Dear 2nd smartest guy, As a shameless vaxxine statistics Junkie, I can affirm that these stats and charts don't do anything for me. Talking about cases, do we mean PCR test cases? Or flu cases? Or was a determinative test used? How do they define a case. Just from what I've read, tests that prove or "almost prove" are seldom done.

An as to Deaths, I thought it was widely understood that the so called covid deaths are far and away more likely to be Vaxxine deaths? There are precious few data from public available pathology reports as to real cause of death. Would be a better adjustment of their figures to move all the so called "covid deaths" into the | Vax | Adverse Reactions | Deaths | column. Cause of death statistics are nothing but a propaganda tool manipulated to support the current flavor of crowd management. There are no national statistics that mean anything as far as cases. There are no meaningful cause of death statistics. At least not when taken at their face value.

Your wedding has given me useful material to work with to support my own unscientific working premises. Try this on. Out of 300 guests 30 something injured. 7 or 8 dead 4 to one. Injured to dead. In my very small circle of friends and their families there are more dead than injured. And by a margin. A 40-50 year old couple caring for an 80something woman. Was up and around, managing her own cleaning, cooking and the like. Took the vax-now incapacitated. Barely speak. Needs everything. Only injury I know of. A 50 yr old friend told me a few months ago that his brother died in a elec bicycle accident. Ran into something. I'm suspicious of ASD which means

VAX. But I can't make a strong case for that. I tell the friend, google died suddenly or died unexpectedly. He sheepishly volunteered, my mother died suddenly. a few months earlier. Now his dad is in hospital. Heart trouble. Never had heart trouble before. For what it is worth, figuring 1 death out of every 5 serious injuries? It is going to be more than they say.

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Yes, it will be far more than 1 out of 5, but we work with the data that we currently have and adjust as more info comes in.


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Just had someone tell me if their 81 yr old relative who was recently diagnosed with a “congenital” heart defect. At 80. Was robust until then, now failing. Could vax have aggravated “congenital” defect. Or was it really congenital?

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So sorry.

And yes Occam’s Razor tells you exactly what the cause is.

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