The Truth Always Reveals Itself, In The End: “The decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq. I mean of Ukraine.”
Whether it be the the Truth about the bogus “pandemic” in PSYOP-19, or the slow kill DEATHVAX™, or the illegal (proxy) wars that the USSA is engaged in (with the corrupt and compromised nation of Ukraine being the most blatant example, especially factoring in the current “Big Guy” puppet president’s dealings in said nation), the Truth always has a way of revealing itself; to wit:
Russian elections are rigged, and in zero contrast so are the USSA’s.
Criminal G. W. Bush is 75 years old, which makes him nearly half a decade younger than the senile adult diaper soiling ice cream eating pedo criminal puppet president. That excuse must indemnify them both against their lifelong corruption and murder.
Sorry means you’ll do it again: expect more slips of the tongues and low effort mea culpas as the Psyops and False Flags become worse while simultaneously backfiring.
What is truly “brutal” is the state of slavery in America, which continues to get incrementally worse daily via the federal government, the private central bank and the myriad private unconstitutional agencies from the CIA to the IRS. The USSA citizenry are nothing more than food for the Corporation that has commenced its accelerated slaughter schedule en route to the One World Government posthuman technofascist dystopia for the surviving human cattle.
Do NOT comply.
And to think, at one time in my life I was all in on the "left" bad "right" good. I wonder how many there out there like me. Mea culpa... I at least try to educate those near to me of the futility of the left/right paradigm with writers such as 2nd Smartest Guy and others in the hope the scales fall from their eyes too. Thank you.
"You really can't make this $h!t up!"