For consideration - yes, Tate is way flawed human being who made loads of money off sexual exploitation - but for some reason (which I can’t fathom) he has stumbled on/resorted to a fairly conservative message (men need to be men, women women, don’t listen to deep state, etc.) Yet he is under investigation. Hunter Biden - well we have pictures of him as well thanks to the laptop - no investigation of him. It’s the message the is getting people in trouble, not the deeds. That is what I take away from all this (and I do agree with some of Tate’s message, even if his life history is 100 percent opposite of what a good man should be). Yeah, we can tear down Tate if we want - but who, honestly, is hoping we do so?
Hey, you've obliquely raised a great point: is this what all this hubbub about Tate really about? Is it to deflect attention from Hunter Biden?
It's got some key ingredients. Tate's ostensibly "conservative" message (the "men are men, women are women" part, while down-playing Tate's obvious and stated hatred of women who he has denigrated and degraded) is the hook to bring on-side and gain sympathy with the right-minded who are either on the fence about him, or were reflexively against him. This is because he promotes himself as a pimp, after all, and religious conservatism is stereotypically anti- sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll. It's primarily this demographic that wants the "Hunter Biden's Laptop" affair resolved. Which is understandable, I might add, because if it were properly resolved, so much filth on the Bidens and the entire situation in Ukraine would need to be officially acknowledged, which is why they're doing their damnedest to keep it all under wraps, and deflect attention away from it. Enter Andrew Tate. Thanks Tucker. Once again, dutifully doing his job.
I have a bit of time working for the govt. - first of all, it is incapable of the elegant; anything more sophisticated than “hulk smash” is literally beyond its abilities. But “hulk smash,” yeah - it can do that pretty well. Tucker highlighting Tate is pretty much after the fact - if anything it caught “the powers that be” actually employing “hulk smash.” The message is a threat, regardless of the messenger. And the “powers that be” are, well, kinda stupid honestly and limited in their ability to think and act with a degree of elegance that would hide their hand/influence. But, well, no body reads or thinks anymore, so I guess “hulk smash” works, so why change it.
"But, well, no body reads or thinks anymore, so I guess “hulk smash” works, so why change it."
And nobody ever remembers anything anymore, and why would they need to? They have Google... No one remembers the f#c|<ery of AIDS, nor 9/11, nor the aftermath. No one remembers the names of the players, let alone what they said or did. It's all gone, swept away and memoryholed as the Overton window flies past. That's how they can pull a 9/11 or WMD or a COVID-19, and that's why they'll regroup and try again, when all the changes that COVID-19 was a pretext for are in place and fully-operating.
So who is driving the witch hunt - not actually hard to answer honestly, but perhaps a bit tad harder to “prove” its the message, vice the deed, that got Tate in trouble.
Actually, you just gave me an awesome idea. All men who are either in jail or have been punished for buying/paying for sex, should file a class action against DOJ and The POTUS based on the equal protection for selective application of the law.
I love Andrew Tate...He speaks TRUTH like it is...not like most people...They speak "their truths' and there no such f#@#ing thing as anybody;s truth,,,TRUTH IS JUST THAT...IT STANDS ALONE!!!
My point is that you are allowed to sell sleaze, but you are not required to buy it. Horrible things are bought and sold all the time. But if it's lawful, people have a right to sell whatever they want, even if it's completely distasteful and disgusting.
No, people do not have the right to ruin people's lives to turn a buck.
The same people that run strip clubs are involved in a wide range of criminal activity, and pretending it is victimless is completely distasteful and disgusting.
It irritates me no end how his every single banal comment or scuttlebutt, however insipid and platitudinous, makes headlines, as though he were some kind of far-seeing enlightened sage.
I suppose it helps being given/made by DOD/Deep State to appear to purchase a wearisomely blue (they're always colored blue to signal the scam, aren't they?) Silicon Valley/DOD social media platform for 44 bangtillion majik bux.
Alpha Tate has reality bending abilities. He is a better role model than Beta Jesus, if you think about it hard enough from your basement in the matrix by the switch...
I’m confused. Do you think the charges on Tate are trumped up? I think he is a sleaze that happens to be correct about government overreach. However, I don’t think the MFM should have anything to do with him because he is radioactive.
I’m open to having been duped again by the hype, but even before I saw the Twitter video about his PHD course, he gave me the heebie jeebies.
He's perceived to be 'owning' wokeism/the libs. This is all it takes for the New Right to accept someone as a role model (though to be fair, most have not seen these clips)
Note that he's the opposite of what a traditional conservative man should be - a pimp and an alleged human trafficker.
If Tate was not owning the libs, would the right not label him a groomer, etc.? Still, I agree that the reason he's a threat to the establishment is because of the aspects Tucker focused on. They could really care less about exploitation. After all, they do it themselves. Hunter is more the rule than the exception. He's just sloppy.
I don’t care. Even sleazies impart value, as persons can derive insight from the oddest places. The point is, did he lie about the charges? Doubtfully. The indictments and charges are written out. I trust Tucker’s not so stupid to get played. You can be sleazy and have the right to speech and to make a living. To start dividing worthies and unworthies for constitutional and human rights, justice, is the legacy’s playbook. They are the enemy. Standards are unconditional, not selective. That’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it.
I don't care what his course teaches. Do I not have the right to sell a course on any damn thing I want? Does my course or my message have to be accurate, correct, or fit any criteria at all? Does it need approval from anyone? If you can make money selling an idea or a course, developing a following, good for you. Great business model. Made in America.
Right, med schools charge much more money for their courses and do much more harm than Tate 🤣
But if he is beating and intimidating the girls then maybe some investigation is warranted. It sounds like he has a sick sex cult going on in his compounds...
I have zero interest or knowledge of Tate’s background. The entirety of the whole social influencer, social media thing while revered by millions holds no sway with me. I could care less except when people are banned, doxxed arrested or otherwise demonized for saying stuff others don’t like. Are you kidding? Sticks and stones as far as I’m concerned. Kids are a different story. Their brains are impressionable. Their frontal lobes are underdeveloped. So, yes, they need to be shielded. That starts at home which, from where I sit most millennial parents seem incapable of doing preferring instead to be apologists for life’s unfairness. So I watch this interview and I see a guy who presents himself as the antithesis of the mamby pamby way a lot of people think is the road to a fairer society but is actually a road to serfdom. So, in the context of this interview I see Tate as making a lot of good takeaways. Similar to Trump I can see those with an aversion to testosterone disliking him instantly, however.
He would be interviewed by a Jerry springer like person if that were the case.. tucker has more to lose by interviewing him... But the views dictate otherwise.
That's a great observation. Even though he does play the part with such relish, we know that Tate is Intelligence (CIA, FBI, MI5/6?), and one of the most important skills for intelligence agents is acting. (although not of the Shakespearean plays kind a true thespian would be interested in). However, whether it's his shtick, or it's what he has done in truth (and I suspect it's both, because it really takes a shit to put yourself there and take part in any of this), it's hard to argue against an ostensible misogyny.
And I, too, believe The King is a woman, but so is God as well.
I didn't know he was CIA, etc. 100% not surprised, though. A 3 year old will repeat any behavior that gets attention, otherwise known as rewards. All Tate had to do was A/B test his message over and over until he got a powerful message that resonated with his audience. Have you noticed (I'm sure you have) that these unremarkable ventures that shoot to the top usually have had the CIA or whomever take them over and make them their own? Facebook, Twitter, Hippies, the racism business and ideology, women's liberation, transgender acceptance? I read an article in 1966 about transgender operation in Sweden. All of a sudden it's the most important issue of our time. I'm a little upset about it because my daughter in law encourages her 3 year old son to wear dresses and pink so that she can virtue signal and get attention. Poor kid. In Texas, we raise boys to be boys, Dammit!
"Have you noticed (I'm sure you have) that these unremarkable ventures that shoot to the top usually have had the CIA or whomever take them over and make them their own?"
It was shocking at first, and greatly disappointing to learn this, because some of those movements had positive ideologies and philosophies, and the CIA undermines, subverts and corrupts anything grassroots and genuinely good. There are other levels above them, but the CIA needs to be completely uprooted and destroyed.
As for all Big Tech, whether media and internet platforms, even the internet itself, or Tesla or anything at all that has global-reach and frames our present day existence and they way we conduct ourselves and behave, you can be sure that they're all completely CIA/NSA/DARPA/DOD/etc. from idea to financing to implementation.
I'm greatly upset for you and the matter of what your daughter is doing to your grandson. I can't sugar-coat it: it's criminal. It must be heart-breaking, my heart goes out to you.
What you are going through is far worse than what I am. All I'm getting (which I find utterly repugnant) is seeing a nephew who is gradually covering his previously healthy skin with indelible ink, and shaving his body hair, almost as if in futile and incomprehensible denial of his mammalian heritage.
For consideration - yes, Tate is way flawed human being who made loads of money off sexual exploitation - but for some reason (which I can’t fathom) he has stumbled on/resorted to a fairly conservative message (men need to be men, women women, don’t listen to deep state, etc.) Yet he is under investigation. Hunter Biden - well we have pictures of him as well thanks to the laptop - no investigation of him. It’s the message the is getting people in trouble, not the deeds. That is what I take away from all this (and I do agree with some of Tate’s message, even if his life history is 100 percent opposite of what a good man should be). Yeah, we can tear down Tate if we want - but who, honestly, is hoping we do so?
I think Andrew Tate and his brother are GREAT! It’s nice to hear a man talk like that!
And by the way, men will be men. Allow them to be!
Astonished by your comment.
Hey, you've obliquely raised a great point: is this what all this hubbub about Tate really about? Is it to deflect attention from Hunter Biden?
It's got some key ingredients. Tate's ostensibly "conservative" message (the "men are men, women are women" part, while down-playing Tate's obvious and stated hatred of women who he has denigrated and degraded) is the hook to bring on-side and gain sympathy with the right-minded who are either on the fence about him, or were reflexively against him. This is because he promotes himself as a pimp, after all, and religious conservatism is stereotypically anti- sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll. It's primarily this demographic that wants the "Hunter Biden's Laptop" affair resolved. Which is understandable, I might add, because if it were properly resolved, so much filth on the Bidens and the entire situation in Ukraine would need to be officially acknowledged, which is why they're doing their damnedest to keep it all under wraps, and deflect attention away from it. Enter Andrew Tate. Thanks Tucker. Once again, dutifully doing his job.
This really does stink of an operation.
I have a bit of time working for the govt. - first of all, it is incapable of the elegant; anything more sophisticated than “hulk smash” is literally beyond its abilities. But “hulk smash,” yeah - it can do that pretty well. Tucker highlighting Tate is pretty much after the fact - if anything it caught “the powers that be” actually employing “hulk smash.” The message is a threat, regardless of the messenger. And the “powers that be” are, well, kinda stupid honestly and limited in their ability to think and act with a degree of elegance that would hide their hand/influence. But, well, no body reads or thinks anymore, so I guess “hulk smash” works, so why change it.
Great comment, thanks for the refinements.
"But, well, no body reads or thinks anymore, so I guess “hulk smash” works, so why change it."
And nobody ever remembers anything anymore, and why would they need to? They have Google... No one remembers the f#c|<ery of AIDS, nor 9/11, nor the aftermath. No one remembers the names of the players, let alone what they said or did. It's all gone, swept away and memoryholed as the Overton window flies past. That's how they can pull a 9/11 or WMD or a COVID-19, and that's why they'll regroup and try again, when all the changes that COVID-19 was a pretext for are in place and fully-operating.
By the way, did you see Biden mouth the toddler this week? And top it off with smelling her hair, of course.
Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you The President of The United States of America!
This is symptomatic of what the "land of the free" has been degenerated to. It's heartbreaking.
I'll give your comment a like for bringing this up, but not for the content. ;-)
I guess the Romainian police and judicial authorities are far less woke and politically corrupt than their US counterparts. That could explain a lot.
Agreed on this point
So who is driving the witch hunt - not actually hard to answer honestly, but perhaps a bit tad harder to “prove” its the message, vice the deed, that got Tate in trouble.
Which should scare the hell out of everyone.
Actually, you just gave me an awesome idea. All men who are either in jail or have been punished for buying/paying for sex, should file a class action against DOJ and The POTUS based on the equal protection for selective application of the law.
I love Andrew Tate...He speaks TRUTH like it is...not like most people...They speak "their truths' and there no such f#@#ing thing as anybody;s truth,,,TRUTH IS JUST THAT...IT STANDS ALONE!!!
Except when justifying his own sleazy conduct.
I don't need a pimp to prattle to a Culture Idol to know about Deep State issues.
Slime is slime, even if it talks a good game.
Are you on fire against slimy strip joints? Or any other slime?
I am not " on fire" period.
My friend was a pharmacy student, and worked 28 hours a week to make $70K/yr.
It nearly ruined her completely.
I despise sleaze and I can't begin to guess your point in offering a variety to choose from.
My point is that you are allowed to sell sleaze, but you are not required to buy it. Horrible things are bought and sold all the time. But if it's lawful, people have a right to sell whatever they want, even if it's completely distasteful and disgusting.
No, people do not have the right to ruin people's lives to turn a buck.
The same people that run strip clubs are involved in a wide range of criminal activity, and pretending it is victimless is completely distasteful and disgusting.
You could also argue that certain churches or religions are ruining people's live. I am religious, but I do think certain religions are harmful.
It is only distasteful and disgusting to you. You have no data to say that it's ruining people's lives. You don't know. That's your opinion.
Did you fall off a turnip truck or what?
Hell yes Alicia! I respect him and his brother for standing up for the damn truth! Some men don’t want to hear the truth...and some women.
This was a great interview and Andrew Tate was spot on with so many of his observations and perspectives.
Reread this article carefully, and then watch the takedown video on Twitter.
Another useless uncaptioned video.
If you would note the timestamp and demarcate the beginning and end, I could watch it full screen on YouTube.
Youtube may represent The Beast as much as Twitter, but it isn't directly trying to kill Substack.
Virtually every Substack links to Twitter regularly.
That seems suicidal and crazy to me.
Fork Elon and Fork Twitter!
Oh, I do hate Musk .... grrr!
It irritates me no end how his every single banal comment or scuttlebutt, however insipid and platitudinous, makes headlines, as though he were some kind of far-seeing enlightened sage.
I suppose it helps being given/made by DOD/Deep State to appear to purchase a wearisomely blue (they're always colored blue to signal the scam, aren't they?) Silicon Valley/DOD social media platform for 44 bangtillion majik bux.
Alpha Tate has reality bending abilities. He is a better role model than Beta Jesus, if you think about it hard enough from your basement in the matrix by the switch...
Beta Jesus? You will answer to Him one day.
Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Or maybe you say this in jest.
I’m confused. Do you think the charges on Tate are trumped up? I think he is a sleaze that happens to be correct about government overreach. However, I don’t think the MFM should have anything to do with him because he is radioactive.
I’m open to having been duped again by the hype, but even before I saw the Twitter video about his PHD course, he gave me the heebie jeebies.
It’s bs, in my opinion. It’s ridiculous.
AlphaTate is on a space-galactic mission to make wire fraud legal by sheer power of mind, DAH! 😱🪬
He's perceived to be 'owning' wokeism/the libs. This is all it takes for the New Right to accept someone as a role model (though to be fair, most have not seen these clips)
Note that he's the opposite of what a traditional conservative man should be - a pimp and an alleged human trafficker.
If Tate was not owning the libs, would the right not label him a groomer, etc.? Still, I agree that the reason he's a threat to the establishment is because of the aspects Tucker focused on. They could really care less about exploitation. After all, they do it themselves. Hunter is more the rule than the exception. He's just sloppy.
I don’t care. Even sleazies impart value, as persons can derive insight from the oddest places. The point is, did he lie about the charges? Doubtfully. The indictments and charges are written out. I trust Tucker’s not so stupid to get played. You can be sleazy and have the right to speech and to make a living. To start dividing worthies and unworthies for constitutional and human rights, justice, is the legacy’s playbook. They are the enemy. Standards are unconditional, not selective. That’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it.
I don't care what his course teaches. Do I not have the right to sell a course on any damn thing I want? Does my course or my message have to be accurate, correct, or fit any criteria at all? Does it need approval from anyone? If you can make money selling an idea or a course, developing a following, good for you. Great business model. Made in America.
Right, med schools charge much more money for their courses and do much more harm than Tate 🤣
But if he is beating and intimidating the girls then maybe some investigation is warranted. It sounds like he has a sick sex cult going on in his compounds...
I haven’t watched him. If he is abusing anyone, it should be investigated fairly.
I have zero interest or knowledge of Tate’s background. The entirety of the whole social influencer, social media thing while revered by millions holds no sway with me. I could care less except when people are banned, doxxed arrested or otherwise demonized for saying stuff others don’t like. Are you kidding? Sticks and stones as far as I’m concerned. Kids are a different story. Their brains are impressionable. Their frontal lobes are underdeveloped. So, yes, they need to be shielded. That starts at home which, from where I sit most millennial parents seem incapable of doing preferring instead to be apologists for life’s unfairness. So I watch this interview and I see a guy who presents himself as the antithesis of the mamby pamby way a lot of people think is the road to a fairer society but is actually a road to serfdom. So, in the context of this interview I see Tate as making a lot of good takeaways. Similar to Trump I can see those with an aversion to testosterone disliking him instantly, however.
In other words, Tate is "tame" compared to our sociopathic politicians etc....
He would be interviewed by a Jerry springer like person if that were the case.. tucker has more to lose by interviewing him... But the views dictate otherwise.
“Free Speech Absolutist” fraudster Elon Musk is still blocking Tweets in Substack. Please click the image to watch the video.»
I am far from being the 2nd Smartest Guy in the World. Perhaps, that’s the reason I am coming to this sub stack for wisdom.
Help me understand, how not allowing to place own product on a competitive platform is against free speech please?
So, if Ferrari refuses to sell its cars at a Chevy dealership it would mean that Ferrari is against free speech?
Thank you for the wisdom, MR. 2!!
I think Tate became a Muslim because of the way the Muslim religion treats women in general.
You aren't his audience. And you don't know if he hates women or not. (Note: I'm not really Elvis, I am a women myself.)
"And you don't know if he hates women or not."
That's a great observation. Even though he does play the part with such relish, we know that Tate is Intelligence (CIA, FBI, MI5/6?), and one of the most important skills for intelligence agents is acting. (although not of the Shakespearean plays kind a true thespian would be interested in). However, whether it's his shtick, or it's what he has done in truth (and I suspect it's both, because it really takes a shit to put yourself there and take part in any of this), it's hard to argue against an ostensible misogyny.
And I, too, believe The King is a woman, but so is God as well.
I didn't know he was CIA, etc. 100% not surprised, though. A 3 year old will repeat any behavior that gets attention, otherwise known as rewards. All Tate had to do was A/B test his message over and over until he got a powerful message that resonated with his audience. Have you noticed (I'm sure you have) that these unremarkable ventures that shoot to the top usually have had the CIA or whomever take them over and make them their own? Facebook, Twitter, Hippies, the racism business and ideology, women's liberation, transgender acceptance? I read an article in 1966 about transgender operation in Sweden. All of a sudden it's the most important issue of our time. I'm a little upset about it because my daughter in law encourages her 3 year old son to wear dresses and pink so that she can virtue signal and get attention. Poor kid. In Texas, we raise boys to be boys, Dammit!
I can't say with certainty that Tate is CIA, although it's quite a lot more likely that his father was;
Andrew Tate: King of the Simps
"Have you noticed (I'm sure you have) that these unremarkable ventures that shoot to the top usually have had the CIA or whomever take them over and make them their own?"
It was shocking at first, and greatly disappointing to learn this, because some of those movements had positive ideologies and philosophies, and the CIA undermines, subverts and corrupts anything grassroots and genuinely good. There are other levels above them, but the CIA needs to be completely uprooted and destroyed.
As for all Big Tech, whether media and internet platforms, even the internet itself, or Tesla or anything at all that has global-reach and frames our present day existence and they way we conduct ourselves and behave, you can be sure that they're all completely CIA/NSA/DARPA/DOD/etc. from idea to financing to implementation.
I'm greatly upset for you and the matter of what your daughter is doing to your grandson. I can't sugar-coat it: it's criminal. It must be heart-breaking, my heart goes out to you.
What you are going through is far worse than what I am. All I'm getting (which I find utterly repugnant) is seeing a nephew who is gradually covering his previously healthy skin with indelible ink, and shaving his body hair, almost as if in futile and incomprehensible denial of his mammalian heritage.
Tate doesn't hate men, which is much more important in an age of single mothers of boys.
Tate is correct about women, regardless of your taking offense.
I have used his observations while disagreeing with his behavior.
Right? I can't watch it either. Just another user and abuser who is proud of himself.