Upon reading Steve Kirsch’s 84% excess mortality reported by insurance co executive. Is this for real? where he claims attorney Todd Callender has misinterpreted the excess mortality as presented in this post:
I reached out to Todd.
He replied:
Attached is the industry report from last year. It’s actually much higher. See attached.
Here is the attached pdf in question generated by the SOA Research Institute that you may download here. (Edit: link fixed.)
Do NOT comply.
Okay, but can you reach out to Todd and let him know that the DMED was fake and that the 1100% number from DMED was incorrect on three accounts (1) first occurrence vs. all occurrence query comparison, (2) there really was a glitch, and (3*) the 2016-2020 numbers were almost certainly all faked, meaning there is no denominator to compute from.
But most importantly, once he lets me walk him through (3*), he has a nuclear warhead in his arsenal.
Heads up, the link to the data is not working.