If people understood how vaccines work they would not be too shocked. I remember Dr Seneff of MIT commenting 2 years ago that it takes at least a decade to manufacture a vaccine and bring it to market. And it's closer to 15 years. I'll be these monsters have been working on this and many other bio-weapons for many decades. Your tax dollars hard at work trying to kill you. What I find shocking is how all the personnel don't find this work amoral and totally unethical.
There is not a single vaccine that is safe or necessary, and not a single RCT study with placebo control that establishes any need for these poisonous injections.
If you don't believe me, ask any vaccine pushing doctor to produce a study.
As far as finding people who are willing to do the "amoral and totally unethical" work for these monsters I think it is easier than most would think. People who are without healthy family structure are targeted. These are people are lonely and do not have other people to love. Without love, a person can be easily converted to indifference. We are inclined to think "hate" is the opposite of "love" but it is "indifference".
The human family has been a target of Marxism and all the deformed ideologies that come from it. This has been an active plan and we are now living in the stench of it's success: divorce, abortion, co-habitation, day-care, government education, homosexuality promotion, transhumanism. All of it. It leads to the breakdown of the essential need of the individual: love.
"These are people (sic) are lonely and do not have other people to love." I might add many narcissists to the list. This comment describes many scientists. The extremely smart ones.
Marx was Rothschild's cousin (second or third cousin I think) and received a stipend from him in return for creating his "philosophy" - which is in reality nothing more than a slick marketing scheme for banker control of the world - which is of course the beast system / Satanism.
We will now consider Marx’s drama “Oulanem” (which is an inversion of the name Emanuel, a specifically Satanic move) Marx writes,
"The hellish vapours rise and fill the brain, Till I go mad and my heart is utterly changed. See this sword? The prince of darkness Sold it to me. For me he beats the time and gives the signs. Ever more boldly I play the dance of death."
Wurmbrand comments: These lines take on special significance when we learn that in the rites of higher initiation in the Satanist cult an "enchanted" sword which ensures success is sold to the candidate. He pays for it by signing a covenant, with blood taken from his wrists, agreeing that his soul will belong to Satan after death
Marx writes in a letter to his father, “A curtain had fallen. My holy of holies was rent asunder and new gods had to be installed” (10 November 1837).
Instead of telling his kids fairy tales at bed times, he told them stories of men who sold their souls to the devil. Seriously. Who does this? Wurmbrand quotes Robert Payne, “There can be very little doubt that those interminable stories were autobiographical. He had the Devil's view of the world, and the Devil's malignity. Sometimes he seemed to know that he was accomplishing works of evil.”
Speaking of the anarchist Bakunin, Wurmbrand has a very interesting paragraph: “Bakunin reveals that Proudhon, another major Socialist thinker and at that time a friend of Karl Marx, also "worshiped Satan." Hess had introduced Marx to Proudhon, who wore the same hair style typical of the nineteenth-century Satanist sect of Joanna Southcott” (Wurmbrand 16).
Marx’s favorite daughter Eleanor married an avowed Satanist, Edward Eveling.
Marx’s behavior on his deathbed was rather strange. His housemaid and whore, Helen Demuth, said he prayed before candles the week before his death. Marx never practiced Judaism and he openly rejected Christianity. So what was happening? More interesting is that he had a statue of Zeus. Zeus, as those who aren’t enamored of a Bowdlerized Greek classicism know, is Satan. Plain and simple.
Wurmbrand: “Britain’s center of Satanism is Highgate Cemetery in London, where Karl Marx is buried. Mysterious rites of black magic are celebrated at this tomb. It was the place of inspiration for the Highgate Vampire, who attacked several girls in 1970” (35).
Wurmbrand then has some observations on Lenin’s Satanism. The rest of the book (from about page 40 onward) is a litany of Marxist crimes, especially in connection with Satanic themes. It is a supplement to Solzhenitsyn’s never-sufficiently-praised Gulag. It’s not easy reading. It’s necessary, though. If anyone is tempted by Wokism or Cultural Marxism, then he/she/xir/xim needs to read it. And own it. Because that’s exactly what is going to happen.
There's lots more evidence - a quick search will point you at much of it if you're interested.
In reality traditional vaccine safety testing often only lasts a few weeks and involves a small number of people, the 'placebo' is usually a different type of vaccine so as to make the new product look relatively inert.
Even more telling, there are docs that go back to 2012 showing long term planning. In case you haven't seen this conversation between Matt Crawford and Sasha Latypova
This was a doozy- I listened to it twice, taking notes the second time...
I've been looking into OTAs, at her suggestion, after listening. It's hard not to feel a bit pessimistic when literally every stone that gets turned reveals another way that indemnifies these mother fuckers.
Yes. In some ways it's really all we need to uncover, share and focus on. Between hers and Katherine Watts work - the deep, long-term systemic undoing of our rights - is on display. Worse they are at war with us, intentionally harming and killing us. So, in the end, it won't come down - imo - to legal maneuvering. They've rigged the system.
Still, unjust laws immoral laws are still unjust and immoral. We-the-people will have to hold them accountable. That's what we're learning here.
I have no idea if there has been long term planning but let's go with such a hypothetical - why wouldn't the 2016 election results be part of that planning? Many also think elections can be rigged so why would they not have rigged the 2016 results?
Think about the two scenarios - Trump or Hilary Clinton in the White House. Who on the right would take a vaccine because Hilary told them to do so? Even many on the left wouldn't do so. One can argue that the left wouldn't take the vaccine if Trump urged them to do so and indeed that is the case as some stated in the fall of 2019. However, as soon as the administration changed, the left were only too glad to listen to the "science" - most listening to Fauci their hero who battled Trump in front of the cameras (but who was kept in place by Trump). Trump did sell the vaccines to his base as best he could claiming the vaccines were his best achievement. I wonder how many of his most ardent supporters trusted him on that score. I expect there would have been far less vaccine uptake with Hilary. There certainly couldn't have been a "battle" between Fauci "the science" and the science-deniers.
I am not saying there was such a long standing plan but to believe there was one and to think Trump wasn't part of it seems a stretch.
EDIT As CNN puts it Trump did not have the authority. Plus it would have been an impossible no win scenario leading to more trouble than it was worth.
My interpretation is that they successfully put Trump in that place that could not fire Fauci. The lionized Fauci starting in 2019 to buttress public perception for him. Then they prevented Barbara Fitzgerald from being CDC director by manipulating her investments.
The evidence including what is in this article indicates that the plandemonium would have happened when it did even if Hillary was president. I assert fooling the public would have been much easier with Hillary as president since she would have faced ZERO headwinds from the Deep State or the Mainstream Miscreants.
I also admit, its possible that they made sure Trump was president because he was complicit OR because they wanted to stain him with the Plandemonium.
If Hilary were president, I doubt many in the public would have been fooled at all. That's exactly my point. She's not likeable and many of the people who voted for Trump would not listen to her or these institutions. Trump rode in on their distrust for these institutions. It wouldn't matter if Hilary would have faced any headwind since the people don't trust her and don't trust them. When Trump went after the media and called them fake news, it wasn't that he was revealing this to his base. They already knew the news was fake and someone was finally calling MSM out on it. This segment of the American public, who already knew the news was fake, would never listen to any of the establishment but would listen to a guy who was supposedly "fighting the establishment".
As for his not firing Fauci, sure, maybe. However, there were many things he could have done that he didn't do. He could have gotten more voices to help back up Scott Atlas. During the debates he even quoted the modeling study saying that 2 million would have been lost if he didn't close the borders which was absurd and is not going to win him any votes on either side since the left believed he was responsible for 300k deaths all of which could have been prevented if only he took covid so much more seriously and the right knew that the modeling study was bs.
Trump in my view, is just playing the role of the underdog in WWF. He gets to reach some people that the establishment could never reach and in so doing, he increased vaccine uptake. The fact that he couldn't get more of his base to roll up their sleeves suggest to me that many in his base don't trust him as much as the establishment hoped/expected they would.
Thats your view. I consider it but don't share it.
He was given the studies. Recent news have flat out proven just how fake and complicit the news has been and is. #themediaisthevirus
"If Hilary were president, I doubt many in the public would have been fooled at all." I am really amazed you think this. It certainly applies to me but I feel just the opposite of that statement.
As I said, whether he could fire Fauci or not, he certainly didn't do any favors for Scott Atlas by putting him in a more prominent position or hiring others who would support his position nor did he bring on a set of doctors for a debate like Ron DeSantis did.
The problem with all of that from the point of view of someone who believes that covid-19 was planned years in advance - and I am not saying it was - is this argument from Trump supporters that he was duped or forced to do this or that etc.
Note that you gave absolutely no argument to the idea that if this was all planned, Trump would have been far better equipped to target vaccine holdouts than Hilary. We already know almost all of her supporters lined up for the vaccine so exactly how would Hilary have managed to get holdouts which are higher in the red states to take a vaccine when even Trump couldn't reach them? Note, I do expect some on the right did take the vaccine because Trump told them to but wouldn't have done so if Hilary were in charge. Also, if one does believe that covid-19 was planned for years as some suggest though I personally do not suggest this to be the case, then I would imagine part of such planning would have involved gaming out scenarios of vaccine uptake under various presidents. Trump followed by Biden seems to reach the most people as Trump would be able to reach the people who don't trust the establishment while Biden would wave away any worries of Trump rushing out vaccines as he's a return to the "classic" politician. I doubt Hilary would be as effective on the left as Biden has been.
Trump’s order in September, 2019 mentioning all those agencies involved with “vaccine research” actually brings attention to all these players being involved in such work.
No mention of mRNA but asks to improve existing flu vaccine efficacy as currently only at 45%.
This might hold them more accountable before Event 201 to Improve vaccines quality. (If he knew they already had a bioweapon jab loaded up & ready)
All we have ever been told is that 2016 election was the 1st time a military force disabled their cheating to allow a Trump win.
Wikileaks has email cc’d to Pedosta telling that Soros is meeting to go over the “pre-programming” before’16 election.
They were so comfortable before this they were even running kids through the White House.
HRC couldn’t give speech afterwards
Kerry takes off & rushes down to Antarctica to meet with ...
Clearly they led Trump down the primrose path and cut him off each time he tried to turn back. HCQ works NOPE, Maybe theres a way to sanitize NOPE, the lockdowns are a mistake NOPE, We need to reopen. NOPE.
The now naked criminality and malfeasance are shrugged away in between SBF, Ukraine, and Trump headlines.
And the latest Twitter-Elon scandal is sucking away the remaining oxygen in the room.
There had been no doubt. Already. The genocidal writing was on the wall, the ceiling, and in the basement.
And there is no revelation that will wake the majority. Their minds are far afield, likely never to return.
Without a functional legal-judicial system, this may just be more small arms bullets bouncing off MBT armour.
Their capacity for rationalisation is limitless. Prisoners dilemma: They are all guilty, and anyone who breaks ranks incriminates them all as the multiplicity of threads otherwise unravel. And if proven guilty they all hang, due to the scale of global genocide. That is strong glue, for them to stay the course.
Couldn't even get SBF to testify...actively sabotaged at the last safe moment, and soon to be suicided.
There could be a documentary film of Hunter Biden delivering samples of the virus for release throughout the world via commercial flights, half the people would be in denial.
Yes. The hyper-partisanism (?) that has been building since ~2016 has led to an almost religious/cultural divide.
Then the other mental barriers that have been erected layer on top. CIA's 'Conspiracy Theorist' label, which has served them so well - better in fact than they likely expected back in the 60's when they coined it. The education system having dulled the masses, helped by environmental toxins added to virtually everything. Big Pharma, poisoning us one jab at a time. And then poisoning us more with each treatment. Add on the daily treadmill of life, running in place just to keep up - taking away any inclination to dig in the time/energy poor life most are forced to live.
For people to have withstood the attack, for them to still see clearly and have any ability to critically reason, is almost a miracle. So lopsided were the odds.
No wonder they went all out to 'other' vilify, and otherwise marginalise us.
As a usually fact/logic based person I'm daily appalled that the juggernaut keeps on keeping on despite the growing mountain of evidence. Health professionals wearing masks is one I struggle to get past. How sharp are they, to think the mask will block virions?
And there are too many threads active. The WHO totalitarian takeover. The CBDCs about to drop like a cattle pen around each of us. A dozen threats moving around the board at the same time, guided by an evil hand that we still can't identify.
This is like Bolshevism 2.0 - Global takedown. The total - and deliberate - absence of sensemaking. To break the minds. To force unthinking compliance.
How do you even start introducing someone to the totality of the threat many are sleepwalking into?
There is actually nothing new in what has been reported. David Martin has exposed all of this with the Moderna signatures etc for probably two years or so.
Yes, but news to me and many others (presumably). I supported 2 weeks to flatten the curve but started my deep dive soon after. And yet the details keep on coming. Gotta hope there are millions like me who are just getting a flavor for how deep this is and, with the numbers, get some level of satisfaction (gaol etc for the instigators).
I can't recall where but a good while back someone had found "Covid 19 PCR " equipment for diffferent countries on the WIT (World International Trade) website which were order dated 2018). Another post was a printing order for a Spanish printer for items such as posters and floor stickers relating to social distancing well before announcements of lockdowns.
I had a new client start last week and he works with a company that sells PCR tests (I'm in Atlanta, right around the corner from the CDC). I didn't get into anything with him on his first day....but I'm dying to ask him all the questions.
Let's face it, the so called health industry is going from strength to strength with all this testing and protective equipment that is being deemed necessary to just live your life. Lots of money can be made and is.
Excellent journalism as always. I knew this, along with many others who research.
THIS GENOCIDE has been planned since the Cabal bought the USA. EVERYTHING since then has been done to increase their wealth and complete control and the people have been to see them for what THEY truly are: psychopaths; power freaks;child KILLERS & torturers who thrive on debauched living and ADRENOCHROME.
They just ran another table top "preparedness exercise"...this one was even deadlier (I can't remember the name but it was something like super-mega-death-you-should-definitely- panic virus 2025)...it will kill 20 million, 15 million children. And if we only had prepared better, we could've saved so many people...
Seriously. That just happened. And Bill Gates was an active participant this time, not just a funder.
Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome 2025 debuts in "Catastrophic Contagion"
Clearly Coronaviruses aren't polling like they used to...
And also, kids are suffering, since their 'parents' jabbed them with a bioweapon against a threat that was no threat. So it will be relatable by the sheeple.
All just at the time when the WHO's global takeover is coming up for a vote. When is it, early next year?
Front of 'mind' in the government puppets will be the deadly cost of failing to follow the predicatively programmed agenda.
As if the vote was ever in doubt. Too much depends on the outcome for it to be left to chance.
Seriously, can the Solar micronova just get here already? Because the psychopaths just ain't going to stop.
Famine is coming next via digital currency and blocking the recalcitrant from participating in society. They can't kill the clear thinkers with poison so they will starve us by making our currency unusable.
The Bahai Religion is a key player in this attack. They plan to convert everyone to their religion in the near future. Bahai is BRITISH EMPIRE GLOBAL SUBVERSION TEAM that operates all over the world today in groups they call "CLUSTERS."
BAHAI TEN YEAR CRUSADE & THE KNIGHTS OF BAHAULLA are worthy of research. How many medical doctors were KNIGHTS? Who are the Bahai DOCTORS today?
GENEVA HEALTH CLUSTER meetings in 2019 with over 600 health care executives is also something people need to know about because the reports from the meetings don't try to pretend they were planning to react to hypothetical emergency they just called it the global emergency.
Bahai & UN operate in ALL CONFLICT AREAS because they instigate the conflicts.
Bahai is not the only group that works for wannabe global dictators. They spread out their subversion teams into numerous small groups and I would probably argue that most of them are also uninformed or partially informed. I don't think all of the climate change people understand what they work for.
Read BAHAI declaration that UNITED NATIONS is their SECOND ATTEMPT at establishing ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.
Read the over 240 congressional records that mention BAHAI.
Bahai religion 160 years old. British and Bahai said founder was prophet of god. Iran said founder was liar working for British Empire. British, Bahai & Iran all agree Jewish people converted to this religion in mass numbers 160 years ago.
This is long term global war. Global cult determined to conquer world caused so many problems everywhere. Today they plan to kill billions of people.
They say they will eradicate poverty and racism. They also said all people will speak one common language in near future and all people will practice one common religion. They also say they accept all religions now which seems like a conflicting message to me.
We need to EXPOSE them for who and what they are before to many of us die because we need to secure the future for children who do survive. We don't want these psychopaths raising our orphans.
This is war.. . We need to engage in challenging conversations and everyone needs to stay calm because we need to win.
We need public awareness campaign ASAP!
They work to corrupt the idea of the individual because they are pushing us towards a new concept of shared identities in preparation for the future when they connect everyone to their singularity hive mind.
Neurotechnology and white house brain initiative also need research because you will find disturbing infuriating info that should justify FIRING THEM ALL.
They are NOT more powerful than a world that is informed so please help change the global conversion because their illusion of power needs to disappear forever.
The 2012 timing is interesting due to Fauci's Congressional presentation from around that time where he matter of factly stated that the risk of a global pandemic was outweighed by the potential gains derived from dangerous biolab research.
I continue to believe that all of the available facts suggest, as you put it at the end if this article, everything had been done to get the world injected. It remains clear to me that no one needed the shots and they are only doing harm. And harms from the shots will continue as long as the injected are alive. Some going early, some going later via cancer and other cardiovascular diseases. And fertility reduced enough to cause a precipitous decline in population growth.
It remains my steadfast belief that information was weaponized to fool the world to fear the same things, the collection of respiratory maladies that we have dealt with and largely considered innocuous to the healthy, forever to compel the world to accept an untested and undisclosed medical product.
There were no isolates to empanel the PCR test or make the injection. No agency worldwide is willing, even if they are able, to provide actual isolates. No infectious disease could possible ignite and remain alit to create a 3 year pandemic. It was a phantom menace with a great marketing campaign.
TPTB, The Cabal, The Illuminati, The WEF, Davos, Club of Rome, Bilderburg, Kissinger, McNamara THE ENTIRE CONSTELLATION OF MALTHUSIAN FETISHISTS Publicly proclaim they want you dead, using vaccines, to "improve health". Meanwhile some people continue to be unable to objectively consider the absolute torrent information similar to this which clearly indicates broadly encompassing plans and malice aforethought.
These evil forces were not just wringing their hands waiting for a fortuitous break of bad fortune, they conceived of, planned and carried out psychological warfare on the entire world to move their agenda forward.
I will say, what seems new about this is the Ukraine connection. This paints, in my mind, a new scenario of importance to the Biden Burisma Russia Ukraine story. . .
So where is the actual proof that a brand new virus came into being that they named sar-cov-2?
As far as I can tell this whole thing was a giant psyop where they simply rebranded ordinary influenza and then started on an epic progaganda campaign in order to terrify people into taking the 'warp speed' injections.
There is also this article on Moderna which were having problems with its tech back in 2017. Below I included some interesting excerpts but I think the article is worth a read:
They were focused on treatment of rare diseases but safety issues arose so they switched course, focusing on vaccines which would be single use:
"His presentation instead focused on four vaccines that the company is moving through the first phase of clinical trials: two target strains of influenza, a third is for Zika virus, and the fourth remains a secret."
I recall that vaccines were being developed for Zika and many billions were wasted when the virus seemed to just go away. I wonder was the fourth candidate was?
Some info about the start of the company:
"Founded in 2012, Moderna reached unicorn status — a $1 billion valuation — in just two years, faster than Uber, Dropbox, and Lyft, according to CB Insights. The company’s premise: Using custom-built strands of messenger RNA, known as mRNA, it aims to turn the body’s cells into ad hoc drug factories, compelling them to produce the proteins needed to treat a wide variety of diseases.
But mRNA is a tricky technology. Several major pharmaceutical companies have tried and abandoned the idea, struggling to get mRNA into cells without triggering nasty side effects."
I think Bancel was also involved in helping build the Wuhan Institute of Virology? Also didn't Moderna have some ties to Barda? A deep dive into Moderna and its founder Bancel would be interesting.
There is also mention of Astrazeneca and a cardiac drug:
"The drugs it is pushing along now, by contrast, are more modest, relying on single administrations of mRNA. Beyond the four vaccines, it has one early-stage clinical trial targeting cardiac disease, launched just last month by partner AstraZeneca. The treatment involves a one-time dose and doesn’t use the tricky nanoparticle casing."
If people understood how vaccines work they would not be too shocked. I remember Dr Seneff of MIT commenting 2 years ago that it takes at least a decade to manufacture a vaccine and bring it to market. And it's closer to 15 years. I'll be these monsters have been working on this and many other bio-weapons for many decades. Your tax dollars hard at work trying to kill you. What I find shocking is how all the personnel don't find this work amoral and totally unethical.
There is not a single vaccine that is safe or necessary, and not a single RCT study with placebo control that establishes any need for these poisonous injections.
If you don't believe me, ask any vaccine pushing doctor to produce a study.
As far as finding people who are willing to do the "amoral and totally unethical" work for these monsters I think it is easier than most would think. People who are without healthy family structure are targeted. These are people are lonely and do not have other people to love. Without love, a person can be easily converted to indifference. We are inclined to think "hate" is the opposite of "love" but it is "indifference".
The human family has been a target of Marxism and all the deformed ideologies that come from it. This has been an active plan and we are now living in the stench of it's success: divorce, abortion, co-habitation, day-care, government education, homosexuality promotion, transhumanism. All of it. It leads to the breakdown of the essential need of the individual: love.
"These are people (sic) are lonely and do not have other people to love." I might add many narcissists to the list. This comment describes many scientists. The extremely smart ones.
The root is not Marxism - it's Satanism. Marxism, as Marx himself admitted, is merely one of the deformed ideologies that comes from Satanism.
Where does Marx state this?
"A radiant God lent you your art,
To dazzle with waves of melody,
To soar to the star-dance in the sky."
"How so! I plunge, plunge wihout fail
My blood-black sabre into your soul.
That art God neither wants nor wists,
It leaps to the brain from Hell’s black mists.
"Till heart’s bewitched, till senses reel:
With Satan I have struck my deal.
He chalks the signs, beats time for me,
I play the death march fast and free.
"I must play dark, I must play light,"
Marx was Rothschild's cousin (second or third cousin I think) and received a stipend from him in return for creating his "philosophy" - which is in reality nothing more than a slick marketing scheme for banker control of the world - which is of course the beast system / Satanism.
Also very well worth reading:
Commentary on the latter book here https://www.puritanboard.com/threads/marx-and-satan-wurmbrand.97867/:
We will now consider Marx’s drama “Oulanem” (which is an inversion of the name Emanuel, a specifically Satanic move) Marx writes,
"The hellish vapours rise and fill the brain, Till I go mad and my heart is utterly changed. See this sword? The prince of darkness Sold it to me. For me he beats the time and gives the signs. Ever more boldly I play the dance of death."
Wurmbrand comments: These lines take on special significance when we learn that in the rites of higher initiation in the Satanist cult an "enchanted" sword which ensures success is sold to the candidate. He pays for it by signing a covenant, with blood taken from his wrists, agreeing that his soul will belong to Satan after death
Marx writes in a letter to his father, “A curtain had fallen. My holy of holies was rent asunder and new gods had to be installed” (10 November 1837).
Instead of telling his kids fairy tales at bed times, he told them stories of men who sold their souls to the devil. Seriously. Who does this? Wurmbrand quotes Robert Payne, “There can be very little doubt that those interminable stories were autobiographical. He had the Devil's view of the world, and the Devil's malignity. Sometimes he seemed to know that he was accomplishing works of evil.”
Speaking of the anarchist Bakunin, Wurmbrand has a very interesting paragraph: “Bakunin reveals that Proudhon, another major Socialist thinker and at that time a friend of Karl Marx, also "worshiped Satan." Hess had introduced Marx to Proudhon, who wore the same hair style typical of the nineteenth-century Satanist sect of Joanna Southcott” (Wurmbrand 16).
Marx’s favorite daughter Eleanor married an avowed Satanist, Edward Eveling.
Marx’s behavior on his deathbed was rather strange. His housemaid and whore, Helen Demuth, said he prayed before candles the week before his death. Marx never practiced Judaism and he openly rejected Christianity. So what was happening? More interesting is that he had a statue of Zeus. Zeus, as those who aren’t enamored of a Bowdlerized Greek classicism know, is Satan. Plain and simple.
Wurmbrand: “Britain’s center of Satanism is Highgate Cemetery in London, where Karl Marx is buried. Mysterious rites of black magic are celebrated at this tomb. It was the place of inspiration for the Highgate Vampire, who attacked several girls in 1970” (35).
Wurmbrand then has some observations on Lenin’s Satanism. The rest of the book (from about page 40 onward) is a litany of Marxist crimes, especially in connection with Satanic themes. It is a supplement to Solzhenitsyn’s never-sufficiently-praised Gulag. It’s not easy reading. It’s necessary, though. If anyone is tempted by Wokism or Cultural Marxism, then he/she/xir/xim needs to read it. And own it. Because that’s exactly what is going to happen.
There's lots more evidence - a quick search will point you at much of it if you're interested.
It is the ROCKEFELLERS with their Big Pharma .
beyond greed ...
Power and control!
Initially I thought this as well.
In reality traditional vaccine safety testing often only lasts a few weeks and involves a small number of people, the 'placebo' is usually a different type of vaccine so as to make the new product look relatively inert.
I believe work started in this in 2012! Sorry, I don’t hav3 5h3 link.
Even more telling, there are docs that go back to 2012 showing long term planning. In case you haven't seen this conversation between Matt Crawford and Sasha Latypova
This was a doozy- I listened to it twice, taking notes the second time...
I've been looking into OTAs, at her suggestion, after listening. It's hard not to feel a bit pessimistic when literally every stone that gets turned reveals another way that indemnifies these mother fuckers.
Yes. In some ways it's really all we need to uncover, share and focus on. Between hers and Katherine Watts work - the deep, long-term systemic undoing of our rights - is on display. Worse they are at war with us, intentionally harming and killing us. So, in the end, it won't come down - imo - to legal maneuvering. They've rigged the system.
Still, unjust laws immoral laws are still unjust and immoral. We-the-people will have to hold them accountable. That's what we're learning here.
moderna was created for this purpose.
yeah it all stinks, it's all bad news.
That makes the Covid timeline very curious!
~ Event 201 Coronavirus Pandemic exercise
~”Ukraine cookie jar” Biden tweets we aren’t ready for a Pandemic
~ Covid-19 contract to take place in Ukraine
You can smell the shit on Biden’s shoes!
Trump's shoes are pretty smelly too.
Oh, I hear it from my hospital CEO every day!😂
My rambling defense:🫡
I believe the pandemic a global plan pre-dating Trump to usher in their NWO but had to be deployed early/faster to stop Trump
Big Pharma/DS mob was bigger than just US’s Trump.
Trump made the comment in 2020 he may have to go into hiding after just slashing drug prices.
10/25/19 was the same day it was reported that James Baker flipped on deep state to Durham for what that was worth thus far.
Interesting how Baker was “still allowed” to be at Twitter but now there is more malfeasance for the public to chew on.
I think Trump & Durham biting at their ankles caused them to accelerate their plan.
DS thought they were getting what they wanted thru Trump’s Warp Speed.
Moving faster made it easier to expose thus less overall death than if jab were deployed after 3yrs of lockdowns to be able to get out of your house.
War is Hell!
In September 2019 Trump signed order to modernize influenza vaccines:
I have no idea if there has been long term planning but let's go with such a hypothetical - why wouldn't the 2016 election results be part of that planning? Many also think elections can be rigged so why would they not have rigged the 2016 results?
Think about the two scenarios - Trump or Hilary Clinton in the White House. Who on the right would take a vaccine because Hilary told them to do so? Even many on the left wouldn't do so. One can argue that the left wouldn't take the vaccine if Trump urged them to do so and indeed that is the case as some stated in the fall of 2019. However, as soon as the administration changed, the left were only too glad to listen to the "science" - most listening to Fauci their hero who battled Trump in front of the cameras (but who was kept in place by Trump). Trump did sell the vaccines to his base as best he could claiming the vaccines were his best achievement. I wonder how many of his most ardent supporters trusted him on that score. I expect there would have been far less vaccine uptake with Hilary. There certainly couldn't have been a "battle" between Fauci "the science" and the science-deniers.
I am not saying there was such a long standing plan but to believe there was one and to think Trump wasn't part of it seems a stretch.
EDIT As CNN puts it Trump did not have the authority. Plus it would have been an impossible no win scenario leading to more trouble than it was worth.
My interpretation is that they successfully put Trump in that place that could not fire Fauci. The lionized Fauci starting in 2019 to buttress public perception for him. Then they prevented Barbara Fitzgerald from being CDC director by manipulating her investments.
The evidence including what is in this article indicates that the plandemonium would have happened when it did even if Hillary was president. I assert fooling the public would have been much easier with Hillary as president since she would have faced ZERO headwinds from the Deep State or the Mainstream Miscreants.
I also admit, its possible that they made sure Trump was president because he was complicit OR because they wanted to stain him with the Plandemonium.
If Hilary were president, I doubt many in the public would have been fooled at all. That's exactly my point. She's not likeable and many of the people who voted for Trump would not listen to her or these institutions. Trump rode in on their distrust for these institutions. It wouldn't matter if Hilary would have faced any headwind since the people don't trust her and don't trust them. When Trump went after the media and called them fake news, it wasn't that he was revealing this to his base. They already knew the news was fake and someone was finally calling MSM out on it. This segment of the American public, who already knew the news was fake, would never listen to any of the establishment but would listen to a guy who was supposedly "fighting the establishment".
As for his not firing Fauci, sure, maybe. However, there were many things he could have done that he didn't do. He could have gotten more voices to help back up Scott Atlas. During the debates he even quoted the modeling study saying that 2 million would have been lost if he didn't close the borders which was absurd and is not going to win him any votes on either side since the left believed he was responsible for 300k deaths all of which could have been prevented if only he took covid so much more seriously and the right knew that the modeling study was bs.
Trump in my view, is just playing the role of the underdog in WWF. He gets to reach some people that the establishment could never reach and in so doing, he increased vaccine uptake. The fact that he couldn't get more of his base to roll up their sleeves suggest to me that many in his base don't trust him as much as the establishment hoped/expected they would.
Thats your view. I consider it but don't share it.
He was given the studies. Recent news have flat out proven just how fake and complicit the news has been and is. #themediaisthevirus
"If Hilary were president, I doubt many in the public would have been fooled at all." I am really amazed you think this. It certainly applies to me but I feel just the opposite of that statement.
As I said, whether he could fire Fauci or not, he certainly didn't do any favors for Scott Atlas by putting him in a more prominent position or hiring others who would support his position nor did he bring on a set of doctors for a debate like Ron DeSantis did.
The problem with all of that from the point of view of someone who believes that covid-19 was planned years in advance - and I am not saying it was - is this argument from Trump supporters that he was duped or forced to do this or that etc.
Note that you gave absolutely no argument to the idea that if this was all planned, Trump would have been far better equipped to target vaccine holdouts than Hilary. We already know almost all of her supporters lined up for the vaccine so exactly how would Hilary have managed to get holdouts which are higher in the red states to take a vaccine when even Trump couldn't reach them? Note, I do expect some on the right did take the vaccine because Trump told them to but wouldn't have done so if Hilary were in charge. Also, if one does believe that covid-19 was planned for years as some suggest though I personally do not suggest this to be the case, then I would imagine part of such planning would have involved gaming out scenarios of vaccine uptake under various presidents. Trump followed by Biden seems to reach the most people as Trump would be able to reach the people who don't trust the establishment while Biden would wave away any worries of Trump rushing out vaccines as he's a return to the "classic" politician. I doubt Hilary would be as effective on the left as Biden has been.
Thanks for that link!
Quick review of that is interesting
This article links UNC Chapel Hill to SARS research in ‘15
Trump’s order in September, 2019 mentioning all those agencies involved with “vaccine research” actually brings attention to all these players being involved in such work.
No mention of mRNA but asks to improve existing flu vaccine efficacy as currently only at 45%.
This might hold them more accountable before Event 201 to Improve vaccines quality. (If he knew they already had a bioweapon jab loaded up & ready)
All we have ever been told is that 2016 election was the 1st time a military force disabled their cheating to allow a Trump win.
Wikileaks has email cc’d to Pedosta telling that Soros is meeting to go over the “pre-programming” before’16 election.
They were so comfortable before this they were even running kids through the White House.
HRC couldn’t give speech afterwards
Kerry takes off & rushes down to Antarctica to meet with ...
Other JFK pleads..
What happened to our dominance??
Then down the rabbit hole you go.. 👍
Thanks for letting me rant!
Clearly they led Trump down the primrose path and cut him off each time he tried to turn back. HCQ works NOPE, Maybe theres a way to sanitize NOPE, the lockdowns are a mistake NOPE, We need to reopen. NOPE.
Black and Veatch was also involved with Metabiota, Hunter's pandemic prediction company.
Will it matter?
The now naked criminality and malfeasance are shrugged away in between SBF, Ukraine, and Trump headlines.
And the latest Twitter-Elon scandal is sucking away the remaining oxygen in the room.
There had been no doubt. Already. The genocidal writing was on the wall, the ceiling, and in the basement.
And there is no revelation that will wake the majority. Their minds are far afield, likely never to return.
Without a functional legal-judicial system, this may just be more small arms bullets bouncing off MBT armour.
Their capacity for rationalisation is limitless. Prisoners dilemma: They are all guilty, and anyone who breaks ranks incriminates them all as the multiplicity of threads otherwise unravel. And if proven guilty they all hang, due to the scale of global genocide. That is strong glue, for them to stay the course.
Couldn't even get SBF to testify...actively sabotaged at the last safe moment, and soon to be suicided.
Corruption runs deep.
There could be a documentary film of Hunter Biden delivering samples of the virus for release throughout the world via commercial flights, half the people would be in denial.
Yes. The hyper-partisanism (?) that has been building since ~2016 has led to an almost religious/cultural divide.
Then the other mental barriers that have been erected layer on top. CIA's 'Conspiracy Theorist' label, which has served them so well - better in fact than they likely expected back in the 60's when they coined it. The education system having dulled the masses, helped by environmental toxins added to virtually everything. Big Pharma, poisoning us one jab at a time. And then poisoning us more with each treatment. Add on the daily treadmill of life, running in place just to keep up - taking away any inclination to dig in the time/energy poor life most are forced to live.
For people to have withstood the attack, for them to still see clearly and have any ability to critically reason, is almost a miracle. So lopsided were the odds.
No wonder they went all out to 'other' vilify, and otherwise marginalise us.
As a usually fact/logic based person I'm daily appalled that the juggernaut keeps on keeping on despite the growing mountain of evidence. Health professionals wearing masks is one I struggle to get past. How sharp are they, to think the mask will block virions?
And there are too many threads active. The WHO totalitarian takeover. The CBDCs about to drop like a cattle pen around each of us. A dozen threats moving around the board at the same time, guided by an evil hand that we still can't identify.
This is like Bolshevism 2.0 - Global takedown. The total - and deliberate - absence of sensemaking. To break the minds. To force unthinking compliance.
How do you even start introducing someone to the totality of the threat many are sleepwalking into?
It was and still is a DoD operation. This was a Bio-Security State coup the encompassed many nations with the full engagement of the WB/IMF/WEF/WHO.
There is actually nothing new in what has been reported. David Martin has exposed all of this with the Moderna signatures etc for probably two years or so.
Yes, but news to me and many others (presumably). I supported 2 weeks to flatten the curve but started my deep dive soon after. And yet the details keep on coming. Gotta hope there are millions like me who are just getting a flavor for how deep this is and, with the numbers, get some level of satisfaction (gaol etc for the instigators).
Very interesting!
Makes one wonder just how far back the cabal was planning this “pandemic”.
And how curious “World Bank Launches First-Ever Pandemic Bonds to Support $500 Million Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility”. In 2017!!
I can't recall where but a good while back someone had found "Covid 19 PCR " equipment for diffferent countries on the WIT (World International Trade) website which were order dated 2018). Another post was a printing order for a Spanish printer for items such as posters and floor stickers relating to social distancing well before announcements of lockdowns.
I had a new client start last week and he works with a company that sells PCR tests (I'm in Atlanta, right around the corner from the CDC). I didn't get into anything with him on his first day....but I'm dying to ask him all the questions.
Let's face it, the so called health industry is going from strength to strength with all this testing and protective equipment that is being deemed necessary to just live your life. Lots of money can be made and is.
Excellent journalism as always. I knew this, along with many others who research.
THIS GENOCIDE has been planned since the Cabal bought the USA. EVERYTHING since then has been done to increase their wealth and complete control and the people have been to see them for what THEY truly are: psychopaths; power freaks;child KILLERS & torturers who thrive on debauched living and ADRENOCHROME.
May they pay the price - SOON.
I think it’s time for some to focus on Covid 19 origins and others to focus on going through these same databases to find out what’s coming next.
They just ran another table top "preparedness exercise"...this one was even deadlier (I can't remember the name but it was something like super-mega-death-you-should-definitely- panic virus 2025)...it will kill 20 million, 15 million children. And if we only had prepared better, we could've saved so many people...
Seriously. That just happened. And Bill Gates was an active participant this time, not just a funder.
Yes I saw that. We need to find those other threads which will be outside of that exercise in places it shouldn’t be.
Neat timing, that one.
From the Psychopaths who brought us SPARS, and Event 201 now we have SEERS: https://yournews.com/2022/12/12/2471623/bill-gates-johns-hopkins/
Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome 2025 debuts in "Catastrophic Contagion"
Clearly Coronaviruses aren't polling like they used to...
And also, kids are suffering, since their 'parents' jabbed them with a bioweapon against a threat that was no threat. So it will be relatable by the sheeple.
All just at the time when the WHO's global takeover is coming up for a vote. When is it, early next year?
Front of 'mind' in the government puppets will be the deadly cost of failing to follow the predicatively programmed agenda.
As if the vote was ever in doubt. Too much depends on the outcome for it to be left to chance.
Seriously, can the Solar micronova just get here already? Because the psychopaths just ain't going to stop.
I agree
Famine is coming next via digital currency and blocking the recalcitrant from participating in society. They can't kill the clear thinkers with poison so they will starve us by making our currency unusable.
The Bahai Religion is a key player in this attack. They plan to convert everyone to their religion in the near future. Bahai is BRITISH EMPIRE GLOBAL SUBVERSION TEAM that operates all over the world today in groups they call "CLUSTERS."
BAHAI TEN YEAR CRUSADE & THE KNIGHTS OF BAHAULLA are worthy of research. How many medical doctors were KNIGHTS? Who are the Bahai DOCTORS today?
GENEVA HEALTH CLUSTER meetings in 2019 with over 600 health care executives is also something people need to know about because the reports from the meetings don't try to pretend they were planning to react to hypothetical emergency they just called it the global emergency.
Bahai & UN operate in ALL CONFLICT AREAS because they instigate the conflicts.
Bahai is not the only group that works for wannabe global dictators. They spread out their subversion teams into numerous small groups and I would probably argue that most of them are also uninformed or partially informed. I don't think all of the climate change people understand what they work for.
Read BAHAI declaration that UNITED NATIONS is their SECOND ATTEMPT at establishing ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.
Read the over 240 congressional records that mention BAHAI.
Bahai religion 160 years old. British and Bahai said founder was prophet of god. Iran said founder was liar working for British Empire. British, Bahai & Iran all agree Jewish people converted to this religion in mass numbers 160 years ago.
This is long term global war. Global cult determined to conquer world caused so many problems everywhere. Today they plan to kill billions of people.
They say they will eradicate poverty and racism. They also said all people will speak one common language in near future and all people will practice one common religion. They also say they accept all religions now which seems like a conflicting message to me.
We need to EXPOSE them for who and what they are before to many of us die because we need to secure the future for children who do survive. We don't want these psychopaths raising our orphans.
This is war.. . We need to engage in challenging conversations and everyone needs to stay calm because we need to win.
We need public awareness campaign ASAP!
They work to corrupt the idea of the individual because they are pushing us towards a new concept of shared identities in preparation for the future when they connect everyone to their singularity hive mind.
Neurotechnology and white house brain initiative also need research because you will find disturbing infuriating info that should justify FIRING THEM ALL.
They are NOT more powerful than a world that is informed so please help change the global conversion because their illusion of power needs to disappear forever.
The 2012 timing is interesting due to Fauci's Congressional presentation from around that time where he matter of factly stated that the risk of a global pandemic was outweighed by the potential gains derived from dangerous biolab research.
I continue to believe that all of the available facts suggest, as you put it at the end if this article, everything had been done to get the world injected. It remains clear to me that no one needed the shots and they are only doing harm. And harms from the shots will continue as long as the injected are alive. Some going early, some going later via cancer and other cardiovascular diseases. And fertility reduced enough to cause a precipitous decline in population growth.
It remains my steadfast belief that information was weaponized to fool the world to fear the same things, the collection of respiratory maladies that we have dealt with and largely considered innocuous to the healthy, forever to compel the world to accept an untested and undisclosed medical product.
There were no isolates to empanel the PCR test or make the injection. No agency worldwide is willing, even if they are able, to provide actual isolates. No infectious disease could possible ignite and remain alit to create a 3 year pandemic. It was a phantom menace with a great marketing campaign.
TPTB, The Cabal, The Illuminati, The WEF, Davos, Club of Rome, Bilderburg, Kissinger, McNamara THE ENTIRE CONSTELLATION OF MALTHUSIAN FETISHISTS Publicly proclaim they want you dead, using vaccines, to "improve health". Meanwhile some people continue to be unable to objectively consider the absolute torrent information similar to this which clearly indicates broadly encompassing plans and malice aforethought.
These evil forces were not just wringing their hands waiting for a fortuitous break of bad fortune, they conceived of, planned and carried out psychological warfare on the entire world to move their agenda forward.
I will say, what seems new about this is the Ukraine connection. This paints, in my mind, a new scenario of importance to the Biden Burisma Russia Ukraine story. . .
They were so focused on changing definitions in the dictionary, they forgot all about the calendar. Oops.
So where is the actual proof that a brand new virus came into being that they named sar-cov-2?
As far as I can tell this whole thing was a giant psyop where they simply rebranded ordinary influenza and then started on an epic progaganda campaign in order to terrify people into taking the 'warp speed' injections.
There is also this article on Moderna which were having problems with its tech back in 2017. Below I included some interesting excerpts but I think the article is worth a read:
They were focused on treatment of rare diseases but safety issues arose so they switched course, focusing on vaccines which would be single use:
"His presentation instead focused on four vaccines that the company is moving through the first phase of clinical trials: two target strains of influenza, a third is for Zika virus, and the fourth remains a secret."
I recall that vaccines were being developed for Zika and many billions were wasted when the virus seemed to just go away. I wonder was the fourth candidate was?
Some info about the start of the company:
"Founded in 2012, Moderna reached unicorn status — a $1 billion valuation — in just two years, faster than Uber, Dropbox, and Lyft, according to CB Insights. The company’s premise: Using custom-built strands of messenger RNA, known as mRNA, it aims to turn the body’s cells into ad hoc drug factories, compelling them to produce the proteins needed to treat a wide variety of diseases.
But mRNA is a tricky technology. Several major pharmaceutical companies have tried and abandoned the idea, struggling to get mRNA into cells without triggering nasty side effects."
I think Bancel was also involved in helping build the Wuhan Institute of Virology? Also didn't Moderna have some ties to Barda? A deep dive into Moderna and its founder Bancel would be interesting.
There is also mention of Astrazeneca and a cardiac drug:
"The drugs it is pushing along now, by contrast, are more modest, relying on single administrations of mRNA. Beyond the four vaccines, it has one early-stage clinical trial targeting cardiac disease, launched just last month by partner AstraZeneca. The treatment involves a one-time dose and doesn’t use the tricky nanoparticle casing."