We are using cash as much as possible and try to find items we want to purchase locally as much as possible (not always possible these days). As little Amazon as possible. Never, ever watch “the news.”

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Trying to support independent writers, but limited funds here. Carefully watching what is going on, and reluctant to use anything government related. Unfortunately turning 65 this year so will have to go on Medicare. Only thing small man can do is watch out. Reading through a list of WEF members and astonished that hardly any countries are free of them. They might not all be as bad,but being a member of a club like that proves two things - they are very rich and they are not thinking for themselves.

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I disagree with previous post respectfully. Everyone needs to watch the “opposition” news in addition to searching out real news.

Solution? Spread the word to as many people as possible. Citizens and non citizens are mostly struggling to survive, many paycheck to paycheck. They have no idea what is going on other than organized propaganda news bites. This is an organized PSYOP. Most people I talk too are hesitant to listen, not only to alternate scenarios, but to anything. They are worn out mentally. I believe this is an intentional part of the PSYOP. Calling someone stupid who has been brain washed is futile. We need to calmly spread the truth.

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Unfortunately so very true. Most of my acquaintances are so burnt out. They have adopted the ostrich philosophy. Buried their heads in the sand and completely ignoring reality.

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Great comment. Simply put, we're engaged in spiritual guerilla warfare.

My approach is to encourage the use of one's critical thinking skills which includes pointing out that main stream media brazenly lies and citing examples. As you point out, too many people are simply struggling to survive and do not have the time or luxury of looking for information that is not mainstream.

The challenge we have is divorcing the public from its tendency to regard CNN, NYT, WaPo, and the local news as reliable information sources. We have to lead our family, friends, colleagues, and neighbors to the proverbial water AND make them drink.

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A bit off topic but, I’d been looking for this since listening to Kate Dalley talk about it on a podcast. If you want to prepare for the worst of the worst, read the advice from a survivor of the societal breakdown in Bosnia in the 1990s:


Can’t do worse than at listen to someone who’s been through hell and lived to talk about.

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Agreed. Here’s a guy who survived the collapse of Argentina. Been following him a very long time.


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Excellent, thanks.

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No TV since close to 20 years. Boycotting all venues that does not take cash. Only use card when order for instance a train ticket.

Shop local, no on-line spending.

Prepping with food and water. Have a meeting place to go to in the country side with friends if needed.

Trying to go debt free but less easy as no work for the past six months. To hard to be in the medical profession that has allowed this thing to strive on and as so many still are participating and have a closed eye to what really is happening.

Spreading awareness about the plandemic, the depopulation agenda with the dangerous experimental DeathVax and have been close to a full time activist the past two years because of the devastation I have seen in my work even though no direct work with ‘C19’-patients.

This past weekend at an alternative book fair with free speech as the main objective as the censorship is crushing in on all too many of us also in this country, and as the government wants to heighten their efforts to go after people they consider and see as delivering agents of hate speech. We will have a demonstration again in the bigger cities this coming weekend for medical freedom and human rights, including free speech and no to ‘vax-pass’. And raise awareness of what the WHO are trying to do with their Pandemic treaty.

Before that also participated in activism as we here in Sweden have enormous problems with mass immigration from countries not adaptable with our values. All this connected to the WEF and the globalists plans for the world. An unacceptable rise in violence and extreme crimes as so many only are men of a certain age and ready for fight. Sweden has accepted >two million people in the last 20 years, plus an extra few hundred thousands that are here illegally, over 50% of them live on welfare. Even the illegal ones as there are a lot of SJWs in this country that live on pink clouds and think all are good and no borders needed. We even accept former ISIS-members which they try to rehabilitate. Really no luck with that. The city I live in has the most amount of people radicalised into the ideology of islam, even larger than in the city of Molenbeek/Belgium. We are a small country, today like 10,5 millions. The multicultural path began in the mid 70s but has accelerated the past as I said 20 odd years.

The same SJWs are also promoting the DeathVax, meaning they have no clue about the implications they are forcing unto their fellow citizens.

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Ok 2SG. This is where the real work begins. We are part of problem or solution and PANIC solves nothing. So be smart and what I can contribute is prayer for discernment

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relocate near:

1. source of fresh water

2. healthy food

3. shelter with firewood


4. solar panel+few car batteries+12v fridge+ham radio

5. a canister of 25% NaClO2, a canister of 4% HCl and learn how to use those two in combination.

do all those things with someone, don't isolate, don't get lonely.

I won't get in the spiritual side of things, those will come naturally.

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I think it'd be best to break it down into categories that the great reset entails and provide solutions for each. I don't have a lot of answers, and much of what I am doing would be something most would consider prepper-ish. So of course the best solution is to live off the grid entirely and not rely upon any services or infrastructure, but of course that's not possible for many. Because they want to control our money thru technology: I keep at easy access cash. I stay out of debt. I don't keep any of those spying devices like Alexa or Echo or whatever in my house. Because they want to control our food: I store extra food and water. Because they want to control our health: I am a pure blood. I eat healthy and exercise. I avoid seed oils and have reverse osmosis water filtration. Because they control the media: I don't post my opinions all over social media and certainly not in my name. Because I want to do the things that they hate: I practice with and carry a ccw. I have quite a few children and am happily married. I teach my children how to think for themselves.

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Just spit ballin’ here. Raise funds to hire the best and most effective advertising agency and run an anti msm campaign. They are whores anyway and would gladly turn against their former masters. The average person is totally brainwashed by television, they are the target audience. let’s campaign against it professionally. 😉

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In my opinion, the real hard line divide and dichotomy is RURAL vs URBAN. You could infer much more from that binary, though. For example:

Natural vs Manufactured. Flexibility vs Rigidness. Currency vs Stagnation. Vitality vs Inertia. Fertility vs Sterility. Health vs Illness. Freedom vs Slavery. Community (family as root) vs Isolation. Joyfulness vs Depression. Levity vs Gravity. Optimism vs Despair. Thriving vs Surviving. Autonomy vs Autocracy. Holistic vs Atomistic. Abundance vs Scarcity. Harmony vs Discord. Optimism vs Despair. Freshness (food) vs Staleness (devoid of nutrients). Creativity vs Banality. Empathy vs Antipathy. Simplicity (not to be mistaken for easy) vs Complexity (unnatural and unnecessary, that is). The contrasts are endless and become an infinite fractal.

The Communists have successfully perverted the root word community, but a break away rural civilization is inevitable. Past will be Future. In a total collapse of our institutions will "Bartercoin" be the new exchange of goods and services? If so, the questions proposed will be: How am I useful? What value do I provide? Because as an urbanite, presumably, I won't know how to hunt, fish, nor farm. The most precious resource is Human. The most valuable asset is a skill worthy of reciprocity. I give so that I could receive. Let's use the internet to find kindred spirits with common values and goals and then get OFF THE INTERNET (let's not wait til it's forced upon us with a critical infrastructure "cyber attack") and make real in-the-flesh life connections. It's the only way out the dystopian matrix, again, in my opinion.

Oh yeah, can't forget: Armed vs Unarmed.

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I have quite a few ideas here and things that I am personally doing. I think your actions are really determined by your net worth and how you see a post Great Reset world.

I think the worst position to be in is cash. The dollar could become essentially worthless so staying in cash is a bad idea. Inflation during the QE years has gone into assets but the coming inflationary bomb will go into commodities and energy (all of the things we actually need). Money will flow out of our markets so your stocks and mutual funds are going to get slaughtered.

So if you have money that needs to be parked, what parking garage is safe? Tangible assets are good - people have commented on physical gold and silver and I agree that is a good for long term storage. I would not ignore crypto, but would also not over invest in it either. I think land and real estate will hold value over the long term, assuming the government does not confiscate it.

In terms of just surviving a potential Great Depression 2.0 it's as simple as water, food and a source of energy. If you want to run a simulation just flip the main breaker at your house on Friday evening and don't turn the power back on until Sunday evening. Go out to your water and cut that off too. And no using your car, you're stuck at home with no water, no electricity and no transportation. How will you eat, how will you get water, how will you survive for 48 hours without these things? This is the scenario we may face.

Now turn 48 hours into 6 months and get ready. Once you have prepared for 6 months get ready for 12 months, then 18 months and finally 24 months. For me the situation changes somewhere between 3 and 6 months. While it's not bad to have some sort of storable food for 24 months, at some point (probably 6 months max) you will be able to start growing food. If you're growing food now (and I am), assume that starving people will take it before you're able to consume it. It's not until after most people have starved to death that you will be able to productively grow your own food. So you may not need 24 months worth of storable food (though that would not hurt) because at some point you will transition from emergency to new normal.

Maybe nothing bad happens. Few things in life are certain and it's no certainty that we will experience economic depression and widespread famine in our lifetimes. But clearly, this possibility is becoming increasingly likely. We are pushing the rest of the world away from the USD, we are creating inflation, we are pushing the 3rd world into a potential catastrophic famine. Famine creates migration, so if the 3rd world is starving migrant hordes will likely overwhelm 1st world economies in Europe and the US. Our "leaders" have created this situation where there are landmines all around us. Maybe we find a way through the minefield without stepping on one, who knows. Catastrophes seldom occur with just one bad decision, they are normally the result of multiple missteps. I think we can all clearly see the many missteps our leaders have taken, either accidentally or on purpose.

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1) Try to use cash as much as possible. (I've also been slowly stockpiling cash at home and also buying gold/silver coins after selling some stocks.)

2) Cancelled my propaganda cable box and newspaper. I also boycott the NYT, Atlantic, etc web sites that I use to get my news from. I don't even want to give them page views.

3) Stockpiling food and water at home.

4) I post "alternative" views on non-COVID sites. I also post "conspiracy theories" on substack- too many people are unaware of what's really going on- particularly the highly educated.

These are small things. Long-term, something "kinetic" is likely necessary. Some claim Putin is against the NWO- I hope that's true.

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Catherine Austin Fitts recommended investing in local organic farms...as well as developing relationships with local growers.

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James Corbett used to produce ‘Propaganda Watch’ but stopped due to its ubiquitous presence...now he posts ideas in how to combat the onslaught:).

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In this thread and the last people mentioned water filtration. Whats the easiest way to get that? Do you need to install some type of system in you house?

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Aside from the RO system on a personal level I love the Sawyer filter. Cheap and effective.

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There are counter top units. Berkey units are often mentioned but there are others. If you are ok with a hardwired system though you can easily install an RO filter to your kitchen supply. I have a system that strips out everything including fluoride and then remineralizes the water. I use this unit with the add-ons https://www.theperfectwater.com/home-master-tm-reverse-osmosis-water-filtration-system.html I picked this one because it wastes less water. Some RO units go thru 4 gals to make 1 gal for the storage tank. This one wastes 1 gal to make 1 gal. Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.

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Water purification tablets should be on your list.

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Thus far all we have is exactly all I've ever been saying to anyone who will listen: 1) Spread Awareness 2) Purchase local, small business brands - ie stay away from anything corporate

The only other real option i could think of is by taking action through organization. Joining or starting local chapters like WeAreChange.org - this is the hard part because it requires a good amount of effort and most of all TIME. It's something we have to prioritize (myself included) because in the end if we don't we aren't going to have anything left, not even our health.

In conclusion, we need leadership and men/women that can build communities up in order to spread awareness, and for the love of God, stay away from Amazon and corporate retail products as much as humanly possible. It takes us all, good luck and godspeed my friends.

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