The push back against this massive, worldwide hoax has got to be significant. The governments of all so-called, free civilized nations are lock step together on this hustle. They have and will continue to remove, piece by piece, our most basic rights in the name of climate disruption. The stage was set with the scamdemic, where they saw the control exhibited over the weak minded among us to obey a lie without question. Why not go for it! There are plenty of drones out in the street eager to live in fear of the next conjured up control mechanism. Oh, and RFK Jr. is just another womanizing Kennedy and a slimy Democrat, who is knee deep in the climate BS. No compliance, No cooperation, No mercy

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Gaslighting the masses has become a fine art form, and I don’t have a clue how to stop the world from going to hell in a handbasket!

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This is a very tough battle we are in as there are so many climate believers and those who oppose the narrative are shunned.

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I dare not even bring it up when I’m around my friends adult children.

They are fully on board and would see me as a kook, an ill informed enemy !

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I have the same problem with my friend’s adult children. They have totally been indoctrinated and might as well be religious fanatics. It is a religion to them and arguing with them is fruitless. They can live in the world they have helped create and they deserve every bit of suffering they will endure.

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Yes, I concur, however what irks me is that they are forcing this onto my young little Grandchildren !

I have lived in the best of times (without really knowing what was really going on), still it did not impinge on my enjoyment of a relatively carefree existence compared to now and what may be the future for them. This keeps me awake at night. Keeps me thinking I have to turn their heads around to the truth and that's a mighty hard job at this point in time as they have closed off their minds even when facts are presented. The indoctrination has been highly successful, sadly.

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What you just said is totally in line with what Yuri Bezmenov said about the indoctrinated. Even the smartest of us aren’t as smart as they think they are.

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Yep...wise words from Yuri B.

He tried to warn us.

I can hardly believe it all came to pass.

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John Stossel. Yeah that mustache, kinda conservative guy.

Most plastic cannot be recycled:

(7 mins) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLkfpjJoNkA

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Dunno about that...

I know about this plastic recycling system.


The plant is located in the town of my birth.

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John Tierney, NY Times Magazine June/1996 "Recycling is garbage."

~5% of plastic gets recycled.


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Always the invisible enemy they use to change society - global warming, Covid, etc

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Climate Death Cult

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The Zero Carbon they're driving is referring to us...

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As I heard Rush say repeatedly (badly paraphrased, I’m sure):

Who determines the optimal temperature for the Earth and what data do they use to support that assertion?

I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone else ask that question. Certainly no “journalist”.

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Exactly. The idea that government even KNOWS the 'optimal' temperature for the planet is shaky. The idea that with enough money and power, they could get and keep the planet at that temperature........that's fucking nuts.

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Maybe I missed something (?).

I agree that most if not all that congress publicizes is kabuki theater at best, but I don't know that Senator Kennedy is a proponent of the climate/carbon/control idiocracy. I haven't seen him advocating for the climate hoax, rather he appears to realize it's theater and uses his Will Rogers persona to make a point.

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I suggest you carefully rewatch the clip, and then reread this article.

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I did. I will admit that on the first read I skipped the twitter link (because I think twitter and the bullshit that emanates from that caustic cess pool has done more harm to the world than anything else), and after listening I did hear Senator Kennedy say, "...I'm all for carbon neutrality..." but I don't think that is a factual statement as much as a politically expedient statement to not instantly turn off the ears of the climate nazis.

Do I think the senator makes errors, makes generalizations, says things that he doesn't completely understand or supports, in order to gain influence and change the direction of the conversation and the country, sure. All politicians do.

But I also don't think he is an enemy of the truth. I don't think he is to be cast aside for a mid stream comment.

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See my above comment. We need to be precise and accurate.

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To your point, 2nd, Kennedy did not have to say "I'm all for carbon neutrality ".

I think he said it twice.

My question is why he takes this stance at all...

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Has he publicly repudiated the life cycle?

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May 6, 2023
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We are not allowed to lie, mislead, or otherwise do evil for a potential good reason (Romans 3:8).

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is not a Senator. His father was and his uncles were; John F. Kennedy (35th US President) and Edward M Kennedy respectively. As far as I am aware, he purports that so-called climate change (originally, global warming) is caused by activities of normal human living rather than having been intentionally caused by tropospheric nanoparticulate spraying/EMF bombardment of the ionosphere.

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We are talking about Senator John Neely Kennedy of Louisiana, who is NOT related to the New England Kennedy dynasty.

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I see the problem. The post was originally about Kennedy of Louisiana but, why then was this used: "the surviving John Kennedy has nothing in common with the assassinated one?" I thought that was a pivot to RFK Jr. but you're saying it wasn't. My mistake. RJK Jr has been a proponent of man-made climate change rather than it being the result of geoengineering/EMF etc. I don't know if he has changed his position.

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Thanks to 2nd, with whom I fully agree, here. I know what Carbon is. I know what neutrality means. I’ve never bothered to give the “in” phrase, “Carbon Neutrality” any value as the entire “danger” of the mild warming natural cycle and blaming man has no scientific foundation, but speculation, based on deliberately misleading public by inferring that the original IPCC reports blamed man for the warming. No, there was neither consensus nor even discussion of any possible role of man. Not an included subject. Many scientists involved in the IPCC studies complained about their work being misrepresented. Further, the dumb butts crying about CO2 and its element Carbon are waving their ignorance. We don’t hear any of these reality ignorants mentioning that CO2 is food for plants and, therefore, for man, nor how low the current percentage is compared to our planet’s previous levels. By the way, we are a carbon based life form. An element kinda of important to us, well, perhaps a little more than kinda. Gotta smile.

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If RFK Jr. can present his views on the great harm the injections have done and the push to vaccinate the world and have it stopped, I'm in his camp! I see no one else in the political arena having the guts to address this issue. He made the statement. I'm willing to listen to alternative views if you can provide the facts and I can change my mind about issues effecting us. I paraphrased his words.

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trump will come around ... eventually.

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There is no evidence in the public domain in support of that proposition that I am aware of. He has been consistently pro CV19 injection and the great success of OWS.

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Thanks for you substack and hard work, saw this thought you might like it..


“secondary bacterial pneumonia that does not resolve was a key driver of death in patients with COVID-19.

It may even exceed death rates from the viral infection itself.”


What really killed COVID-19 patients: It wasn't a cytokine storm, suggests study



Machine learning links unresolving secondary pneumonia to mortality in patients with severe pneumonia, including COVID-19


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According to some long term fema employees, in 1975 the (Lucyferianluvin) powers that be decided to kill off all natural life on earth by 2025, and leave only AI driven synthetic life. Celeste Solum, I believe, is the source...

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I had heard Kennedy during the questioning the Deputy Secreatry of Energy the other day and when he said he is all in favor or carbon neutrality I almost dropped over. Eventually the ALL show themselves for who they really are. I wonder if either of these 2 know what carbon neutrality is??

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Shouldn't the Energy gurus be promoting an increase in Co2 production by planting trees. Destruction of the South American Rain forests are changing climate patterns as well as cloud seeding? How can we continue to turn science upside down and buy into the phoney arguments? We are acclerating changes in weather patterns with the actions we are taking in destroying our forests.

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Whenever I see Honorable in front of someone's name, I think they and the yankers conferring the title are probably the exact opposite.

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Thanks 2nd. Only good thing to emerge from this scamdemic?

The truly awake folk have seen through all of the modern scams.

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