Thanks for your thoughts. I am glad that your path works for you. I will continue with mine. You're entitled to your opinion. My faith, since I have been associated with the type of Catholicism that this Pope does not like; has bolstered me, immensely, in the past 15 years; as has the rosary of which Mr. Voelz speaks of with great disdai…
Thanks for your thoughts. I am glad that your path works for you. I will continue with mine. You're entitled to your opinion. My faith, since I have been associated with the type of Catholicism that this Pope does not like; has bolstered me, immensely, in the past 15 years; as has the rosary of which Mr. Voelz speaks of with great disdain, but I respect that. I've heard all of these arguments many times over the years. I think of the God fearing people who have come before me and testified to their faith through their lives; Pio, Therese of Lisieux, Bernadette, Joan of Arc, Pius X. 'I'm certain that he and others will find fault with the likes of these people but that's alright. Even the FBI likes to infiltrate our churches because they (weaponized agency that they are) like to think we are conspiring against the likes of apostate Biden and his losers.
I have no frustration with Catholics or the RCC. All else is bla bla bla. Read it all. Immaterial. The darkness of the RCC is mid level evil. As diabolical as it is. It is clearly not the master stroke of genius many suggest.
Thanks for your thoughts. I am glad that your path works for you. I will continue with mine. You're entitled to your opinion. My faith, since I have been associated with the type of Catholicism that this Pope does not like; has bolstered me, immensely, in the past 15 years; as has the rosary of which Mr. Voelz speaks of with great disdain, but I respect that. I've heard all of these arguments many times over the years. I think of the God fearing people who have come before me and testified to their faith through their lives; Pio, Therese of Lisieux, Bernadette, Joan of Arc, Pius X. 'I'm certain that he and others will find fault with the likes of these people but that's alright. Even the FBI likes to infiltrate our churches because they (weaponized agency that they are) like to think we are conspiring against the likes of apostate Biden and his losers.
Thanks for your time.
I have no frustration with Catholics or the RCC. All else is bla bla bla. Read it all. Immaterial. The darkness of the RCC is mid level evil. As diabolical as it is. It is clearly not the master stroke of genius many suggest.