TURBO CANCER UPDATE: Swiss Insurance Data Edition
“The temporal pattern speaks in favor of vaccination as a trigger for cancer.”
The grim DEATHVAX™ trends are looking increasingly similar in all highly “vaccinated” nations. The Swiss turbo cancer data is now looking a lot like the US data presented in the below article:
Unlike criminal governments, insurance companies issuing payouts and medical payments have little reason to fudge their data. And because the Swiss are renowned for their horological history, it would not be a far reach to assume that their insurance companies would present extremely precise reporting; thus, the following information from Helsana, the largest health insurer in Switzerland, is representative of the horrifying reality on the ground:
The Swiss population is experiencing a greater than 100% increase in cancer medication recipients since the rollout of the Modified mRNA “vaccines.”
This is what a burgeoning turbo cancer epidemic looks like.
We can expect the percentage to surge over time, because cancer “treatment” is BigPharma’s last remaining cash cow, and they have done everything in their power to ensure that large swaths of society develop these diseases.
The Swiss insurance company report has little choice but to admit the real culprit of these exploding turbo cancer medication cases:
The heading of the insurance report page asks,“Is Vaccination the cause?” The translation of the highlighted text reads, “The temporal pattern speaks in favor of vaccination as a trigger for cancer.”
The only hope that the “vaccinated” now have is to counter their mRNA and DNA contamination by using inexpensive repurposed drugs to fend off VAIDS, spike protein damage, p53 protein suppression, VAIDS, prion-based diseases, cardiac damage, turbo cancers, etc. & etc.
The unvaccinated may also want to consider said inexpensive repurposed drugs as prophylaxis from infections, “vaccine” shedding, cancers, exposure to environmental toxins, etc. & etc.
They want you dead.
Do NOT comply.
EDIT: added that this is health data from Helsana, which is the largest health insurer in Switzerland.
Video presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z6rviCbCNg
"We can expect the percentage to surge over time, because cancer “treatment” is BigPharma’s last remaining cash cow, and they have done everything in their power to ensure that large swaths of society develop these diseases"
Exactly. Of course the irony is that standard burn and poison therapies don't work on these turbo cancers so the runway is limited. IVR and FenBen is their best hope.