2SG, Thank you for all of your pertinent articles and especially this very important one that supports my position that doctors, drugs and hospitals are detrimental to health. I came to this belief after watching many horrors during my years as an RN and after the iatrogenic deaths of both my mother and husband by the medical mafia. I am…
2SG, Thank you for all of your pertinent articles and especially this very important one that supports my position that doctors, drugs and hospitals are detrimental to health. I came to this belief after watching many horrors during my years as an RN and after the iatrogenic deaths of both my mother and husband by the medical mafia. I am a healthy independent 83 year old female who hasn’t been to a doctor or taken a drug or vax in 50+ years. My children and friends think I’m crazy and tell me I should have a doctor, but they are all sick and I am the picture of health. However, they don’t see or won’t admit any connection.
I can outwork all of my five children and often do. I help and take care of them when they are sick. I research their problems and try to find natural non- pharmaceutical remedies for their illnesses. It frustrates me that they don’t take responsibility for their own health and feel they have to rely on docs and drugs, but thankfully I think some are starting to wake up and realize what is going on. I will keep trying to help them see the light regarding the flaws and failures of modern medicine. I attribute my excellent health to staying away from doctors, drugs and hospitals and taking responsibility for my health. I hope my motto will eventually rub off on those I love…
I avoid doctors at all costs too. I'm 80 and doing very well. I remember way back in the early 70s there was a 6 week doctor strike in France and undertakers noticed a big decrease in deaths.
Good for you Patricia, you've witnessed so much during your years as an RN. If you're healthy, take good care of yourself, take no RX drugs, but instead nutraceutical supplements that works with our bodies is the way to go. My husband & I (72 & 67) have been doing this for years and we feel great. It's also important to exercise no matter your age. Gotta keep our bodies moving!
We have to learn how to be your own doctor. We no longer trust Allopathic medicine. They are still practicing 19th century medicine. Their method is never to get to the root of the problem and get better, but chronic sickness till death, making millions off the people with their cut, burn and poison, toxic drugs and vaccines.
Good for you! I live next to retire critical care nurse. She also comprehends the medical cartel and also is ridiculed despite her vast experience. We are dealing with World Views that are imploding in every direction with some very undesirable outcomes. The Flexner report is how it all began...
2SG, Thank you for all of your pertinent articles and especially this very important one that supports my position that doctors, drugs and hospitals are detrimental to health. I came to this belief after watching many horrors during my years as an RN and after the iatrogenic deaths of both my mother and husband by the medical mafia. I am a healthy independent 83 year old female who hasn’t been to a doctor or taken a drug or vax in 50+ years. My children and friends think I’m crazy and tell me I should have a doctor, but they are all sick and I am the picture of health. However, they don’t see or won’t admit any connection.
I can outwork all of my five children and often do. I help and take care of them when they are sick. I research their problems and try to find natural non- pharmaceutical remedies for their illnesses. It frustrates me that they don’t take responsibility for their own health and feel they have to rely on docs and drugs, but thankfully I think some are starting to wake up and realize what is going on. I will keep trying to help them see the light regarding the flaws and failures of modern medicine. I attribute my excellent health to staying away from doctors, drugs and hospitals and taking responsibility for my health. I hope my motto will eventually rub off on those I love…
I avoid doctors at all costs too. I'm 80 and doing very well. I remember way back in the early 70s there was a 6 week doctor strike in France and undertakers noticed a big decrease in deaths.
After WW2 there was no infrastructure and thus no access to medical care.
The net result was a massive statistically significant increase in general health.
Emergency medicine the exception. That said there are maligned doctors that do have your health interests at heart. They are rarely MD's...
Good for you Patricia, you've witnessed so much during your years as an RN. If you're healthy, take good care of yourself, take no RX drugs, but instead nutraceutical supplements that works with our bodies is the way to go. My husband & I (72 & 67) have been doing this for years and we feel great. It's also important to exercise no matter your age. Gotta keep our bodies moving!
We have to learn how to be your own doctor. We no longer trust Allopathic medicine. They are still practicing 19th century medicine. Their method is never to get to the root of the problem and get better, but chronic sickness till death, making millions off the people with their cut, burn and poison, toxic drugs and vaccines.
You, like 2SG’s mom, are a badass! And a hero in my book. May you have continued great health.
Thank you so much Lorri! I guess I am a badass… it hasn’t been easy, but so worth it!!
Good for you! I live next to retire critical care nurse. She also comprehends the medical cartel and also is ridiculed despite her vast experience. We are dealing with World Views that are imploding in every direction with some very undesirable outcomes. The Flexner report is how it all began...