As the father of unvaxxed children, I share this concern. Pfizer's own data, as analysed by Naomi Wolf's team, is terrifying in its implications for the permanent reproductive harm caused by the shots.


The degree to which body-fluid transmission of vax byproducts occurs is still unknown, but this is definitely a case where caution is warranted.

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The other thing that is unknown is the persistence of the various effects, including transmission.

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Yes. That seems to be the nasty bit with mRNA. It turns the body into a spike protein factory, seemingly indefinitely.

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@Lex, nobody seems to be concerned about female-to-male transmission of bodily fluids. Which means that vaxed women could infect non-vaxxed men. Of course, feminists like this author are not concerned with the flip side of the same coin.

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You're using the fallacy of relative privation. Just because this particular article was about her experience as a woman does not somehow negate or marginalize the concerns of men.

Reference: https://academy4sc.org/video/fallacy-of-relative-privation-all-problems-are-relative/

"Voicing a complaint is not the same as ignoring the suffering of others or insisting such suffering does not exist."

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@Lex if you are diagnosed with prostate cancer, and then learn that feminists in Congress made sure that breast cancer gets many times more funding than prostate cancer, we can then discuss the fallacy of relative privation in more detail.

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Amen Frank Amen

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I fail to see the connection. Funding might be a zero-sum game, but writing is not. A woman sharing her concern about sex with vaxxed men in no way diminishes your ability to share your concern about sex with vaxxed women.

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@Lex, men that articulate their concerns over women are shunned, and not published. This author only needed to say that the situation works in both directions, but she did not do that. Stating that the coin has two sides shows journalistic and personal honesty and integrity. Sadly, those attributes are often lacking in feminists.

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@Lex, the connection between this writer's feminist assault on men, and the assault on male health issues by feminists in Congress, carries a common theme: women are important, and men are not.

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And the author says that the men take rejection badly. As if women do not. Yeah, sure.

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"Where men might take being vetoed personally, women don’t see it that way. Women see it as an act of self-preservation and safety in the face of reality, given the nature of a large portion of men presently. Most will not want to keep that raincoat on for longer than absolutely necessary. With this in mind, until much, much more is uncovered about how this vaccine impacts lives, the decision ‘not to date’ vaccinated men remains steadfast for numerous unvaccinated women. "

This statement negates so-called relative privation by generalizing negatively about male emotionalism while implying that women are just being rational. When, ostensibly, the above stated factors would apply for vaxxed/unvaxxed men/women in any analysis regarding dating, this is treated as some sort of women's issue. It is not. Just by using men as contradistinctions the above dating analysis, the relative privation argument goes into doubt. If you swapped men and women in the above paragraph minus or including the contrived contradistinctions, the exact same points would be equally or more valid.

More valid dating contradistinctions are ignored. In general, women are the more neurotic gender and more inclined to over-estimate and over-react to perceived threats, often irrationally. Even wikipedia is forced to admit this. The karen meme exists for a reason and is pretty well documented on the video sites as are male injury-risking behaviors. The percentage of vaccinated women, especially early on in the scamdemic, was far higher than the male percentage. Look at the videos of the early lines for vaccination when the vaccines were being pitched as somewhat unavailable. Perhaps they had more time to wait in line? Men became vaccinated in numbers approaching, never equalling, female numbers when it became a condition of employment. The men who refused vaccination often risked more than just themselves by remaining unvaxxed. These ignored points demonstrate the feminist nature of the article and a bias probably designed to elevate the esteem of uneducated women in the dating market. Consequently, relative privation vanishes in the contrived contradistinctions of a puff-piece written for your self-interested audience. Possibly, her motives were even darker in that this was an attempt to drive a greater wedge between the sexes. In other words, she was writing for the emotional elevation her audience and not from a personal perspective that ignores more pressing vax issues for women such as: unvaxxed men may recognize that many vaxxed women were not driven by the same necessities as men to the vax and that a possible driver for getting the vax provides a strong indicator of the neurotic nature of the prospective date.

And due to his willingness to risk himself for his family to keep his job, the vaxxed male is basically dealing with the same neuroticism that caused many vaxxed women to get vaxxed in the first place. He may find that he is dealing with a woman (excused in spades in the above article) whose neuroticism is being differently focused. He may be better off without this one... In other words, the result of male good intentions must deal with a new expression of existing female emotional frailties.

But, for the female perspective, an unvaxxed woman will definitely be dating up with an unvaxxed male.

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@NotAChristian, thank you, very well put. As we get closer to the poop hitting the fan, the women will show their self-preservation by latching on to the first man that comes their way.

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Yes Frank, it is a worry for young unclotshotted men, that they will be 'latched on to'.

But, hey, same for young unclotshotted women.

Such a small pool.

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@Cairn, Exactly!

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relative privation reminds me of the Facebook folks going ballistic over a post.

"I don't like oranges"

"OMG he hates citrus fruit, obviously isn't aware of the plight of the lonely grapefruit"

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@SomeDude, calling relative privation a "fallacy" has resulted in many times more taxpayer funding for breast cancer than prostate cancer. Also: a feminist that presents what is obviously a two-sex issue as a woman-only issue is dishonest. Dishonesty is at the core of feminism, as is the ensuing misandry and misandric policies.

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"Single, unvaccinated men are also following suit and running into the same issues as their single, unvaccinated, female counterparts. Calling themselves “Purebloods,” they too are only looking for unvaccinated partners".

The author did manage to put this in, but yes, article was all about women.

My concern would be in how does one know who is and who is not clotshotted. Need a test for this.

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Ditto! Mama of 2 teen girls here--whatta nightmare (not just datin' which thankfully is not yet on the menu, but just makin' friends--proximity alone given sheddin' is giant problem). Any parent postin' (anywhere) they have a kid lookin' fer "pureblood pals" is gonna take more heat than a Burger King brazier! Any parent publicizing in ANY way they are lookin' fer purebloods are puttin' themselves at risk too--as in "HELLO GOVT--find us unjabbed folks--here we are fer when it's quarantine camp time!"--so not only is it abhorrent n' offensive to put it out there that y'all are seekin' purebloods--but doin' so makes us targets. MSM an' the mockinbirds sure was brilliant...

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Unvaxxed semen is the next bitcoin

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And I am "mining" billions of them every day!!!

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anonymous sperm donors get "mined" for 18-plus years of child support these days.

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Oct 26, 2022
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the current donation standards put me at 10 years too old at 49

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the current donation standards allow anonymous sperm donors to be sued for child support

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I lost my relationship due, in part, to this b.s. After providing her with templates and options for medical and religious exemptions, she caved under the first mandate without a fight. We were planning for a family within the year. I pleaded with her to refrain. As a nurse from a family of healthcare providers, they were all adamant about both the danger of the virus and the safety and efficacy of the vax. They wore masks in their own home and ate together only outside until the weather turned.

I refuse to entertain a vaccinated partner and have resigned to the possibility that it may be a while until I find someone new. Unfortunately, there are no decent dating apps to filter for prospective partners and I’d rather avoid that route altogether. The situation is bleak. A change in social circles is ultimately necessary.

Sad times. Truly uncharted territory.

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You made the correct decision.

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The decision for the non-vaxed to avoid the vaxed is obviously a two-sex phenomenon, not the one-way street that feminist authors portray.

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I lost my relationship too for same reasons. I am sad but am grateful this exposed such an important divide. Hang in there, you will be rewarded for staying true to your intuition and beliefs.

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They were a very neurotic family. Would have shown up in other ways sooner or later regardless of the clotshot.

We're learning a lot about people whom we thought we knew.

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Vaxxed/Unvaxxed may be more of a practical IQ test at this point.

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I wish it was that simple. Highly intelligent members of my immediate family still getting boosters. They drank the coolaid and there’s no turning back.

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The IQ phenomenon is far more complex. It is more to do with the openness trait. However if you just plotted IQ vs vax uptake the low end and the very high end of the IQ curve are less vaxed and the middle ground to higher than average is more higly vaxed. I think it comes down to low IQ people dont trust what doesnt make sense and are sceptical. very high IQ people can get whats going on and see the danger. The average to above average IQers dunning kruger their way into it as they want to show that they understand zee science...

Please see my blog. I am writing again.

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Huh! So I'm either low IQ end or very high IQ end. Maybe both!

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its a correlation so there's a bell curve. the old hast tag not all asians are 5 foor tall.

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I prefer to think I’m Uber smart!! 😀

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you can't be that smart i can't see you subscribed to my blog

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That wasn’t smart!

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It’s about relationship intelligence. Who we connect with and who we accept as good and right and true or at least reliable and trustworthy is the underlying basis the touchstone and indicator of what beliefs you are going to adopt as true, what customs and activities you are going to live whether or not you have consciously accepted them agreed with them and logically examined them.

Therefore relationship consciousness and relationship intelligence is the most important, most fundamental and most critical component to success and failure of all kinds

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Huh? Both sexes (heterosexually speaking) want to have a certain degree of shared values to maximize their ability to go in the same direction together as a team, for as long as possible. It's not JUST females that consider these things when dating.

So in this example, we might not have exactly the same dietary choices, but you would need to agree enough that experimental injections that would bypass your mucous membrane will be AVOIDED. For yourselves and definetly for your children. But what about couples who disagree? Can the relationships survive these mandates? Agenda 2030/2050 is far from over.

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In this context I was speaking of a human being’s relationship with the entities around them whether it be individuals or groups of any type political, commercial and religious or for any other purpose.

Jim Rohn was often quoted as saying we are the average of the five closest associates. (Or something like that).

A person’s relationship intelligence is an important factor to consider when entering a romantic relationship.

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Not necessarily. When people are in fear, they do all kinds of irrational things. Take this article which helps explain the psychology of how seemingly normal people can be coerced or convinced to do wicked things to their peers/strangers: https://off-guardian.org/2022/09/03/5-psychological-experiments-that-explain-the-modern-world/

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Exactly. Atrocities happen over and over in history, simply because the majority go along with them. https://dystopianliving.substack.com/p/the-psychology-of-compliance

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I think it may be more EQ than IQ

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To know getting vaccinated wasn’t smart is an understatement. I feel badly for the coerced. Where is the outrage over all of it????

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Quiet submission. The adults failed on so many levels:

- critical thinking

- bodily autonomy

- right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness

- protecting their young

- protecting freedom

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There is a private school in Miami that was vilified for not allowing recently vaccinated teachers or students from returning to the school-once the vaccines were made available-by all the corporate media.

Even I was skeptical of shedding but now we learn that they were right all along, who knew. It makes me want to wear a biohazard suit everywhere I go.

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I got a really painful round of covid after the multivitamin-taking maintenance guy worked in my apartment.

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Oct 26, 2022
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Get yourself some Ivermectin asap, I did. It at least helps take out many of the spike proteins these ppl are spreading.

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once a week was the prophylaxis schedule for Drs n nurses in the hospital

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I’ve said that, too.

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From JAMA: Among those with Omicron infection, the risk of symptomatic infection did not differ significantly for the 2-dose vaccination status vs unvaccinated status and was significantly higher for the 3-dose recipients vs those who were unvaccinated

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My daughters will not date a vaxxed guy.

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I will not date a vaxxed woman. It works both ways, but feminists will not tell you that.

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It does work both ways. Nothing wrong with that!!

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How have you been getting on with sorting them out Frank.

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@Cairn, good question. I just ask them straight out if they took the shot or not, but only after first asking them other true/false questions of lesser gravity. The dipped eyebrow is the sign that someone is lying. My B.S. detector does the rest. Hope this helps.

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Demonic grand-slam:

Divide humanity against itself: neighbor-against-neighbor, husband against wife

Destroy the human genome

Destroy fertility

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@NU, feminism divided men from women. If the feminist author here hadn't bashed vaxed men, she would have found another reason to do that.

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Feminism is a weapon.

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Feminism is indeed a weapon. Thank you.

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I have already discussed this with my daughters- who would have ever thought we would be dealing with this. But I agree it is sort of a litmus test in the persons character and their families character. We have teenagers and some of their friends were forced to get vaccinated by their parents against their will. What a shame

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Luckily I am married to an unvaccinated woman. If something happens to her I definitely will make vaccination status the most important item. I avoid being near people who I know are recently vaccinated. I am just not into toxic spike sharing.

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eldest daughter was unknowingly around her recently vaxxed brother at his apt, for a pizza n movie night. She ended up in the ER with cardiac symptoms. Sky high pulse and BP that would not come down.. When they pulled her blood, it fountained out of her arm. Scared the nurse with 20 years in ER.

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I’m so sorry! This is exactly what I’m afraid of - that we all have it in us to some degree.

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I think we do, and am a bit bemused and concerned at people calling themselves 'purebloods' when 95% have antibodies. I think the recovered should be taking good care with the Vit D, C, quercetin, zinc and a weekly ivy or hcq. At least we don't have the LNP, unless they are spraying it on us, and I wouldn't put it past them.

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Yes and I keep hoping that some of the scientists will talk about the antibodies - from recovering and shedding. Do we know enough about LPN to know if the shedding can cause us to begin to make the pricklies too? Don’t forget about the mosquitoes that BG talked about. I had the deepest fatigue - I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to work and I am the sole provider - after this last round of that illness. I am just beginning to come out of it. It really made me wonder about the shedding. My entire body hurt for two weeks.

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I finally had it in August, so assume it was Omicron. I slept really hard and didn't push myself, despite everything I was taking I was still sick for 10 days. Am keeping up the recovery protocol. Beet Root and liver capsules helps get rid of fatigue.

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That’s horrible!!! The vaxxed have no idea what they are doing to themselves and to others. I keep saying that all of us who are informed are still in the minority. I see proof of this every day.

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supposedly 15-20% have not taken it, but I am not so sure

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Do you mean any covid vaccine or just the most resent one?

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total # with zero vax. I think there has been a very small number taking the bivalent booster, less than 5%

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I truly hope there are more of us that haven’t had a single one. Of the people we know, I know we are in the minority.

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I'm thinking it might be the prime time to start a blood bank specifically for unvaccinated blood. Who might be contacted to do such a thing?

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Just recently gave blood. No longer does it sit still on a scale, but rather it is agitated constantly as it comes out of your body to mix in the anti-coagulants.

Coincidence or coincidence?

Strange that morticians are finding all sorts of strange blood clots in corpses.

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I have been asking the same question.

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The scales?

I meant, Covidcidence

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Alas, a product that immediately illuminates what kind of guy I might be dating, and predicts relationship potential! Took the product with glee and religious zeal? Not grounded in reality, glaringly not intelligent or thoughtful. Reluctantly took it to keep a job? Spineless pansy, whom I couldn’t rely on when it counts. Took it but now sees the light? Sorry, I’m bored waiting for you to catch up.

Going on a date is different than dating, which is different than finding a partner. If simply going on a date is the goal, then yes, the pool is reduced for us single (and fabulous) women. If the goal is to find a compatible partner, then I see that the vaxx allows for a convenient filter of the undesirable qualities that only time allows you to discover.

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It is similar to what I've told my son. Find a woman that resisted the social pressure to vaccinate and you've likely found someone with unique strength of character and/or intelligence. It is a great litmus test. Besides that, I'd like health grandkids.

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@Maya guess what, men judge women just as harshly. The exception are the women that reject feminism and value men - we adore them.

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As a mother of two unvaxed girls (13,11) we have already started to indoctrinate (persuade) them wrt to how ridiculous this world is. At our dinner table we declare that there r only 2 genders in this world ... as they look lovingly into their two mummies eyes. We may be gay but we r not fn stupid. Trans is off the table, vax is off the table and critical thinking is #1.

This includes future dating pool. It’s not so much about their fellow 12 yr old. But the parents I’m worried about.

Sure it’s discrimination - but given the current short term side effects the future is looking fn dim and my childrens children will not go near a vax again!

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The author is just another feminist that has seized an opportunity to bash men. If it weren't for the vax issue, it would be something else. To those of her ilk, I say, "Just who the hell are you?" After 50 years of feminism, men first walked away from marriage, and are now walking away from feminist women. Before feminism reared it's ugly head, there was a woman for every man that wanted one. With feminism came female hypergamy, and the Tinder 80-20 rule: 80% of women are only interested in the top 20% of men. Fortunately, the antidote is at hand: increasing numbers of women are rejecting feminism, and accepting of the men that are all around them.

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Oct 27, 2022
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There are a few unicorns around, such as Karen Straughan. She has many videos on Youtube. Here is one:


There is also former feminist Cassie Jaye, who became a men's rights advocate after interviewing men for her documentary, The Red Pill.

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You dont think "unvaccinated" men havent had similar fears about vaccinated women? It's actually worse biologically when the female has organ toxicity of this nature in that the female has the womb for both fetus development and post-birth nurturing (e.g. Breastfeeding).

This article felt like a backdoor feminist piece. The words "patriarchy" were likely removed to make it a little less obvious. FYI, dividing the sexes plays wonderfully into the elitist attempt to erode extended family values (depopulate and/or regulated birthing) and emasculate men in particular....as un-feminized men would be the first ones to stand up and call bs when something is out of place in the home or larger society.

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Yep. It's another of the million feminist articles about how hard it is for women dating in today's world. As if dating is such a cakewalk for the average man.

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@So,eUserName, thank you!

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@Jon, it absolutely is backdoor feminism at work here. If she hadn't bashed men over being vaxed, she would have found another excuse to bash men.

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