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And yet…the general public remains blissfully unaware while people are dropping like flies around them. What a grand success this plandemic has been, for everyone except the duped masses. Seems we’re right on schedule for the Gates, Soros, WHO, NWO (et al) depopulation scheme…

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Isn’t it amazing how people are still unaware? But they can tell you the latest contestant voted off their favorite reality show. Or laugh and share the latest Tik Tok challenge.

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It is crazy, humans are a herd animal, we all saw a demonstration in 2020.

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Yes. But the herd is culled, leaving us.

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I read an interesting comment on twitter today. The gist of it is that 75% of the people aren't supposed to be aware. They can't be. And that's OK. It's the job of the 25% who ARE aware to heard the unaware in the right direction, which can be done.

Something to think about.

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“A considerable percentage of the people we meet on the street are people who are empty inside, that is, they are actually already dead. It is fortunate for us that we do not see and do not know it. If we knew what a number of people are actually dead and what a number of these dead people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror.”

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I read an interesting comment on twitter today. The gist of it is that 75% of the people aren't supposed to be aware. They can't be. And that's OK. It's the job of the 25% who ARE aware to heard the unaware in the right direction, which can be done.

Something to think about.

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One can easily imagine many of these people choosing to have (what they are told is) their conciousness downloaded upto the cloud, either to save the planet, to alleviate the pain of their Long Covid2030, PRC nasal cancer or to enjoy free unlimited Virtual McDonald's and video games.

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You don’t understand.

These people need to go before we can rejuvenate the Republic. This is a selection mechanism, a filter.

We will rebuild when they are gone. We will restore the Constitution and Liberty.

The prime movers of the jab here knew this is necessary.

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Is the vaxx a selection mechanism? How many good people-- people on both sides of the political spectrum-- have now been sentenced to a premature death? We tend to focus on those who are on the extreme ends of the spectrum, but most people are not there, and do not wish for the death of our Republic. Losing everyone to premature death will be bad for society as a whole, and something I don't think we should wish for.

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I think it is. It’s hardly perfect, but the Authors cast a broad net. Of course it’s monstrous— we’re moral people. But it’s done, the die is cast, we’re spectators.

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