If I may put in a plug. Before the pandemic was officially declared here in the U.S and all throughout its imposition Jeff Rense and his news aggregator site rense.com were relentlessly on top of the Covid-Covid vaccine issue. As a result of Jeff's reporting I was extremely leery of the "vaxx" (in its numerous iterations) that was being pushed. Although elderly myself I got through Covid with no vaccine and no long term health problems.

By coincidence I was in Mexico when most of the Covid hysteria was being whipped up here in the U.S. There was nothing like that south of the border. Mexico's federal legislature and president let Mexicans go about their business unharrassed. Interestingly the only business I came across in Mexico that had Covid restrictions was a U.S. based grocery chain.

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It may not be fair that the group (apart from the Public) who were most fatally impacted by the Globalist's cooked-up horror pantomime, were the medical profession.

But they were our Vanguard.

And they stood down when it mattered most.

We can never trust them again.

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I know the amount of gaslighting they're used to doing, but the profound amount they did to ppl after these shots is unforgivable.

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The VA used mind control techniques on veterans to force/cajole/intimidate veterans into taking the covid DeathVax. Here is a the link:


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I stated this at the beginning, and on court record as far back as 2018 when I sarcastically stated, “I guess the NIH got bigger lab rats” because military, the prison population, minorities, orphaned children, mentally ill people have been experimented on for decades so it was not a stretch for me to believe it would only continue and grow worse. I heard, “that’s crazy” or “you’re crazy…’they’ wouldn’t do that to us.” One would have had to have seen the things I did in labs to know how unethical science has become. Of all the things I could have been wrong about (or have been wrong about in my lifetime), I wish this would have been one of them. There truly does need to be accountability for such atrocities.

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I receive all my healthcare at the VA.

Couldn't understand why there was such a heavy handed approach for the veterans to take the covid DeathVax.

I refused.

There were emails, letters in the mail, and phone calls which constituted a constant barrage. Many veterans were under the mistaken impression that their VA benefits would be stopped if they refused. No doubt some mini-Mengele VA employee who implied or inferred such draconian tactics to "punish" veterans.

"giving veterans one more chance to die for their country"

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I’m so sorry. That is horrendous. I sincerely mean that. Glad you refused. Wishing you a healthy and wonderful life.

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Thank you. I had problems after I was given the over-65 pneumonia shot. Vision problems for 18 months. Balance problems that still exist but luckily have lessened.

So...I will never, ever take another shot again. Someone will have to put a gun to my head, and fire...

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My husband was a patient in palliative care at the VA in 2020. Of course they wanted to inject all their patients and used the narrative of how bad it would be if he got sick. He was paralyzed from the neck down from PD due to exposure to AOrange. I allowed the initial shots bcus we were just hearing about potential injuries, but refused any follow up shots. They gave me one hour split between my daughter and I on the day he passed, we were not with him when he did. That was 11/2020. I’ll never forgive them for robbing our family of that painful part of life when you lose a spouse and a parent. Not to mention his fears. Where was his family? My only comfort is that he knew Jesus as his savior and is finally free from his broken body, thanks to government ☹️😠

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Heartbreaking...I am so sorry.

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We as a nation must never forget the infamous "Tuskegee Experiment." The price of democracy is relentless vigilance, as hackneyed as that may sound.

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I concur.

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Thank you for your raw insight into that world and your sentient comments which are so relatable . . I pray that justice will be served regarding all of this. But I feel pessimistic about that right now.

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American citizens' attitude toward and relationship with their veterans is a remarkably strange dynamic. When soldiers are called upon to fight they are lionized (as in "support our troops") but once they return home they are pretty much forgotten and left to fend for themselves. How many vets become the forgotten and maligned homeless?

How does an entire class of people (soldiers) go from being "noble warriors" to maligned, property-less, worthless vagrants? I think this says more about America than the people it conscripts to fights its (often pointless) wars.

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I concur. Additionally, migrants receive all manner of assistance while veterans are cast aside sans assistance, as though they are disposable lives. It’s awful, really.

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Judge them by what they do, not what they say.

Being cast aside with no assistance confirms that, to a predatious Government, intent only on conquering the resources of other countries, our Veterans ARE disposable lives once they've served their purpose.

How a country treats its most vulnerable, speaks volumes.

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Indeed, it does. I cannot state this enough…it is truly sadistic.

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I don't think it is the American citizens attitude towards veterans, but the American politicians attitude, which can be completely different.

If you ask the majority of citizens, I think they would want more resources to go to veterans, but we are never asked.

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Disgracefully, this is not a new problem. For example, the few survivors of the charge of The Light Brigade at Balaklava during The Crimean War in 1854 were also "pretty much forgotten and left to fend for themselves," as you so eloquently describe.

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All vaccines, mRNA poisons and most drugs are very dangerous. There was no covid and never will be any covid. It, like all viruses, is an excuse to poison and murder you. And guess what? You are not supposed to know your body is being destroyed and you are supposed to love that they are doing it anyway. Love your doc as you love your drugs.

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We, the "awake and critical thinking people" ................ are soooooo outnumbered and outgunned.

If, and this is a big IF , the small alliance of figures now banding together are NOT just controlled opposition ( jfk and tulsi and musk as a few examples) ....... then they are indeed the only hope for a miracle.

But again.... just look at who wins every political battle , and getting their foot soldiers in to all positions of power . ONE WAY OR ANOTHER .

Western countries are .................... screwed . But maybe i'm wrong

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We are primed for revolution, 2.0. Maybe 2.1. 2.0 was those of that have said fu from day one of scamdemic and stolen election. 2.1 is when the rest of y’all wake up and realize we need to shoot our way out of this. They will never give up power, and they’ve been bathing in it for years.

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have you been out on the streets recently ? i certainly don't see the rest of y'all waking up , and certainly not capable of what you're suggesting.

but......maybe i'm wrong

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You are not wrong!!

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It wasn’t only the shots. You should check out the policies as well. Even the policies were meant to kill people: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-covid-19-protocols-killed-millions

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If the credibility and honesty of the world's existing judicial authorities within their respective countries can be assessed as legitimate and fair, it should be mandated by public outcry and insistance to have those knowingly responsible from inception to execution of this forced and falsely promoted "vaccine" to the public called before tribunals for adjudication. There should be as an absolute minimum of punishment, to include: 1) the injection of each of these individuals with the minimum number of doses of these vaccines without regard for purity or preference and, 2) the mandatory confiscation of all stock gains, briberies and other benfits related to their abuse of power and authority. Other additional penalties should be enforced at the discretion of their respective judicial authorities.

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I like a good firing squad. Hanging is brutal.

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Eugenics is a very polite description. That has the connotation of selecting between good and bad genetics. Unless they were trying to remove the gullible in only the first world nations, this was genocide. The mandates suggest they wanted everybody, not just the easily gulled.

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Covid con artists had one goal in mind. Have the human race become their lab rats.

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And we all know what happens to the lab rats after the experiment.

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In simple terms the whole covid episode was a culling, an event very similar to the previous one 100 years before. How many times in the decades preceding the covid period did we see the term antivaxer in our newspapers or on television? Have you seen it since ? I haven't. Please visit beforeitsnews and visit dr. Bryan ardis on David Nino Rodriguez's show possibly the most important video you will ever watch pertaining to covid.

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Remember, they aren’t incompetent - they have a bucket list, and we’re on it.

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Very interesting 🧐 thank you !!!

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The Covid Plandemic ..was far and away the greatest Genocidal sneak attack in the history of mankind. With the most diabolical premeditated precisely formulated Slow Kill bio weapon ever created.. I would be surprised if they had any less than three or four GOF labs working on this formulation for less than 7 to 10 years..

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29 year old Michaela DePrince died today. They have not released any info yet on cause of death but she was a principal ballerina for the Boston Ballet in 2021 when they required all dancers to be jabbed and boosted.

"Boston Ballet requires all dancers to be fully vaccinated and boosted. In addition, the organization has invested in several facility upgrades including optimized HVAC ventilation and filtration and brand-new streaming technology to allow choreographers to work with the dancers virtually when needed."


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Is there a class action suit against each manufacturer we can jump on?

Or ANY class action involving this holocaust?

Thank you❤️

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