important links can be found at LinkTr.ee/ArtOfLiberty
This article is an excerpt from the book: “Government” - The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!
Resources to Learn More
“Government” - The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!, from which this essay is adapted, reveals how inter-generational organized crime runs the “government,” media and academia. The book is designed to wake up family, friends and colleagues. $30 (or $45 with Liberator flash drive) Get a copy + Liberator for “Going Paid”
The Liberator - Companion media to “Government” = The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! Full of documentaries, short videos, essential books on PDF, dank liberty memes, and truth music from the liberty movement’s hottest artists. Everything that is disappearing off the internet. $30 (or $45 with a copy of “Government”) Get a copy + Liberator for “Going Paid.”
The illegitimate Federal government and its unconstitutional agencies are waging a full spectrum soft war against We the People. The government has been captured by the globalists. Their Color of Law violent and democidal attacks will only continue to worsen until that time when a critical mass of the minority offers up total and complete nonviolent noncompliance.
Do NOT comply.
End the Fed! Ron Paul 2024!!!
Thank you #2! As a retired AP Macroeconomics teacher, yes, the Fed is private and FUNDAMENTALLY FRAUDULENT because they claim debt is "money". The mechanics of creating what we use for money as a negative number added forever is certain: exponential debt that must end in tragic-comedy where "We the honest People" point to mechanics and data while our psychopathic asset-hole banksters try to lie us into their "Great Reset." Documentation:
‘Financial’/‘monetary’/‘derivative’ house-of-cards collapse? Remember: Superior mechanics already proven by Ben Franklin with monetary reform and public banking, backed by Thomas Edison, 86% of Economics professors