William. That’s an old drum that needs to quit being struck. Babylon is in the Arabian desert where it’s always been. It’s never been in Rome. The Image of the Beast stands in Babylon. Never in Rome. As an aside the RCC is nothing more than Gentile world religion and the power it presently exercises will be broken during the last half of…
William. That’s an old drum that needs to quit being struck. Babylon is in the Arabian desert where it’s always been. It’s never been in Rome. The Image of the Beast stands in Babylon. Never in Rome. As an aside the RCC is nothing more than Gentile world religion and the power it presently exercises will be broken during the last half of the Great Tribulation. So Rome is a non-factor. There is not now nor ever has been salvation in Rome.
The Antichrist is an Assyrian. Same as the Assyrian Pharoah who tormented Israel back in Exodus. It’s all there in the scriptures. (We can forget the Apocrypha).
I am a practicing, traditional Roman Catholic (the kind this Pope does not like) and have to interject that people who faithfully practice their religion (in this case Catholicism) are not bad people. Would I argue that there is a bad element in Rome; no chance. I know there is. So it is wrong to indict us faithful Catholics any more than OI should indict Baptists , Presbyterians or whatever as being heretics. Not everyone's stance on end times are in agreement with one another.
Well. That’s a nice middle of the road don’t offend anybody stance. Typical “nice religious guy”.
There is no salvation in Rome. Never has been. Never will be. Never mentioned heresy. That is a historically Roman thing. Convert or die. On the Protestant mission field in predominantly Catholic countries the RCC priests are conniving, betraying double- faced duplicitous bastards. Read the History of the Papacy. If you can find a book which hasn’t been “cleaned” of details critical of Rome. Such a reading will reveal accounts of such debauchery and profligacy as to make a grown man puke in disgust. “The Priest, The Woman and the Confessional” and “50 Years in the Church of Rome” both by Charles Chinequay.
Know the history you practice. The entire priesthood is a fraud of the highest order. Don’t get me started on Transubstantiation. Total blasphemy. Critically examine your own house. A Catholic can know he is saved but he must ask the right questions, dump the entire Catechism and that dastardly and death dealing rosary and the Co-Redemptrix slight of hand.
Thanks for your thoughts. I am glad that your path works for you. I will continue with mine. You're entitled to your opinion. My faith, since I have been associated with the type of Catholicism that this Pope does not like; has bolstered me, immensely, in the past 15 years; as has the rosary of which Mr. Voelz speaks of with great disdain, but I respect that. I've heard all of these arguments many times over the years. I think of the God fearing people who have come before me and testified to their faith through their lives; Pio, Therese of Lisieux, Bernadette, Joan of Arc, Pius X. 'I'm certain that he and others will find fault with the likes of these people but that's alright. Even the FBI likes to infiltrate our churches because they (weaponized agency that they are) like to think we are conspiring against the likes of apostate Biden and his losers.
I have no frustration with Catholics or the RCC. All else is bla bla bla. Read it all. Immaterial. The darkness of the RCC is mid level evil. As diabolical as it is. It is clearly not the master stroke of genius many suggest.
We have all been deceived. We must follow the word and only His spoken word. No matter what religion we think we are. We have to come together as the body of Christ. This is the only way to defeat the fallen one. He is trying to divide and conquer. Don’t let him!
Yes. And the RCC has absolutely nothing in common with Christianity. The RCC is Gentile world religion dressed up in Christian clothing. Catholics who do possess salvation by grace through faith and are fellow saints in the Lord are putting themselves at risk of losing their souls. The book of Hebrews is a treatise on the salvation of the soul. The “so great salvation”. “Paul’s Gospel”. “The Gospel of the Glory”.
The decisions at the Judgment Seat of Christ will determine the faithful overcomer and the unfaithful who have been overcome. Both saved but sifferent destinies.
William. The woman in every description, is Israel. She is the Harlot wife of Jahoveh. Israel is also Gods disobedient firstborn son. National Israel must be brought to the place of repentance. The last half of the Trib will accomplish that.
William. I have read RCC history and many other accounts over the years. Had many conversations. But I am not going to entertain any scripture pissing contests with anyone.
William. That’s an old drum that needs to quit being struck. Babylon is in the Arabian desert where it’s always been. It’s never been in Rome. The Image of the Beast stands in Babylon. Never in Rome. As an aside the RCC is nothing more than Gentile world religion and the power it presently exercises will be broken during the last half of the Great Tribulation. So Rome is a non-factor. There is not now nor ever has been salvation in Rome.
The Antichrist is an Assyrian. Same as the Assyrian Pharoah who tormented Israel back in Exodus. It’s all there in the scriptures. (We can forget the Apocrypha).
I am a practicing, traditional Roman Catholic (the kind this Pope does not like) and have to interject that people who faithfully practice their religion (in this case Catholicism) are not bad people. Would I argue that there is a bad element in Rome; no chance. I know there is. So it is wrong to indict us faithful Catholics any more than OI should indict Baptists , Presbyterians or whatever as being heretics. Not everyone's stance on end times are in agreement with one another.
Well. That’s a nice middle of the road don’t offend anybody stance. Typical “nice religious guy”.
There is no salvation in Rome. Never has been. Never will be. Never mentioned heresy. That is a historically Roman thing. Convert or die. On the Protestant mission field in predominantly Catholic countries the RCC priests are conniving, betraying double- faced duplicitous bastards. Read the History of the Papacy. If you can find a book which hasn’t been “cleaned” of details critical of Rome. Such a reading will reveal accounts of such debauchery and profligacy as to make a grown man puke in disgust. “The Priest, The Woman and the Confessional” and “50 Years in the Church of Rome” both by Charles Chinequay.
Know the history you practice. The entire priesthood is a fraud of the highest order. Don’t get me started on Transubstantiation. Total blasphemy. Critically examine your own house. A Catholic can know he is saved but he must ask the right questions, dump the entire Catechism and that dastardly and death dealing rosary and the Co-Redemptrix slight of hand.
Ask God to show you His truth.
Thanks for your thoughts. I am glad that your path works for you. I will continue with mine. You're entitled to your opinion. My faith, since I have been associated with the type of Catholicism that this Pope does not like; has bolstered me, immensely, in the past 15 years; as has the rosary of which Mr. Voelz speaks of with great disdain, but I respect that. I've heard all of these arguments many times over the years. I think of the God fearing people who have come before me and testified to their faith through their lives; Pio, Therese of Lisieux, Bernadette, Joan of Arc, Pius X. 'I'm certain that he and others will find fault with the likes of these people but that's alright. Even the FBI likes to infiltrate our churches because they (weaponized agency that they are) like to think we are conspiring against the likes of apostate Biden and his losers.
Thanks for your time.
I have no frustration with Catholics or the RCC. All else is bla bla bla. Read it all. Immaterial. The darkness of the RCC is mid level evil. As diabolical as it is. It is clearly not the master stroke of genius many suggest.
We have all been deceived. We must follow the word and only His spoken word. No matter what religion we think we are. We have to come together as the body of Christ. This is the only way to defeat the fallen one. He is trying to divide and conquer. Don’t let him!
Yes. And the RCC has absolutely nothing in common with Christianity. The RCC is Gentile world religion dressed up in Christian clothing. Catholics who do possess salvation by grace through faith and are fellow saints in the Lord are putting themselves at risk of losing their souls. The book of Hebrews is a treatise on the salvation of the soul. The “so great salvation”. “Paul’s Gospel”. “The Gospel of the Glory”.
The decisions at the Judgment Seat of Christ will determine the faithful overcomer and the unfaithful who have been overcome. Both saved but sifferent destinies.
William. The woman in every description, is Israel. She is the Harlot wife of Jahoveh. Israel is also Gods disobedient firstborn son. National Israel must be brought to the place of repentance. The last half of the Trib will accomplish that.
William. I have read RCC history and many other accounts over the years. Had many conversations. But I am not going to entertain any scripture pissing contests with anyone.
Thanks but no thanks. Not interested.