TURBO CANCER UPDATE: Cancer Sales Data for 2023 Explodes & UK Death & Disability Trends for Malignant Neoplasms
Ever since the DEATHVAX™ rollout, this Substack has been diligently chronicling the turbo cancer phenomenon…
…and now we have ever more horrifying data:
What is happening is, simply put, Modified mRNA “vaccine” induced turbo cancer:
Here is the image and additional color from the above X post:
Basically, the turbo cancer trends are devastating, and will only worsen over time.
And here is what the turbo cancer disability trends look like:
The report concludes:
The results shown in table above indicate that there was a significant rise in both disability claims and deaths from oncologic causes, for the 15-44 age group in the UK.
We observe that there were close to zero excess rate of disability claims in 2021, and only a rate of 0.88 per 100,000 excess deaths in 2021.
These rates shot up in 2022 with 9.5 per 100,000 excess disability claims and 4.4 per 100,000 excess deaths.We also observe that the relative changes in disabilities were similar to the equivalent rises in deaths, which points towards the risk of higher deaths attributed to malignant neoplasms in the coming years as these conditions remain unresolved.
To obtain a rough estimate of the population under risk, we speculate that recipients of the Covid-19 inoculations who suffered (vaccine-related) adverse events could be more susceptible for experiencing malignant neoplasms in the future. The paper by Stephen J. Thomas et al. that establishes the Pfizer vaccine efficacy based on the clinical trial data also provides us an estimate of the rate of adverse events in individuals who took the vaccines versus the placebo group. See the full report for more details.
As the estimated baseline pool of individuals under risk of developing neoplasms in the future is highly uncertain, in the figure above we prefer not to disclose a value on the website as it could anchor espectations. However, we think that it is of relevance for researchers in the field to attempt to narrow down these estimates.When comparing the rise in malignant neoplasms deaths and disabilities with those for the cardiovascular system, we observe that both showed an extremely strong signal in 2022. However, in 2021 while cardiovascular deaths were already high, malignant neoplasm deaths were not. We hypothesise that the medium to longer-term negative effects of the Covid-19 vaccine are starting to surface, first in the form of rising cardiovascular events and later with the rise of malignant neoplasms.
The observations above point to a worrying picture that we might see an even greater acceleration of malignant neoplasm deaths and disabilities in the coming years, which makes the investigation of the underlying causes of upmost importance.
We are currently in the process of pursuing further investigations into this issue in more detail. In particular, we aim to analyse the trends in deaths for the most common individual ICD10 causes within malignant neoplasms, in order to have insights into the underlying phenomenon of action.
Download the full report:
From zero cancer cases to full-blown turbo cancer epidemic of young people is what we are now experiencing across all highly “vaccinated” nations.
Thankfully, what we do know is that inexpensive repurposed drugs Ivermectin and Fenbendazole cure turbo cancer:
They want you dead.
Do NOT comply.
And yet…the general public remains blissfully unaware while people are dropping like flies around them. What a grand success this plandemic has been, for everyone except the duped masses. Seems we’re right on schedule for the Gates, Soros, WHO, NWO (et al) depopulation scheme…
's a crazy and very successful coup by pHarma, isn't it. Make countries pay for the initial injections, come what may, or be sued for breach of contract, then win win win over and over again on the plethora of addicional drug sales as a result of the harm.
Brilliant marketing strategy - as long as they can get away with it. You know, I think they will. They are 'too big to fail' and if folk _need_ the medication it is _unethical_ and inhumane for it not to be available.
Nefarious and Evil for sure, absolutely. But brilliant nontheless.
Thanks NE