That article is from October 2020, even before the vaccines started - I want to see a follow up now that we're a year and half into the jabs!

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Great point! I did not realize the date since Steve Kirsch made it sound like a current release. And yes, I too would like to see a followup, though sadly we both know full well what that would read like...

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Although I appreciate Steve Kirsch's efforts about Covid being sold as something other than it really is. He, in my opinion, has jumped the gun breathlessly to report on something without doing any research. This hurts more than it helps because he is basically just the other side of the Covid coin. Neither side is good...the good part is the middle of the coin...that sliver of metal that joins the 2 sides. He has been wrong about many things because he wants to be the first to announce it....

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I was surprised by the number of Steve’s followers who willingly responded to a curiously generously Uni funded Covid ‘hour long survey’ whom many readers said required personal info, psychologically intrusive, not built for purpose and off task. Many completed it regardless?

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sharp EYE!

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