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UPDATE: Steve Kirsch is Dead Wrong About the True Nature of the COVID-19 "Vaccines" -- Will He Debate Dr. David Martin and Our Team?
As many of you are aware, Steve Kirsch likes to throw out large bets on all things “vaccine.” Last week I wrote an article on how Steve, despite doing excellent work for our cause, is completely blind and in denial when it comes to the fact that the “vaccines” are deliberate slow kill bioweapons.
Shortly after publishing the above article yours truly reached out to Steve proposing that we have a friendly debate. He initially responded with a comment:
I then followed up via text and Twitter DM that our team was being put together, and provided him with a tentative list of our group of experts. Upon Steve agreeing to terms, date, etc. we would lock in our debate team.
On Sunday Steve and I had our last friendly exchange, and since then he has gone radio silent.
Perhaps the pressure of a serious yet most amicable debate has forced Steve to reconsider his position just like he did about so many other things since the “pandemic” rollout, from being duped into taking two servings of Moderna poison to donating to the Democratic party to voting for the likes of Biden?
In the week following my substack article Steve went from outright denial that the “vaccines” are depopulation injections:
To this (my red circle and arrow):
Shortly before Steve’s GENOCIDE tweet I had forwarded him a comment from one of our debate team members:
Perhaps Steve has finally woken up to the horrific truth?
Or perhaps instead of badly losing his first debate, Steve may now put some of his prodigious efforts into researching and disseminating the facts about how we are quite literally living through a global eugenics program?
Only time will tell, but Steve’s change of heart is certainly encouraging…
Do NOT comply.
Note: there is absolutely ZERO divide and conquer in this debate.
I respect Steve's work very much.
This debate would bring tremendous eyeballs to our cause.
I so much appreciate Steve's openness to learning - and yours to reaching out to him. If we can listen and debate, so much amazing good stuff is possible. Thank you and thank you, Steve.