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something does not add up ..... cant tell real from fake these days ...

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Oh and he also took it after having had covid. You would think a Vaccinologist would know that getting a vaccine after the sickness is not a good idea. Even Vanderbossche knows this lol

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mRNA tech is used in advanced prostrate ca for at least the past 5 years. Maybe only on those that are elderly with few options. I know of someone In Switzerland like this. A relative of a friend. His wife, a retired nurse, believes that is why he is still alive. He is 80-82 years old. I know another just retired dentist who believes this also that mRNA was a successful treatment already being used (I think he changed his mind after 3 jabs, got covid, and was told his blood was black). Perhaps Malone also initially believed the same.

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listen to this video by dr. chetty on spike protein the main component of these so-called vaxx ... it is the worse man made toxin. pfizer has around 40 trillion of those, and moderna if not mistaken 3 times more ... plus it programs your body to continue to produce it .... all of these for WHAT exactly .... common we are regular nobodys and know this much, dont you think these people know just a bit more? and they would inject it? no way !!!

here is the short video ...


incidently novavax is pure spike protein ... read up on amyloidosis ... these shots are terrible.

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Really good. He also said that each strain targeted races. First one: blacks. 2nd: Asians, 3rd: whites and Muslims. Sad if all is true which seems to have much merit. A lot ppl getting ca, babies dying and maimed. Cardiologist are extremely busy. Looks to be coming more true every day! Did they really think this would go unnoticed or punished??? But then again, no one seems to be going after them much eitherЁЯШйЁЯзРЁЯджЁЯП╝тАНтЩАя╕ПЁЯди.

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I wonder about that. He has certainly done a lot of traveling, so he might have "needed" the passport, but he might be rich enough to use private air travel. After all, he breeds and shows fancy Portuguese horses as a hobby on his little farm. Considering he & Dr Jill were practically wiped out in the 2008-9 crash, he has done quite well since then. Lots of DARPA programs where he was lead investigator. Makes me wonder too if he took the real vaccine, or the one top elites took on TV?

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Even the private air travel has had mandates in place. I even know a few pilot friends that had the "jab or job" mandate thrust upon them, and some are now battling heart conditions. Just like one much pass other scrutiny to fly on the commercial airlines, much of the same applies to charter flights as well.

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Malone claims he had COVID early in the Pandemic, and ended up with Long COVID. He also said that "at that time, it was believed that the vaccine might help with Long Haulers".

I guess that I do not distrust him as much as some, and I welcome the good that he does, but what I would like to know is when did his Long COVID symptoms abate? He keeps one heck of a grueling schedule for someone with no health issues. I can't imagine the stamina one would need to keep that schedule if they had Long COVID, and a problem created by the jabs he took.

I give him the benefit of the doubt, but I too tend to watch all very closely. And it pains me to hear that he only believes that MDs are real doctors. Many of those he insulted have been on the front lines, treating patients through all of this. I'm not sure that Dr. Malone has treated any more patients during COVID than Fauci has. Maybe someone can show me where I am incorrect on that.

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And a vaccinologist would know that taking a vaccine after having had the sickness is rarely a good idea. Van Der Bossche knows this, even fauci did before he was told to say what he says now.

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If I recall correctly he too took IVM which helped with long Covid. Remember the spike proteins persist in the body for inderminate number of months. 2-9 months according to differing studies.

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Malone says he got IVM from Dr. Meryl Nass! Meryl has been exposing cover ups, dirty tricks etc since Anthrax. I suspect Malone was/is trying to use Meryl's reputation as a 1st step to be viewed as an Anti-everything opposed to Gov mandates, BigPharma, Jabs etc, i.e. "I'm on your side guys".

Malone's Ego? Living in Virginia, Graybeard, Black Long Coat, Sitting on a White Horse...Behold Robert E. Lee want-a-be!

Malone jabbed twice with Moderna's wrapped speed clot shots? I think that's a lie, ditto that he has Long Covid also.

IMO Malone is deep state spooky, controlled opposition who infiltrated successfully, and will continue to throw monkey-wrenches into the group's goals.

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If he is a spook, then every one who has interviewed him is a spook.

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Dr. Alexander wrote about a study that after 15 months the body was still producing spikes. It was limited to 15 months, because that was the entire time the people studied had been vaxxed. This article was several months ago.

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you are right he may not have taken it, but by saying he has it gives credibility to the

mRNA , his baby , or so he thinks

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That's the problem with many people. Friend or backstabber?

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May 26, 2022
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Thank you. Yes. Let's start talking about the real leader of this dark plan, the Jesuit. Says this Roman Catholic girl.

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