Billionaires playing God. That just won’t work out well for them in the end.

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The hate i have for these philanthropaths and psrchopaths knows no bounds. We have learned nothing. Humans wanting to play god. It never ends well

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Defeat them with love.

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And non-compliance of course.

Weak people will line up to comply with the rollouts of various features of this insidious trend. Hopefully, the non-participants will outnumber them.

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Mar 31, 2023
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💯👀 But how to defeat these reptilian, luciferian overlords and their technocratic dystopia

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For years, Catherine Austin Fitts has been telling us that the Ruling Elites figure they only need 20% of us for doing Their dirty work for Them, & that the rest of us need to GO. Maybe we should pay attention....

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...remember that any interaction with 'ai' is feeding the beast.

So many people seem to be asking questions to see what the answers are. Perhaps they think of it as fun, perhgaps as research, to timeline changes as shown here. To me all this, from whatever motive, helps fuel the system and speeds our demise.

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This is extremely important information that goes right to the heart of the madness of the times. Thank you. I wrote on the same topic this week, taking Benjamin Bratton's "The Stack" as a point of departure for outlining cybernetic totalitarianism in an era of biodigital convergence:


I'm also working on a piece, "Global Population: From Eugenics to Transhumanism," that provides what I take to be important historical and geopolitical contexts for the singularitarian/transhumanist moment in which we presently find ourselves.

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Ten thousand stars and thumbs up on this post 2nd Smartest (and to Spartacus) / appreciate this post, 2nd Smartest Guy. Precisely correct and on the money and TRUE. From the perspective of someone who believes in God, something I'm double-bind / confounded by, is why God has permitted them to go this far. Why He didnt thwart them from carrying this cybernetic hybridization demon-supplied-technology out. Just like so many other unfathomably dark things that have been permitted, I'm totally confounded at the permission of this being executed / carried out/actually implemented for real. Because, as you state in the post accurately, it IS being implemented for real, on unwitting John Q public, jabbed and non-jabbed alike, as well as on all wildlife creation, and pets and the natural environment at large . Full Spectrum Infestation /Infection / Contamination. Everyone needs to keep in mind that, along with the transgenic off-gassed infective 'particles' from the franken Covid 'vaxxes', the polymorphic mutant-ing 'nanites' are also in the covert appearance of 'dust-bunnies' and "spiderweb-like'-appearing material, indistinguishable 'dust fibers' (the 'smartdust' is well camouflaged in our daily surroundings and atmosphere). Also via programmed nanopowders in processed food, like candies and gums with titanium dioxide coatings, and clothing textiles, and in the water, on and on. My assumption is that the mutant-ing will intensify in the upcoming years, since we've all been seeded with iterations of it, each tweaked version of it, in various formats through the years up til present. Covid times was definitely their most advanced iteration of the covert, biohacking, in vivo hybridized autonomous nano frankentech, unleashed on us thus far. Even darker and even more unreal / surreal times coming ahead, that is for sure.................. (Pray daily for help and guidance, and do the best you can each day to get into as clean (internally, externally, morally, ethically, spiritually) and fit/healthy and organized and agile, a state of being, as you possibly can manage to muster and maintain. Stay strong, everyone.)

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Great insight. I was shocked it would go this far as well but then I thought much more about the "abomination of desolation" (Daniel 9:25-27; Matthew 24:15) in a new more figurative context, and it began to make sense in a way it never had before.

To destroy the imago-Dei (image of God) by spoiling/transforming what God has placed in each human being would be aptly described as both an abomination and a kind of desolation/emptiness from that which should exist in a God-given body/soul composite person. The desolation in this way of thinking would be a destruction of the person's temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). I also think Mark's gospel hints at this where he has Our Lord Jesus saying: "When you see the desolating sacrilege set up where it should not be...." (Mark 13:14) which figuratively could apply to each person's temple of the Holy Spirit.

The enemy (Satan) wants there to be no Christians remaining when Christ returns and Christ alluded to this possibility in Luke 18:8 saying, "but when I return will I find faith on the earth?" We know we are to persevere/resist "but he who endures to the end will be saved." (Matthew 24:13). Ergo: the "do not comply" is wise council that is, do not have anything to do with any aspect of the Mark of the Beast system being put in place.

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“That is the danger here. Extinction is what happens when adaptation fails.”

—Peter Nayland Kust

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It would be an interesting analysis to explore why it's predominantly men who are obsessed with transhumanism and artificial intelligence. Or even the predominance of male billionaires and 'philanthropaths'. It suggests womb envy - the fact that men cannot carry and bear a living being is driving them to try to create artificial 'life'. Or you see them desperately trying to change sex and become transwomen. It's not enough to be an alpha male. The drive to dominate, surveil and control is strong in these men. It seems to come from a profound sense of insecurity and emptiness. The thing is, Mother Nature bats last. The hatred and jealousy men have for women is now being revealed as predators violate more and more boundaries women have set up to protect themselves and their children. This won't end well for anyone, including these transhumanists.

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TMI Scary as hell! A road we should not travel. The complexity of life forms on the nano level is complex and pushing all living things over the edge is a reality! We just may accelerate the 6th extinction on Earth. Please do a deep dive on Moderna and we should learn the truth of the preplanned Covid crisis.

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Thanks for the Ron Johnson clip. Makes sense now.

The beast he's going to go away eventually. He's going to run a muck on his masters. It's not going to work out how they think.

Yeah it's pretty scary, they were almost there.

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Much respect Spartacus and 2SG.

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It is good to have this thorough account of what to expect, and it is certainly insane. I also find it laughable and probably inevitable, especially if you are someone who has put a good amount of trust in the tech industry from the onset, and just keep going with adding one devise after another, an updated smart phone every year or so, the newest digital wearable on the market. We shouldn't fool ourselves many people are already 10 or more % trans-human and don't see it. Meanwhile, if we are really serious about staying totally human, we need to fight for it. I mean get rid of these devises, put your feet in the ground, the sand, the sea the grass. Eat only organic. Drink good water. . . and so on. We each need to identify with our God given resources that we have been given and cultivate everyone. We need to absolutely refuse to identify with any of the bull__it ways in which they see us. We each need to respect each and every person who honors their humanity, or those who are searching for it and need assistance. We can't give up! Knowing the facts is important, but getting stuck in them as if we are already victims--I absolutely refuse to allow it. . . As the 2nd Smartest Guy says at the end of his substack: Do NOT Comply!

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Thanks 2nd.

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Nature blooms in the presence of opposing forces.

The revelations technocracy has unveiled in the last three years are giving rise to a far more powerful change. The evolution of free will is something they should fear.

I started on a journey towards self-sufficiency in 2020, pushed by waves of crises - but it has given rise to the most important realisation I've ever had. I wrote about it here:


5th Gen Warfare is ubiquitous for a reason. What they're trying to hide is everywhere.

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In English, auf Deutsch and en francais!


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Mar 31, 2023
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Appreciate the book suggestions

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Apr 1, 2023
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Thanks, Jack.

I’ve been a big fan of David Icke and James Corbett for many years.

I’ve been the conspiracy theorist amongst my family & friends for almost 30 years. It started when I was in university getting my nutrition degree and I was told that Linus Pauling and vitamin C don’t care anything it’s just a vitamin… Linus Pauling was labeled a kook/ quack. I realized that all the nutrition information that I was trained to espouse was really for the benefit of the profiteers, and I looked into the history of Rockefeller medicine… Down the rabbit hole I went. I left my career in Dietetics to follow alternative / holistic health wellness practices.

Then came chemtrails / geoengineering ... Secret Societies, hidden history of architecture & free atmospheric energy (worlds fairs / Tartaria / aliens) the hidden history of our money/ The Fed (Creature from Jekyll Island). It goes on an on. Everything “they” tell us is a lie or cover up.

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I need to check out Matt Ehret's discussion with Edward Slavsquat. My impression of Ehret was that he is naive/aloof about Putin's Russia and their push for vax passports and digital transformation given their participation in the WEFs Cyber Polygon. My impression continues to be that the top countries have to play the big game (climate change, 4IR, ESG) despite supposedly being at odds on the surface. Thanks for your contribution.

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