
Apologies for the typos, this article was whipped up hurriedly and in some annoyance.

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The Debate last night made it crystal clear to our enemies to strike America while Biden is still President. I think we’re in for it in the next few months.

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Bingo. This is something many people don’t seem to grasp. This debate was seen world wide, by both friend and foe. Possibly one of the most embarrassing displays in history. I’m already seeing news clips from all over the world laughing at Biden’s performance and the confirmation of what most of them already know…Biden is NOT running this country!

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Democrats just found out what Ayn Rand so studiously observed - one can ignore reality but one can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality

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That’s perfect! I’m going to quote you on that!

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Agreed. Cue the ISIS "refugees", the ones imported and distributed nationwide by Mayorkas.

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"Our enemies."

Are these what one would call actual enemies, or are they created enemies that are actually controlled by the intelligence agencies to enact specific policies or too create specific circumstances?

Perhaps it's all Theatre, and what we see as external actors are not external actors, but instead, people cast as bad guys who are in on it as well for their own reasons.

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I think our enemies absolutely know that Biden is in charge of and decides absolutely nothing. Our enemies know the score. They know exactly who's pulling the levers and making the decisions. They're not stupid.

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Jun 28Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

None of it matters. It's a question of whether we like to be buttfucked without lube and given full-blown AIDS or with a bit of a spit and the possibility of a reacharound—and still given AIDS in the long run. I'm just black pilled at this point. Clown world but unfunny.

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Your metaphors are offensive, yet apropos.

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I don't mean to offend YOU! The regime, though, definitely.

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Nothing whatsoever offends me anymore....

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It didn’t offend me! I found it to be an excellent analogy! I think critically thinking people don’t get offended. Remember, that’s how people used to be. “Black Humor” is a language unto itself and speaks volumes!😉

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It's a question of the greater evil vs. the lesser evil...But Trump's big strength is that he doesn't go to war....and that's crucial at this point....Also, Putin and Trump get along...

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Unfortunately, I think we will have to go to war no matter what.

Our currency is collapsing. For decades, we have heard "social security will go bankrupt." I believe it's happening now. They need a war to cover that up.

Also.. not just a USA problem. The same thing is happening to the economies of Europe. They need a war as well.

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Social Security is by far the best funded entitlement, but yes, the wild spending and debt have created a trainwreck...But going to war will only make it worse, and our military is in terrible shape....

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Let's not forget the AZT that was given to children in New York in the experiment having to have a port put in while pushing the poison into their tiny bodies


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Even then they were running cover for Fauci. His name isn't mentioned here.

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They have been covering for him since the early 1980's forgot to include mr fuc

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Love the illustration but painful to think about like our politicians. You know the DemonRats and the RepubTurds!

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Do you want the red dildo or the blue dildo 😁

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It's a planned obliteration. So the Dems howl - but it's a set up, so he can be removed. Part of the game.

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CNN should have asked some hard ball questions of the current President overseeing the destruction of world if we continue with escalating wars around the globe.

Everyday there is another escalation between US and Ukraine and Russia reported. The draft is returning. They are getting ready to send contractors to Ukraine to help Zelensky survive.

In 1961 I was recalled because of the Berlin Crisis. Cover story. It was because Russia was bringing Atomic Weapons to Cuba. JFK defused the issue and Russia went back home. Today, NATO (USA) reneged on the promise not to bring atomic weapons to Ukraine soil and it was a buffer zone to keep Russia safe. Back in 1962, I was offered $10,000 bonus to go to Vietnam as an advisor. I turned it down. The first advisor to die in Vietnam was John Anderson in 1959. I see the same scenario building with Ukraine, except the risks for total destruction of Europe and the USA is much greater. We have had cat and mouse submarine games being played in our oceans for years between Russian and American Atomic submarines. CNN should have asked some hard ball questions to Jibberish Joe. Why are you getting ready to send our sons and daughters into WWIII? The next debate should be in DC outdoors and in front of the "The Wall". There may be no one left to build a memorial commemorating the end of WWIII.

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Another opportunity that was missed was confronting Biden with his censorship of dissenting opinions and cancelling those people on social media.

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Profound, thank you for your comment. 100% agree.

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Knowing how fried their candidate is, why would the Dems push for a debate so early in the election cycle? My guess; to justify taking out Biden at the Dem Convention and replacing him with whatever stooge they have in mind.

Remember they put in a clause giving themselves the power to do so without a vote at the last convention, they knew then they would have to replace him, and here we are. The media is in on it, they were not left with their mouths open, but had a great deal (prepared) to say.

We are in a Truman Show, plain and simple. There are only 2 questions left. First question, what scam comes next. New plague? Probably. A war? Possibly. Illegial riots nationwide? Probably. We are in for a very tough time IMO. Second question, if all of this fails to generate violent pushback from citizens, or the collapse of the govt giving them the excuse for Martial Law, will they let Trump win? Maybe.

With the plan to collapse the world around him. Could be the very best thing that could happen, for he just might be the guy to pull the US phoenix from the ashes. Pray people, for we are headed into harm's way.

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Bingo. They need to have this debacle to point to as proof that biden has to be put out to pasture.

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All preplanned probably right down to giving Biden the wrong drugs. And if not planned out the MSM would have been basket cases, but they weren't.

All sang the same Mockingbird tune, "To bad, so sad, resign."

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Gavin Newsom is their poster boy. Biden will resign due to 'ill health' by July, Newsom will replace him without having won anything.

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I think they will go with Newsome as you say. He seems to think so based on how he is acting in interviews after last night's debate.

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It's criminal that they didn't let RFKJr debate.

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True, but don’t kid yourself that a third party could ever get to 270 electoral votes. We need to pick a side this time and not let the “House” decide. (The House always wins, doncha know.) If no one gets to 270 outright, it’ll be a D win.

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It’s about getting truths out. RFK did broadcast in live time his response as if in the debate last night. Just one example, RFK revealed that Ukraine sought US help to negotiate with Russia but Biden administration told Ukraine not to negotiate but to go to war. People don’t know this because mainstream media is like a pro Ukraine war infomercial. More people need to watch the debate with RFK in it….they need the link and to know about. Don’t support CNN by watching it on your TV. Watch next time on your phone via RFK.

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Many of us knew about the rejected peace deal, but yes, most did not because they watch "TV". And the US is pushing war, because the US deep state had control of Ukraine and the bioweapons labs there, which Russia put an end to. Our US State Dept. does not want peace, they want war and control.

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I have read his viewership between X/twitter and the website was a multitude larger than CNN, although i haven't seen of officially confirmed.

Only watched the last half as my curiosity on how the mechanics of it had been decided but seemed to be pretty effective.

I am not sure RFK, Jr. hit it out of the park, but still wonder how the dynamics could change if he were to be selected as a VP pick. Newsome keeps getting talked about as a Biden replacement and Trump hasn't picked yet, and Trump sometimes does make impetuous decisions. Whether RFK Jr. would be interested, who knows for sure.

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“a lifelong grifter and diaper soiling ice cream licking pedo criminal puppet hopped up on a cocktail of dementia meds and methamphetamines”


Go ahead, 2SG… tell ‘em how ya really feel!

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Best summary perspective on last nights debacle I have read so far, hands down. The next question is, who will replace puppet Xiden and when? Gruesom and HilLIARy…or the nuke for the GOP, MichaelO and HilLIARy? I predict nothing will happen until the DemoRat convention in August.

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This is the most accurate description of the debate.

I personally believe that only another miracle from God can save America from the evil NWO Tyrants that have infiltrated the highest positions in all our major government agencies, injustice system, military, etc…

The NWO Marxist Tyrants want MASSIVE depopulation of all of us useless eaters & the few that they let live they want to force into their 15 minute concentration camps where they will own nothing & be happy about it.

They own so many corrupt judges that make anti-constitutional rulings that take away our freedom & right to pursue happiness without Big Pharma trying to kill us?

By the time the anti-constitutional laws finally get appealed & struck down years later the damage is already done.

I personally believe our open borders are a planned invasion & meant to eventually help the NWO Tyrants to take over America.

Illegals & terrorists will side with whoever lets them stay here & gives them our tax money to live on.

With millions more illegals here to help the NWO Uniparty Tyrants riot in America, imagine how horrible it could be.

And I expect eventually the Tyrants will start shutting off electricity grids in Red States & blame it on terrorist attacks, then they will say they can’t fix it because they can’t get parts or some lame excuse but they will offer these people a place to live in their slummy 15 minute concentration camps?

Since they control our electricity, water & most food they now feel comfortable showing us who really is in charge?

Just think back over the last 10-15 years at how many whistleblowers have been silenced permanently in many different ways but especially being “suicided”?

Imagine how bad things will be when the NWO Tyrants eventually have complete control over our money with their digital currency?

Social credit scoring will quickly squash any free speech that’s left.

Sorry for this long rambling response, this Grandma is sad to watch the idea I had of America The Free when I grew up is now being exposed as a horrible evil joke on us & controlled by the evil elite clown world posse!

Blessings to all freedom loving people.

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C'mon, man! Give Biden credit where he earned it. He did correctly point to the unrecognized epidemic of women being raped by their sisters.

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I was wondering how they were going to remove him… now I know. Last night I turned on a few of the MSM channels for commentary which normally I cannot stomach. Last night was no different. In fact, the whole show was infuriating as I listen to the talking paid whore puppets seemingly open their eyes in utter dismay disbelief outrage and surprise as to the new revelation that THEY have been lied to. I thought to myself ahhh so this is how they are going to take him out. The debate from the onset was yet another manipulative setup for the American people and the globe. THEY called for the debates. Early. Got him as ready as a severe dementia patient could possibly be. Abused him publicly. And then openly declared him unfit. After 5+ years of prep and dismantling this country. There will be no second debate. Accordingly, MSM continues to trash Trump. They are obliged to in order to leave space for the replacement. Tada… Last minute new candidate. THEY will be the saving grace of the party (they hope) no matter who they are or what they have done. Their baggage will be less disgraceful and illegal than JB Inc or as drama filled as Trump. They will be propped up as an angel from heaven all while continuing to manipulate the minds of so many who don’t care to question anything. It’s going to be a bumpy ride for the next few months. Continue to pray for our country and the world. 🙏🏻 🇺🇸

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Great article as always from the 2ndSGITW however nothing will change to get Trump back in office for another term (which won't matter anyway because he will be scored and skewered at every turn) until we change the voting process with voting machines, mail in ballots, voter ID and the rest;. Last nights performance was intentionally and purposely orchestrated by the DemonRat Communist party to have an excuse to replace Pedo Joe for Gavin "Gruesome" Newsom as POTUS so that he can appoint Big Mike Obama at the DNC in August by the DemonRat Super Pac!

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Truth ….. “ The demented Puppet “ !!!! The Puppeteers are cutting the strings soon . Heaven help us … eenie meenie Minie Mo … 😖,

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You missed it! Twice as many people watched The Real Debate as the limited CNN version. I only found out 3 hrs before it started. I say Kennedy won. Surely there will be a replay of The Real Debate including all 3 major candidates. Look for it.

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Kennedy won by covering up a lot of his real record and real stances.

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Kennedy unfortunately for us and the world, will split the conservative / moderate vote thus ensuring a victory by Gruesom / HilLIARy / MichaelO / other. Only chance is if he was Trunp’s VP, which is not happening. As much as I like him, RFKJ will go down as the “X Factor” that enabled the final phase of the “fundamental transformation” as proclaimed by Obamao years ago as the goal, to be complete.

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I have read that polls show RFK hurting Biden more than Trump. But if the dementia patient is swapped out, then he'd probably hurt Trump more.

But President elections are no solution anyhow. Is your LOCAL sheriff a Constitutional sheriff? Who's running for your local offices? How can you help your town or county officials to do a better job?

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Just a distraction from the fact that the government exempted itself from the vaccine not a vaccine.

They have altered the Human Genome.


Luc Montagne is being proven to be correct about the long term effects of the vaccine not a vaccine.

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