Despite the “antiquity” of the video, it’s becoming obvious that Gates (who, no doubt, is deep to his neck on the on-going genocide), is being set up as the fall guy. The Arkancide team is very effective (as Epstein knows so well...)

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Yes, the puppets were always disposable as are the injected useful idiots.

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Fall guy or not, the evil he has perpetrated upon h7manity should be paid for !

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Probably includes politicians that are also WEF stooges

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Speaking of Epstein, check out new book by Whitney Webb ‘one nation under blackmail’. Release date about now, last I heard.

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I will check it out! Thanks for the tip.

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Gates and likely Fauci. He’s way too exposed on the actual origins, funding, etc.

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The Fall Guy is Slow Belly Bill Barr #MadelynJones #EpsteinBarr

Follow #AlanDershowitz and #TedCruz

Prince Andrew was their scapegoat.



#BillGatesAndTimCookBrokeCode🔗 #AppleMacbookProLaptop MINE #SheilaCarswellBeanBundgus

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She is speaking during covid, but brings up the older video, which is fitting.

Hey, I don’t care if it was from his 8th grade yearbook. Chipping away at the pedestal upon which he placed himself is kinda all of our side hustle. (Bad grammar, but you know what I mean.)

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Government is slavery. They will always seek to use us for their gain. Manage, control and use for their benefit and their benefit alone. I saw the video when it came out along with many more like it. No one would believe anything when I shared it and called everything “conspiracy”... and here we are. My best friend is still jabbing up his family and himself and I have zero ability to wake them up because they were raised on the teet of NPR’s milk. Millions or so dead from the “cure” but all from ignorance. What it takes to instill logic and true skepticism is costly to us all.

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Well at least it's being circulated now. It might wake a few more people up.

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I think this is from 2017. Unfortunately

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See the masks. It's not 2017 - someone has this at May 2020. Still, we need to spread this far and wide.

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Bill Gates has killed millions of people in Africa and India and in fact if he puts his toe on India`s soil he is going down they have issued a warrant for his arrest so slowly the world is waking up to this guys genocide

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The gen-based injection is a tool for depopulation. And is already having its deadly effects - https://thescienceanalyst.substack.com/p/are-we-witnessing-a-depopulation

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I posted this a while ago. Have not had a chance to see if it got ignored or is still in process but this news bodes well along with it.


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you can use google translate - watch some italian news papers. Yesterday there must have been at least 15 deaths from heart attacks, or just people dropping dead in the street, at a restaurant, walking in the woods, swimming.... 3 weeks ago 12 people died in one weekend at the beach. You think that normal?

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As much as i detest Gates, that TED clip, i feel is powerless as the meaning of his words is determined solely by the perspective of the observer. Now, i know what he meant, but my mother thinks he just wants to decrease child mortality. The normies never read between the lines.

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That lady in the Italian parliament told the truth for sure. If Snake Gates and his type didn't have so many friends and co-conspirators in high places. I don't believe that political and medical tyranny would have such a strong foothold in the world today. People will get their just rewards in due time, if they remain on the evil path they have chosen. This is a promise, not a threat (Revelation Chapter 20:11-15).

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video was from may 2020

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But what will be done about this? Fall guy or not, he’s an evil monster and deserves whatever he gets!

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It rings bells of yore for me - I will check asap but nonetheless a worthy revelation.

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