From stolen elections in America, Brazil, and many other Dominion voting machine nations to installing unelected WEF puppets like Sunak, make this go viral.
Like a metastatic cancer the WEF has infiltrated the power structure of every western country - and most other countries - and is now ruling those countries. The folk we elected to rule our countries - as well as our media, medical industry, military industry, and Big Tech - have either been enthusiastically complicit or blackmailed to comply. Whether we admit it or not, we are defeated and we and future generations are imprisoned in a horrible dystopian future .... unless we seize the moment and NOT COMPLY. Acquiescence is surrender and defeat.
It is cool watching the circus of the WEF uckers as they fail slowly. Our new puppet PM will be left high and dry once the people snap and hit the streets.
Biden set the stage for election fuckery next week. The polls show the Democrats losing yet biden is preaching to accept the results. Here’s an analogy. When the first plane hit the tower we didn’t know if it was an accident or an attack. However, once the second plane hit we all knew. That’s where we are the period between the first and second plane hit. In 2020, most thinking people knew biden didn’t get 81M votes (more than obama) but there was some doubt...we don’t know for sure. If the Democrats pull off surprise victories, despite the world being on fire due to their policies, then we will all have that “second plane” aha moment.
Yes! There recent and current policies will continue to destroy our economy and our society well into the future. The left will say the republicans did it and regain control and finish the destruction. We fall for it all the time. This means we deserve it.
So Sunak folded and now plans to go to the COP in order to get the most up-to-date instructions for the Gr8 Reset aka 6uild 6ack 6etter.
Clearly he initially wanted to distance himself from his own billionaire class as much of the criticism was to do with his Multi-Millionaire (More than Charlie) and wife’s non Dom no tax status (she owes UK State £21 million in back taxes).
But even a multi-millionaire must follow orders of his masters (Red Cabala String, Thelema Investmenr founder named after Crawley’s religion). Yes his two horned master tells him what to do.
He’s following orders to reduce CO2. And the Carbon they most want to reduce is YOU.
Yes, Exactly. Thanks. These points are well taken. These are not "unprecedented" times but have occurred in various guises since the beginning of time - especially since the beginning of civilization. But neither are we passive victims in this scheme. It is ourselves and our unwillingness or inability to understand ourselves which invites these totalitarians to rule. When we work out that we are all equally capable of being totalitarians but that each of us has a choice our view begins to sharpen in focus. No one becomes a totalitarian unless invited and allowed to do so.
Consider how likely you would even mention the war between G*d and Satan 3 years ago.
You wouldn’t mention G*d in case you were ousted as a Fundamentalist.
Now many see IT unfolding. Armageddon Today.
But recall from biblical history that evil civilizations were repeatedly destroyed by the removal of G*d’s protection. He allowed the evil to destroy the G*dless, hedonist, evil societies leaving only a remnant of G*d fearing alive.
I am apt to see it that way. I cannot see anyway that this godless society can be saved. I’m not feeling hopeless but rather hopeful that in the future there will be left a G*dly remnant to restart history again.
Like a metastatic cancer the WEF has infiltrated the power structure of every western country - and most other countries - and is now ruling those countries. The folk we elected to rule our countries - as well as our media, medical industry, military industry, and Big Tech - have either been enthusiastically complicit or blackmailed to comply. Whether we admit it or not, we are defeated and we and future generations are imprisoned in a horrible dystopian future .... unless we seize the moment and NOT COMPLY. Acquiescence is surrender and defeat.
Funny kind of “democracy” they are so desperately trying to protect. At least we have fake elections over here
It is cool watching the circus of the WEF uckers as they fail slowly. Our new puppet PM will be left high and dry once the people snap and hit the streets.
Biden set the stage for election fuckery next week. The polls show the Democrats losing yet biden is preaching to accept the results. Here’s an analogy. When the first plane hit the tower we didn’t know if it was an accident or an attack. However, once the second plane hit we all knew. That’s where we are the period between the first and second plane hit. In 2020, most thinking people knew biden didn’t get 81M votes (more than obama) but there was some doubt...we don’t know for sure. If the Democrats pull off surprise victories, despite the world being on fire due to their policies, then we will all have that “second plane” aha moment.
2nd plane is republicans being ALLOWED to win. they will then be blamed for "market" crash and new "pandemic."
It's a uniparty praying on naive left vs right brainwashed debt-slaves.
Yes! There recent and current policies will continue to destroy our economy and our society well into the future. The left will say the republicans did it and regain control and finish the destruction. We fall for it all the time. This means we deserve it.
Interesting idea but that’s not correct. More likely that dems won’t relinquish power. But your idea is refreshing.
So Sunak folded and now plans to go to the COP in order to get the most up-to-date instructions for the Gr8 Reset aka 6uild 6ack 6etter.
Clearly he initially wanted to distance himself from his own billionaire class as much of the criticism was to do with his Multi-Millionaire (More than Charlie) and wife’s non Dom no tax status (she owes UK State £21 million in back taxes).
But even a multi-millionaire must follow orders of his masters (Red Cabala String, Thelema Investmenr founder named after Crawley’s religion). Yes his two horned master tells him what to do.
He’s following orders to reduce CO2. And the Carbon they most want to reduce is YOU.
Was Biden’s rant last night a warning of coming election shenanigans?
Yes, Exactly. Thanks. These points are well taken. These are not "unprecedented" times but have occurred in various guises since the beginning of time - especially since the beginning of civilization. But neither are we passive victims in this scheme. It is ourselves and our unwillingness or inability to understand ourselves which invites these totalitarians to rule. When we work out that we are all equally capable of being totalitarians but that each of us has a choice our view begins to sharpen in focus. No one becomes a totalitarian unless invited and allowed to do so.
A book is the strongest attack to all the aforementioned diabolical claims?
A book.
Where is JOE... this guy is unelected... is that DEMOCRACY???
I wrote about a return to religion elsewhere.
Consider how likely you would even mention the war between G*d and Satan 3 years ago.
You wouldn’t mention G*d in case you were ousted as a Fundamentalist.
Now many see IT unfolding. Armageddon Today.
But recall from biblical history that evil civilizations were repeatedly destroyed by the removal of G*d’s protection. He allowed the evil to destroy the G*dless, hedonist, evil societies leaving only a remnant of G*d fearing alive.
I am apt to see it that way. I cannot see anyway that this godless society can be saved. I’m not feeling hopeless but rather hopeful that in the future there will be left a G*dly remnant to restart history again.
G*d’s will be done.