In this thread and the last people mentioned water filtration. Whats the easiest way to get that? Do you need to install some type of system in you house?
In this thread and the last people mentioned water filtration. Whats the easiest way to get that? Do you need to install some type of system in you house?
There are counter top units. Berkey units are often mentioned but there are others. If you are ok with a hardwired system though you can easily install an RO filter to your kitchen supply. I have a system that strips out everything including fluoride and then remineralizes the water. I use this unit with the add-ons I picked this one because it wastes less water. Some RO units go thru 4 gals to make 1 gal for the storage tank. This one wastes 1 gal to make 1 gal. Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.
In this thread and the last people mentioned water filtration. Whats the easiest way to get that? Do you need to install some type of system in you house?
Aside from the RO system on a personal level I love the Sawyer filter. Cheap and effective.
There are counter top units. Berkey units are often mentioned but there are others. If you are ok with a hardwired system though you can easily install an RO filter to your kitchen supply. I have a system that strips out everything including fluoride and then remineralizes the water. I use this unit with the add-ons I picked this one because it wastes less water. Some RO units go thru 4 gals to make 1 gal for the storage tank. This one wastes 1 gal to make 1 gal. Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Water purification tablets should be on your list.