This is definitely a dark period of history but they aren’t nearly as far along as they want to be and even with all their censorship and propaganda their agenda is not being accepted. Only 3% in their own polls say climate change is a priority. Plant based meats are being rejected in the marketplace (think people will really go for bugs!) and people that buy electric cars often turn them in when they experience how inconvenient they are. As much as they push their jabs the uptake has dropped off significantly, most parents said no to jabbing their children. The people they try to attack and destroy become more popular. It feels like desperation and I just don’t believe people are going to accept this. Of course they’ll try and in liberal areas they’ll get some of this done but in rural ex-urban America I just don’t see it happening. Maybe some European countries, Australia, or NZ and that will further wake up other people. These people need to be mocked, held responsible for their crimes and run out of our lives for good. I’m not letting them demoralize or depress me, that is what they want and need to get this agenda done.
I think a big test will come this fall when/if they try to reimpose lockdowns and school closures and mask mandates. If the majority of people comply, after it has been proven the harm that has come from these brutal policies, then I am afraid for us. A lot of us were naive back then and believed the "2 weeks to slow the spread.." But now? No. If people comply now, we are screwed.
I believe you & have spoken to several strangers who are just becoming aware that there is an underlying evil system turning the screw against humanity. Like you I fear we could lose this war but even my old brainwashed father is starting to realise our government could well be doing the wrong thing. Even the jabbed are questioning what is going on, there is hope!!!
the ones I carefully talked to did not believe there was a background evil. Only one of my friends thinks it to be true, but that is a religious nerd and all talk is about the devil. Not evil people !
Just keep trying to wake up who ever you can, the more of us alive to the situation the better we have to save as much as we can of our freedom & Normal Life. In the UK our last Covid death & hospitalised statistics was stated as 93% double or triple jabbed not the unvaccinated & I point out the Pfizer Documents, only released as a result of court order, shows a devastated list of over 1200 known adverse effects. If this jab was so safe & effective why did Pfizer hide the data?
Indeed. Before they even started injecting, I knew all the animal trials had failed. There was even a cartoon with 2 mice, one asking, will you take the jab? And the other responds, hell no, I wait to see what happens with the humans. I thought that would be effective. But no one paid attention ! Cartoons often tell truth where words fail.
We’ve been softened up in advance of this by CRT, BLM, social distancing,masks, etc. When they get men to believe they can have babies those men are ready for the last step. Lots of us are already ready.
I don't understand the bit about the "selfishness of those who claim germs do not exist." People who say things like that are NOT part of the agenda and they are NOT pushing the narrative. They are challenging what we've all been taught about disease. They are demanding we not be so naïve, which the author should want regardless of whether or not he feels they are correct.
My problem with the “germs do not exist” crowd is that while they may not be consciously pushing the narrative, they do serve to discredit anyone questioning it. Hence why everything that goes against the narrative is labeled a “conspiracy theory”. Conspiracy theorists are readily regarded as nut cases and the more of us they can lump in with that category, the easier it is to keep momentum behind the agenda.
People who think one's environment is typically the cause of disease actually have a lot of science and history backing them up. If you're worried about how the already-propagandized view THEM, you're not doing a good enough job waking the masses up.
it wasn't Kaufman that made me start thinking terrain theory is more in line with reality then germ theory but nevermind there's a broader point to this dispute and it is this:
Geert Vanden Bossche, Bret Weinstein, Robert Malone, bad cat/boriqua gato (who just doesn't want his skin in the game), Vernon Coleman and many more in what you deem "the truth movement" are indeed fighting fiercely to expose the dumpster fire that started burning openly in March 2020, but they are doing it because they are completely invested in their professional lives and they just want for everything to go back to as it was in 2019.
I sincerely ask you, do you think things were okay in 2019? Could you go back knowing what you know now relating to all the big industries and regulators?
my message to all these gentlemen (Geert Vanden Bossche, Robert Malone, Vernon Coleman, Bret Weinstein), a cat, and to you personally is: no, you won't be able to sweep this under a rug, things cannot go back to bussiness-as-usual with ever progressing number of autistic children, this has to stop and the name calling won't suppress me.
sticks and stones my good buddy, sticks and stones.
and oh, by the way, I'm happy for you, it took some time to learn how to properly conflate groups of people who may or may not overlap in their beliefs, didn't it?
free piece of advice for you as a parting gift, if you fall of the edge and slide down an elephant grab on the turtle like your life depends upon it :)
I really appreciate Dr. Coleman and his voice matters. I don't however agree we lose. We won't. We'll pay a very high price, many will die, but we win in the end. While those behind this are doing whatever they can to tighten the grip, it is because they are desperate and actually weak. We have to see through that and recognize what we see out there is not an accurate accounting of what's happening. Can't prove it, but I know it. Humans win.
To my dismay, Nicky Haley, who is a WEF young leader, seems to be taking the microphone about the mid term elections, saying that if the reps do not win, there will be no elections in 2024 (or something of that kind). I do not trust her at all. We know that voting does not help much, but if she is in there, I don't want to vote rep either and the dems are out of the question.
If social credit arrives I will refuse to work anymore. I’d rather live In a tent. This country is so big it would be impossible to police it with even with a standing army.
Look at our police force now? when was the last time you saw someone pulled over. If enough people say 3 % of our population say no they will lose. Molon Labe I say I will not comply. Oops that was one of the FB lies keywords that your a extremist that doesn’t want the NWO.
Worry not about the compliant and their many jabs -- they'll be far too busy suffering (and worse) in the weeks, months and years ahead. The term to remember there is "low hanging fruit". Sad but true.
The silver lining of the last three years : at least those of us who saw this coming and quietly prepared now know who we do and DON'T trust, esp. locally.
The real questions are 1) how the socio-economic challenges of the days ahead will functionally impact any actual "resistance" to state-imposed "order" as things get weirder, and 2) what fraction of law enforcement and the military will "flip" when their moment of clarity arrives, and 3) will technology be enough to enforce the "new normal" in every rural nook and remote cranny on the planet, and if not...?
But how will people start to accept these truths and change their minds and actions? Does it really take until it is too late before people finally start to get it and stop supporting their own demise? I'm afraid simply exposing them to the information is not enough. I see too many people (not here of course,) who seem to know these things are real but choose to ignore their reality. The cognitive dissonance and uncomfortableness to change the fountain of their beliefs is too much for them. Most people are not comfortable to admit their personal foundations are shaky and they are making the wrong decisions of who and what they support. How can they be changed?
Simply put Erica, no one can "be changed". Based on personal experience and similar stories from others who've earned trust, it appears our "reality" requires each *personified* spirit to experience what we'll call "transformative" moments on an individual basis.
Whether it's a burning bush, a light in the sky or perhaps the searing crucible of health issues (affecting themselves or someone close) that forces an honest re-examination and those first uneasy steps into the vast realm of discovery just beyond the bastions of orthodoxy.
Or not. As the well-worn old saying goes; you can lead a horse to water...
However, history also demonstrates that when radicalization "moments" arrive at larger scales, it features *both* angry mobs of desperate regulars pushed beyond reasonable limits and a commensurate level of bleeding on their part when they eventually press their case.
Historical hindsight also demonstrates that the forces of "order" have remained a vigilant lot since the only real "global" outbreak of reformist movements in 1848. Some of which were ultimately defeated from within, a tried-and-true "state" tactic we would do well to respect in the present.
And since you closed with the "what do we do" question, I humbly suggest investing your limited energy in protecting those who you can, including yourself.
Burning off such a limited -- and valuable -- resource away in billows of green smoke and reverberating sound, all in trying to "convert" the unwilling, is unwise at best and willfully dangerous at worst in sideways times like these.
Great comment and I strongly agree. It's that constant question that plagues me, however lately I have been finding it's a waste of energy to focus mostly on. Like you said, it's more important to use energy to continue learning, enhancing one's skills, good character, etc. And definitely surround myself with good people.
Could you please point me in the right direction regarding the literature from which I could gain some knowledge relating to reformist movements from 1848.?
As a lifelong musician (on the side), it's always nice to know when a thing resonates. Thanks. As for the requested syllabus, I wouldn't have arrived *here* without developing the ability (very) early on for self-direction and self-study sans curation from on high. In my youth, that meant libraries and phone calls and lots of unanswered questions.
You know more than enough to get started : 1848, a string of Republican uprisings against king & crown around the world in the wake of the Congress of Vienna 1815, a new round of statist backlash... go.
classical guitarst (as well on the side:)) here, but ever since wife and I were blessed with a baby late last year the time for deeper dives in history became scarce and that's also true for my playing.
One thing is clear to me: we will win. One. We need to. Two. There are routes to winning. Most recently, I took a big learning leap (though I've been in the truth movement for over 15 years). I wrote about it in my post from today. One thing I'll ask you. What's your biggest recent learning? Here's mine - which also details how I learned:
If this wasn't such a serious matter the cartoon would be fun but this is most certainly no laughing matter is it. My fear is "what are we going to be left with when we do win". I can not believe that the majority of the population are going to sit by & permit the devastating Great Reset.
This is definitely a dark period of history but they aren’t nearly as far along as they want to be and even with all their censorship and propaganda their agenda is not being accepted. Only 3% in their own polls say climate change is a priority. Plant based meats are being rejected in the marketplace (think people will really go for bugs!) and people that buy electric cars often turn them in when they experience how inconvenient they are. As much as they push their jabs the uptake has dropped off significantly, most parents said no to jabbing their children. The people they try to attack and destroy become more popular. It feels like desperation and I just don’t believe people are going to accept this. Of course they’ll try and in liberal areas they’ll get some of this done but in rural ex-urban America I just don’t see it happening. Maybe some European countries, Australia, or NZ and that will further wake up other people. These people need to be mocked, held responsible for their crimes and run out of our lives for good. I’m not letting them demoralize or depress me, that is what they want and need to get this agenda done.
Fabulous response.
Bankers want to continue to profit by printing digits. WEF are the front-men. Yes, it
is more complex than that, but it may be the bottom line.
Well said , I love your attitude!
I think a big test will come this fall when/if they try to reimpose lockdowns and school closures and mask mandates. If the majority of people comply, after it has been proven the harm that has come from these brutal policies, then I am afraid for us. A lot of us were naive back then and believed the "2 weeks to slow the spread.." But now? No. If people comply now, we are screwed.
I agree with you. I am afraid that most people are all talk. I guess inly time will tell.
Here in Denver Commierado less than 5 percent are masked. I have hopium!
I believe you & have spoken to several strangers who are just becoming aware that there is an underlying evil system turning the screw against humanity. Like you I fear we could lose this war but even my old brainwashed father is starting to realise our government could well be doing the wrong thing. Even the jabbed are questioning what is going on, there is hope!!!
the ones I carefully talked to did not believe there was a background evil. Only one of my friends thinks it to be true, but that is a religious nerd and all talk is about the devil. Not evil people !
Just keep trying to wake up who ever you can, the more of us alive to the situation the better we have to save as much as we can of our freedom & Normal Life. In the UK our last Covid death & hospitalised statistics was stated as 93% double or triple jabbed not the unvaccinated & I point out the Pfizer Documents, only released as a result of court order, shows a devastated list of over 1200 known adverse effects. If this jab was so safe & effective why did Pfizer hide the data?
Indeed. Before they even started injecting, I knew all the animal trials had failed. There was even a cartoon with 2 mice, one asking, will you take the jab? And the other responds, hell no, I wait to see what happens with the humans. I thought that would be effective. But no one paid attention ! Cartoons often tell truth where words fail.
haven't seen those yet ! may I ask where you got them ?
We’ve been softened up in advance of this by CRT, BLM, social distancing,masks, etc. When they get men to believe they can have babies those men are ready for the last step. Lots of us are already ready.
I don't understand the bit about the "selfishness of those who claim germs do not exist." People who say things like that are NOT part of the agenda and they are NOT pushing the narrative. They are challenging what we've all been taught about disease. They are demanding we not be so naïve, which the author should want regardless of whether or not he feels they are correct.
My problem with the “germs do not exist” crowd is that while they may not be consciously pushing the narrative, they do serve to discredit anyone questioning it. Hence why everything that goes against the narrative is labeled a “conspiracy theory”. Conspiracy theorists are readily regarded as nut cases and the more of us they can lump in with that category, the easier it is to keep momentum behind the agenda.
But if they are correct then we've been subject to the biggest con ever. And big pharma and this depop agenda using injections are over.
The claim isn't that these things don't exist, but that they are not pathogenic.
People who think one's environment is typically the cause of disease actually have a lot of science and history backing them up. If you're worried about how the already-propagandized view THEM, you're not doing a good enough job waking the masses up.
you sure have a way with words.
it wasn't Kaufman that made me start thinking terrain theory is more in line with reality then germ theory but nevermind there's a broader point to this dispute and it is this:
Geert Vanden Bossche, Bret Weinstein, Robert Malone, bad cat/boriqua gato (who just doesn't want his skin in the game), Vernon Coleman and many more in what you deem "the truth movement" are indeed fighting fiercely to expose the dumpster fire that started burning openly in March 2020, but they are doing it because they are completely invested in their professional lives and they just want for everything to go back to as it was in 2019.
I sincerely ask you, do you think things were okay in 2019? Could you go back knowing what you know now relating to all the big industries and regulators?
Look up what happened to Dr. Christopher Exley ( and how thinking of Dr. Mike Yeadon evolved over the last two years, this last interview from 20 days ago is really an eye opener -
my message to all these gentlemen (Geert Vanden Bossche, Robert Malone, Vernon Coleman, Bret Weinstein), a cat, and to you personally is: no, you won't be able to sweep this under a rug, things cannot go back to bussiness-as-usual with ever progressing number of autistic children, this has to stop and the name calling won't suppress me.
sticks and stones my good buddy, sticks and stones.
and oh, by the way, I'm happy for you, it took some time to learn how to properly conflate groups of people who may or may not overlap in their beliefs, didn't it?
free piece of advice for you as a parting gift, if you fall of the edge and slide down an elephant grab on the turtle like your life depends upon it :)
I don't think it's CIA-orchestrated at all.
Agree with you RR. I thought that was a weak point in the article.
When Dr. Coleman loses hope, so do I. Thank you for all you have done for 2 plus years to wake people
up to the evil that surrounds us. I know we are not alone...but wanted to tell you how much you
have helped me and how grateful I am for your wisdom. PS I love your fiction books too.
I fear for our future also, as I don't see people waking up to the evil.
Japan has said no, and that is encouraging.
Bless you for ssying that. Yes. Bless vernon coleman
I really appreciate Dr. Coleman and his voice matters. I don't however agree we lose. We won't. We'll pay a very high price, many will die, but we win in the end. While those behind this are doing whatever they can to tighten the grip, it is because they are desperate and actually weak. We have to see through that and recognize what we see out there is not an accurate accounting of what's happening. Can't prove it, but I know it. Humans win.
To my dismay, Nicky Haley, who is a WEF young leader, seems to be taking the microphone about the mid term elections, saying that if the reps do not win, there will be no elections in 2024 (or something of that kind). I do not trust her at all. We know that voting does not help much, but if she is in there, I don't want to vote rep either and the dems are out of the question.
If social credit arrives I will refuse to work anymore. I’d rather live In a tent. This country is so big it would be impossible to police it with even with a standing army.
Look at our police force now? when was the last time you saw someone pulled over. If enough people say 3 % of our population say no they will lose. Molon Labe I say I will not comply. Oops that was one of the FB lies keywords that your a extremist that doesn’t want the NWO.
Worry not about the compliant and their many jabs -- they'll be far too busy suffering (and worse) in the weeks, months and years ahead. The term to remember there is "low hanging fruit". Sad but true.
The silver lining of the last three years : at least those of us who saw this coming and quietly prepared now know who we do and DON'T trust, esp. locally.
The real questions are 1) how the socio-economic challenges of the days ahead will functionally impact any actual "resistance" to state-imposed "order" as things get weirder, and 2) what fraction of law enforcement and the military will "flip" when their moment of clarity arrives, and 3) will technology be enough to enforce the "new normal" in every rural nook and remote cranny on the planet, and if not...?
But how will people start to accept these truths and change their minds and actions? Does it really take until it is too late before people finally start to get it and stop supporting their own demise? I'm afraid simply exposing them to the information is not enough. I see too many people (not here of course,) who seem to know these things are real but choose to ignore their reality. The cognitive dissonance and uncomfortableness to change the fountain of their beliefs is too much for them. Most people are not comfortable to admit their personal foundations are shaky and they are making the wrong decisions of who and what they support. How can they be changed?
Simply put Erica, no one can "be changed". Based on personal experience and similar stories from others who've earned trust, it appears our "reality" requires each *personified* spirit to experience what we'll call "transformative" moments on an individual basis.
Whether it's a burning bush, a light in the sky or perhaps the searing crucible of health issues (affecting themselves or someone close) that forces an honest re-examination and those first uneasy steps into the vast realm of discovery just beyond the bastions of orthodoxy.
Or not. As the well-worn old saying goes; you can lead a horse to water...
However, history also demonstrates that when radicalization "moments" arrive at larger scales, it features *both* angry mobs of desperate regulars pushed beyond reasonable limits and a commensurate level of bleeding on their part when they eventually press their case.
Historical hindsight also demonstrates that the forces of "order" have remained a vigilant lot since the only real "global" outbreak of reformist movements in 1848. Some of which were ultimately defeated from within, a tried-and-true "state" tactic we would do well to respect in the present.
And since you closed with the "what do we do" question, I humbly suggest investing your limited energy in protecting those who you can, including yourself.
Burning off such a limited -- and valuable -- resource away in billows of green smoke and reverberating sound, all in trying to "convert" the unwilling, is unwise at best and willfully dangerous at worst in sideways times like these.
Great comment and I strongly agree. It's that constant question that plagues me, however lately I have been finding it's a waste of energy to focus mostly on. Like you said, it's more important to use energy to continue learning, enhancing one's skills, good character, etc. And definitely surround myself with good people.
I appreciate your post, it resonated!
Could you please point me in the right direction regarding the literature from which I could gain some knowledge relating to reformist movements from 1848.?
As a lifelong musician (on the side), it's always nice to know when a thing resonates. Thanks. As for the requested syllabus, I wouldn't have arrived *here* without developing the ability (very) early on for self-direction and self-study sans curation from on high. In my youth, that meant libraries and phone calls and lots of unanswered questions.
You know more than enough to get started : 1848, a string of Republican uprisings against king & crown around the world in the wake of the Congress of Vienna 1815, a new round of statist backlash... go.
classical guitarst (as well on the side:)) here, but ever since wife and I were blessed with a baby late last year the time for deeper dives in history became scarce and that's also true for my playing.
One thing is clear to me: we will win. One. We need to. Two. There are routes to winning. Most recently, I took a big learning leap (though I've been in the truth movement for over 15 years). I wrote about it in my post from today. One thing I'll ask you. What's your biggest recent learning? Here's mine - which also details how I learned:
Failure is not an option. Opportunity to
Defy billionaires psychopathic blood sucking things that have forgotten their
Divinity and humanity.!!!
If this wasn't such a serious matter the cartoon would be fun but this is most certainly no laughing matter is it. My fear is "what are we going to be left with when we do win". I can not believe that the majority of the population are going to sit by & permit the devastating Great Reset.
Couldn't agree more. I love Dr vernon coleman