ARTICLE EDITED: Plum Island, NY was the alleged source of the disease, and the"outbreak was first discovered" in Lyme, CT.

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Here is the book that has documented the federal government manipulation of pathogens and ticks as a delivery mechanism to deliver the pathogen to the target (and any unaware victims in the vicinity.) COVID is not our first rodeo-- but is the biggest to date

Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons Audible Logo Audible Audiobook – Unabridged by Kris Newby


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Thank you for this link.

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Not many talk about this, but Lyme Disease originated in Lyme, Connecticut, just a few miles from a highly secretive biological warfare lab where experiments were/are conducted by government scientists.

And for years after it originated, the majority of outbreaks were within a few hundred miles of it.

Just a coincidence, I'm sure...

I have no doubt the governments of the world have been creating and 'leaking' various bioweapons such as this for decades. Not just in the US, but all over the world.

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It IS a bio weapon. There's tons of documentaries and books written by the scientists involved. Lyme was released as a bio weapon. This is no longer conspiracy but fact.

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Yep. These labs are experimenting with all kinds of stuff that they can then 'test' on groups in the real world.

I consider all of them eugenicists and helps make a lot of sense of the world. They think they're gods on earth and love to tinker with the 99% in various ways.

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What is Plum island? 🎯

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My experiences with Ivermectin suggest that it can fight not only parasites and any SARS virus, but bacterial infections as well....I went through a winter without health problems, which hadn't happened in many years, simply by taking a 12mg tablet whenever I felt a little "off"...Could be pure luck, but I doubt it.....

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The only time I have come down with any illness in almost 5 years was a couple falls ago. Quite a few people I had been in contact with came down with influenza A (they tested for it). When I started to experience fever, aches and chills, I began a cycle of IVM. Within 3 hours my high fever and aches were gone. I felt competely better by the 3rd day. I am convinced that IVM works!

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The carnivore diet has come up in regards to Lyme disease. It lowers inflammation and though it isn’t a magic cure many people with Lyme disease report a reduction in symptoms. Of course your allopathic doctor might lose his mind if you mention you are on this diet and he won’t admit when symptoms subside that the diet had anything to do with it.

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I just replied to an earlier reply stating the same thing. Going full carnivore healed my mother's Lyme. Beef has been a life saver.

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Thats why they are injecting cows with MRNA

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Very interesting!

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I have chronic lyme disease for probably decades. I tried Ivermectin but I didn’t feel any difference.

I also have Babesia & Bartonella. There are so many of us that have been gaslighted by Doctors. I went many many years to many many doctors. No one mentioned Lyme. I had to discover it myself through being in Facebook groups.

Such a tragedy. So many suffering. It’s a sin.

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You must use higher dose IVM with Doxy as a combination therapy for 45 continuous days.

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This is desperately-needed info for so many ppl - thank you immensely for covering this issue! I know you’re not a doctor but if you could give your thoughts on precise dosing of ivermectin/doxycycline for Lyme (exact amount, duration, timing, etc for each medicine) it would greatly benefit brain-foggy ppl like myself. I’ve tried many times to find this kind of information online, to no avail. Heartfelt thanks again!

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Where can you actually obtain IVM?

I have suffered with debilitating joint pain for nearly 15 years! I had all the proper Lyme disease tests done at the leading hospitals here in NYC! I saw the head of rheumatology at Columbia and NYU and no one had any answers!

The only thing that ever worked albeit several months was a combination of three ABx one after the other! I had a really bad respiratory infection and my doctor prescribed Ceftin Bactrim and them Cipro. It cured the infection and ironically from March of that year till September I also had no joint pain whatsoever - and then it returned with a vengeance!

I tried duplicating it again to no avail although the one thing that has always helped ease the pain are ABx and no one has ever been able to tell me why! They claimed it was the anti-inflammatory component in ABx but I explained how could I be pain free for nearly six months after I had taken them if they were no longer IN my system? It clearly abolished something!

I have always always sworn this is some type of bacterial infection but no one believes me! Instead my rheumatologist treats the symptoms by using auto-immune suppressants which makes the pain a BILLION times worse! I have said this solidifies there is an underlying infection but since nothing comes up in the blood (for auto-immune diseases either) he insists on prescribing them which I don't ever take! We have fought for years over the diagnosis and just today I finally switched doctors! I am petrified I have done serious damage to my joints as BOTH knees are shot and this is coming from someone who walked ten miles/day!!!

Instead he has been kind enough to fill my prescriptions for Azithromycin which does help ease the pain but then comes right back! For about a year in the very beginning we used Doxycycline and now looking back, the pain was never ever as bad back then as it is today!

I know in my heart that the Bactrim combo'd with the other ABx worked at the time even though we have never been able to duplicate the results! And although I have never had any rashes or bullseyes - I spent an entire summer on the Cape (MA) often walking my dog in the woods I always always always checked and brushed him thoroughly and never found or saw a tick bite on either of us! I also recall one blood test coming back positive for a co-infection but everyone brushed it off as did I!

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Go see an LLMD or LLND or functional MD. Someone well versed in treating lyme.

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Dr Lee Merritt at medicalrebel has good I do on dealing w parasites. I pray antiparasitics will help you.

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Yes I just read her most recent article - thank you ever so kindly

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Also, one of the best Lyme tests is by IGeneX.

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There maybe better drugs than do xy. And 45 days may not be long enough if you had Lyme left untreated.

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What dose IVM & Doxy ? I’m about 130 lbs.

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Not sure if you've looked into this but my 73 year old mom (who had Lyme for decades) healed herself by going full carnivore. She tried everything under the sun, including Ivermectin. Nothing has worked except eating beef, salt and water. I thought I was going to lose her on 2019 but now she's healthier than she's ever been. Please don't shrug this off. The healing ability of beef is incredible. God bless!

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Thank you! Wonderful to hear about your mom’s incredible recovery!!

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Thank you for your kindness. I pray that your day is full of blessings and love.

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Thank you JoaQuina - the same to you!🙏🏻💕

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The infection is only the short term setting. The acute phase. This can be treated and the damage minimised with antibiotics and antiparasitics.

The real damage is done to mitochondrial DNA throughout your body as the bacteria and toxins invade cells.

That damage, is not as easy to repair unfortunately

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I’m in the same boat. I’m allergic to doxy (of course), so I use chlorine dioxide and wild oregano oil. I just started using ivermectin (in no small part because of this stack 😊), and I’m actually sleeping again...which is no small miracle. Andreas Kalker (so?) has a protocol. Helped me tremendously. Good luck to you!

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I have had Lyme, Bartonella and Babesia and was undiagnosed for a number of years. To get well you need a Lyme literate doctor who is a member of ILADS- International Lyme and Associated Disease Society. These doctors treat with multiple drugs and herbs. I had Lyme and Babesia during Covid and was taking Hydroxychloroquine and Mepron (for the parasite Babesia) and my Lyme doctor added the Ivermectin. I did get better!

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who was your Dr?

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Dr. Horowitz- Hyde Park, NY and Dr. Murders, Wayne, PA

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Aug 28, 2023
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how long did you have it before treating?

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Hi Scottish. I have bought the Durimectin. It comes in a big syringe. I got this for my dogs (and me) and I'd love to know if you have an easy way to measure a dose from the syringe based on body weight. Thanks in advance.

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Bioweapons come in many forms

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It was my grandmother's uncle who discovered ticks were the vector in the north Europe Lyme disease, Arvid Afzelius. He did this with experimentation using the scientific method. Not by following government advice.

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Thank you for covering this topic. I can’t describe how terrible this disease and its co-infections are in its late-stage form. The horrors of what the doctors did to me are still hard to talk about. Be aware that they are trying to push through a human Lyme vax, even though the animal one has been around for decades.

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My brother had Lyme for ~ 7 years. Had the bullseye rash but was told by doctors Lyme was out of the question in this part of the country. Extreme fatigue, falling asleep mid sentence, memory gone, passing out and falling to the floor, etc. Tried lots of docs including Mayo. Then they insisted it was psychological or he was malingering. His wife spoke briefly with a stranger who suggested he try raw goat milk. That’s when he began to recover.

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Wow. I’ve seen several comments lately regarding the powerful health benefits of goat’s milk. Thank you!

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Thats it? raw goats milk?

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That’s what got his condition turned around and clearly improving.

The improvement has been dramatic.

I believe they’re now getting infrared treatments and they have helped significantly as well.

My guess is they are done with allopathic medicine.

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They just kept praying and were willing to try recommendations that didn’t come with negative side effects. No one has been able to more than guess at why the goats milk is effective.

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Thank you so much for this! I have had a very hard time with Lyme for the past 5/6 yrs or so. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. I have found chlorine dioxide, wild oregano, very high quality probiotics, and ivermectin help (12mg once a week). I’m actually sleeping again.

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As a sidebar to evil pests, there has been a huge uptick (pardon the pun) in mice this summer living in people's cars and eating electrical wires. I have been battling them for months. The more I ask around and read, there are way too many people having the same problem. Yes, it has been a standard nuisance, but why this year there seems to be so much worse? Are we having a bio warfare mice boom?

I had a tick bite earlier this summer, as a kid we pulled them off, burnt them w/a paper match, remember those? We had a moment of glee and went on about life. I decided to go to the Dr. and glad I did. She took it very seriously. Lymph nodes were swollen and such. I did a round of Doxy, increased the vitamin C, did some garlic oil and oregano. I seem to be ok, but yeah, I believe there is something to the bioweapon thing.

I also have wondered about all the people in the UKE/Russia war living in the woods and fighting. The ticks and bug bites must be awful. I wonder how many will die from Lyme's should they survive the artillery? I doubt anyone will do a study on that.

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Is it possible that vax injuries are being diagnosed as Lyme? I know two people recently diagnosed with Lyme -- mysterious symptoms, one with paralysis, Bell's Palsy -- I am suspicious that Lyme is becoming a catch all diagnosis.

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They’re trying to push through a vax for Lyme in humans, even though it’s been around for decades for animals. So yeah, I’m sure they’re trying to make more money off pro-pharma people and government funding anyway they can.

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They had one. It gave people lyme.

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Maybe they had lyme & the vac woke it up or, there’s lyme in the vax.

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I saw a person who got Bell’s palsy after the 2 nd shot . States he has never been the same since . He is 80 years old .

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Mighty mitochondria

Their DNA so insecure

Able to be damaged by toxins

As they roam 'round and explore

Dysfunction and a lack of energy

With complex secondary roles

Spike protein doesn’t like them

As studies now show.

Long Covid

Gulf war syndrome

Chronic Lyme disease

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

And now this post vaccine induced fatigue… Long Vax Syndrome.

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...And the band played on!

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Judy A. Mikovits PhD SAYS -

No such thing as Lyme disease. It was & is always HIV AIDS caused by the GP 120 injected!

Treating people with antibiotic protocols destroys their gut microbiome, therefore destroys their health!

Full episode with Clay Clark (link also on my website): https://rumble.com/v38a03m-dr.-judy-mikovits-science-isnt-about-truth-its-about-power.-.html

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She will be reposting this article later today, so there is that.

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Thats not true . As much as I respect Dr. Mikovits, she’s wrong.

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Eh, it's never just the one thing. HIV isn't the only thing that will attack the immune system, letting in multiple invaders. Borrellia, by itself, is a potent inhibitor of the immune system, and lets in other parasites.

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Thats not true. I have lyme- not aids.

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I have alpha gal, tick bite induced mammal allergy. It isn't just eating red meat. Dogs saliva, dog food, smelling food being cooked, lotion containing beef by products, etc, etc, etc. Now... curiosity has spiked.... research time.

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