Government is slavery. They will always seek to use us for their gain. Manage, control and use for their benefit and their benefit alone. I saw the video when it came out along with many more like it. No one would believe anything when I shared it and called everything “conspiracy”... and here we are. My best friend is still jabbing up h…
Government is slavery. They will always seek to use us for their gain. Manage, control and use for their benefit and their benefit alone. I saw the video when it came out along with many more like it. No one would believe anything when I shared it and called everything “conspiracy”... and here we are. My best friend is still jabbing up his family and himself and I have zero ability to wake them up because they were raised on the teet of NPR’s milk. Millions or so dead from the “cure” but all from ignorance. What it takes to instill logic and true skepticism is costly to us all.
Government is slavery. They will always seek to use us for their gain. Manage, control and use for their benefit and their benefit alone. I saw the video when it came out along with many more like it. No one would believe anything when I shared it and called everything “conspiracy”... and here we are. My best friend is still jabbing up his family and himself and I have zero ability to wake them up because they were raised on the teet of NPR’s milk. Millions or so dead from the “cure” but all from ignorance. What it takes to instill logic and true skepticism is costly to us all.