What horror this film depicts of the suffering of so many. The rest of my close family remain brainwashed & I can't get them to even investigate of the harms being inflicted by these evil jabs. They will probably even take the MonkeyPox one that will probably finish them off when they are invited to do so. I have only watched 20mins of this shocking film & hope to God those jabbed still able to the mental/physical ability to fight alongside the in-jabbed. We must unite

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Certainly, I don't doubt that we must 'unite.' What I actually DO doubt, is convincing any (well, most) of my other family members of the truth surrounding this new Death-by-Government society. In a sense I've made peace with it.

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As the author of this site previously posted, about it, Twitter promotes spreading the information:


At the same time, Google doesn't like the idea of informing people about the lethal injections:


As all the big players are serving the globalist agenda, what gives?

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But even the people we think are on our side aren't and can't be trusted. Robert Malone is promoting the Wuhan lab leak when he of all people has to know that's not true and he admits he's worked for US intelligence and the military his entire career (the virus didn't come from China).

I've whittled the number of people I'll waste my time on almost down to zero. The one guy I thought I could trust was Dr. Mike Yeadon but after all I've learned about regular vaccines over the last 2 years I wonder if he isn't a plant too.

I don't have the time to do a deep dive on vaccines myself so my uncertainty is very high but from what I've found out just incidentally is very disturbing.

From my factory worker logic it appears that vaccines are a bad idea from every angle. The preservatives, the adjuvants, the alien fetal tissue debris that's been found at levels 300 times the allowable limit (and then mandating them for infants for diseases they can't get until teenagers - reverse transcriptase in those very young inserts that RNA and DNA into their own genome and is suspected in the 300 times increase in autoimmunity and autism, not to mention issues related to epigenetic differences between the child and the aborted fetus tissue donor - but is denied as having any causal relationship without evidence or study), the absence of ever having been tested against a placebo, the absence of ever, even once, having been audited by the authorities for quality and ingredients. Vaccinegate should have had massive follow up.

And with at least one of the covid deathvax's, the placebo in the trials was the deathvax minus the spike protein. So you still had the nanolipids and solvent and god knows what else in them. No wonder the adverse events in the control group was so high.

Then I was reading (on substack) a while ago about a woman that used to raise cats and 1/3 of her kittens would die when they got their shots (and the rest weren't too healthy either). She searched and searched until she found a scientist at Cornell that was the leading expert on this. He recommended she get the vaccines that are given via eye drops. She started doing that and never lost another kitten plus they were a lot healthier. Someone wrote a comment that vaccines should only ever be given in eye drops or nasal spray because the mucus membrane is where it's needed.

More reading later and I find out that measuring antibody type and quantity in the blood is close to meaningless (which is what their doing with deathvaxes). What matters most is the Killer T cell response and secondly, the antibodies in the mucus membranes.

So injecting vaccines into the body might be the worst idea ever, even if they did have any standards in their testing and production. This reminds me of Statins. No Statin has ever been shown in studies to be effective. All they've been shown to do is alter the measurable cholesterol levels in the blood which is then "assumed" to lead to reduced heart attacks. Here's an alternative thesis that actually has had overwhelming scientific, published evidence, since 1981. Reduce easily oxidized polyunsaturated fat consumption and substitute with saturated fat. That's exactly the opposite of what they recommend to heart attack victims.

Getting back on track, is all of medical science this idiotic? Is it no better than Economics, Psychology, Sociology, Nutritional Science (had to throw that disaster in there, even worse than Ecinomics) etc. even though it eats up so much money?

And why have the predictions of the anti-narrative scientists been so accurate? And even though they came in so early? Everything that was predicted the day these jabs were proposed has come true. Nothing like this has ever happened before. They almost make medical science look like a real science, which it most certainly is not! That would be Chemistry.

I started on this track months ago and now I'm pretty much convinced. We're being trapped. They're all bad. We're acting like people that think that if the Democrats or Republicans were running things we'd be okay. But they're actually in bed together and just pretending to be opposed to one another.

See videos like "All Connected to Sasha Stone." All these people are members of the mystery religion cult that runs things. They work for the occult wing of the UN (even RFK Jr). These are the same people that were the founding fathers and gave you this openly occult nation (same as all other countries). SCOTUS can wipe their arse with the constitution because the God who gives you your God given rights is Lucifer. Are these vaccines with fetal tissue debris from water aborted fetuses (read about that, a satanic ritual extraordinaire) primarily a satanic ritual? To have the world injected with the tissue of this ritual victim and have it's DNA integrated into our own? In all of humanity. May sound crazy but it actually makes 100 times more sense than injected vaccines.

I saw Toby Roger's being interviewed on Steve Kirsch's rumble channel. He said that when it came time to have his babies vaccinated he started reading source materials on vaccines and was horrified with how poor the science was. I wish I knew what these materials were so I could read them myself. I've found a bunch of books on vaccines and virology but they're all blindly on board the narrative.

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I wish a lot of people had your "factory-worker logic"! May I call it no-nonsense logic? As simple as an honest word and as tough as a nail.

Yes, those "celebrities" who are allowed publicity are all parts of the gaslighting process, but the same is true for "opposition" sites on Substack, too. The trick is to collect information from such resources and do as you are doing: think them over and decide on your own!

Yes, all "vaccines" are poisonous and they are based on fake science, so they have no benefits whatsoever. It should be sufficient to know that manufacturers are exempt from liability. As for the "covid" injections, even their ingredients are undisclosed, which should have risen a huge red flag from the very beginning.

Yes, "Nutritionists," whose average salary was $58k a few years ago, talk harmful BS all the time. They are just as bad as the "medical" myths that have been lingering around for over a 100 years and keep changing every few years.



Statins are harmful, yet they were the financially-most-successful prescription chemicals in the last 50 year, fraudulently called "medication" even after they were pubically proven to be based on fake science, which happened 3-5 years ago. The butchers called "doctors" are still prescribing them, along with psychiatric toxins that lost the basis for their pseudo-scientific paradigm ("chemical imbalance in the brain") 2-3 years ago, too.

The political theater is a red herring and a side show. America was hijacked no later than in 2001, although the process had been a lot longer:


Most of the Founding Fathers were Masons, but today's aristocracy is only using the Masons below the 33rd degree as fronts and patsies. Strangely, they also use some Zionists the same way, and even turn some Jews into "collateral damage."

As opposed to Kirsch, JFK Jr. at least won a few court cases, but he is still very much part of the controlled opposition, using the enemy's terminology and respecting its criminal "authorities":


Still, it is possible to be prepared:


I am not sure how much you can read for yourself, but your conclusions have brought you to the right company! :)

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Gives the illusion that obtaining information or real data is important in preventing the EUA corruption. Agenda folks own the governmental and military forces required to pursue and prosecute the corruption. Ask the mob muscle to investigate and punish The Godfather. “Hey, Sal, I just realized we’ve all been filthy rich made men from racketeering. We’re going to have to do some digging and if we get the right information we’ll put a stop to us!”

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Yet some of these injured people actually tell you that they’re not saying don’t get the vaccine. I wish I had more sympathy for these people but I just can’t fathom why they’d have let themselves get injected in the first place.

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This is beyond horrifying. Watching the adults is bad enough, but the children! Dear Lord, how can people be so evil as to perpetuate this on children, who cannot make their own decisions about getting a shot but can decide to “change” their sex without parental input?

This is biblically evil.

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Anyone else remember the CDC pushing camps for the unvaccinated? I sure do, it was even in there website. Sit down and STFU scumbags!

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It didn't take me long to get both angry and disgusted from watching just a few minutes of this video. I know the message it is giving me. Don't comply,and if you don't listen to the message, you have yourself to blame. Shedding is also on the rise. Be careful of who you come in contact with.

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Is there a Truth-Blog or [Un-Censored] Social-Media Platform where families, friends and others who have verifiable evidence or testimonies about someone, who has died or has sustained injuries as a result of “Deadly Medical Experimental Injections, which WEF members, such as Bill Gates’, Anthony Fauci’s, George Soros’ & other Global-Cult-Secretive Society Members who have collaborated amongst themselves and invested billions of dollars into their Graphene Oxide, DNA-Altering [Creating a third-strain of DNA 🧬 to destroy your Natural Immunity; Nanotubes of Graphene Oxide; Nanotechnology Microchips imbedded into Human’s Skin via Their Jabs; MRNA; “Gain of Function” Genetically Engineered Bat Cells [Bioweapon] infected with SARS2, HIV, Corona viruses, etc. …Think 🧐 The same People who are actual members of The World Economic Forum, are contributing [Funding and Bribing Medical Officials with millions of dollars to control the following Organizations, WHO; NIAID; NIH; FDA; CDC; MSM] They fund and control their FakeNews Mockingbird Media Globalized-Conglomerate’s False-Narratives; Covid-19 Lies, Misinformation and Propaganda. Has everyone been Awakened yet? We still are being heavily Censored by the Biden Crime Family, Obama and Hillary Clinton’s Deep State, Rogue CIA DOJ FBI DOD NSA and The Global Elites’s FakeNews Media, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc. Thank God that there are Patriots who have started their own Truth Social Media Networks and we are prevailing with the Truth! From Dark to Light! God ALWAYS WINS.

We need a great source for publishing the Deaths of our Children, our youth who are athletes and who are literally dropping dead on live-sports events [The Graphene Oxide reacts to body heat, 5G Radioactive Towers, and from exercise because it changes its molecular structure within your bloodstream and causes Blood-Clots, Myocardial [Heart Failure], Brain-Blood-Clots, etc. We are The Awakened. PLEASE SHARE and remember WWG1WGA. We must fight for the survival of Humanity or these very evil people who are so wealthy and politically powerful, and who are committing the most egregious crimes against Humanity, will succeed and trust and believe me, their goal is to force every single person on this planet to take their Jabs, track us like commodities [Sheep] via their Microchips and their “Digital Monetary System” PatentScope International Patent #WO2020060606 [Lucifer, The Mark of The Beast = 666] Hidden in Plain Sight. Satanists believe that they must make you aware first and if you comply, you are selling your soul to Satan. You will go to Hell. It’s all in the Bible’s scriptures.

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Well said. Modern medicine has allowed a

Humpty Dumpty affair

All the kings horses and experts can’t put

Humoty dumoty back together again.

They can’t because they don’t know how

So ignoring the shattered lives to go on

In their hell.

Western medicine is lacking in its imagination…never knew nutrition

Or improve the immune system

Only magic bullets of pharmacia

Now they are faced with their own

Inadequacy in their face.

The MRNA shots devastating effects

Can not will not just go away. These are

Shattered lives people you turned away

For 10,000 reasons.

When simple preventative measures were

Early treatments with generic drugs

That would of prevented this whole

Catastrophe. Many mds knew what to do

But were censored ostracized.

Now the trusting souls of medicine

Learn the extreme limitations of a medical system that can not will not provide

Answers. The turning away only accelerates the distrust of any medical

Professional that simply has not one idea

How to put humoty dumoty back together


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Every story was painful and yet I couldn't stop watching.

But the horror was intensified by Fauci's comment to Zuckerberg (time-mark 1:33:38):

"This would not be the first time - if it happened - that a vaccine that looked good in initial safety actually made people worse. There was the history of the respiratory syncytial virus [RSV] vaccine in children, which paradoxically made the children worse. One of the HIV vaccines that we tested several years ago actually made individuals more likely to get infected."

The guardians of Vax Truth posted 'fact-checks' claiming that this quote was misleading - taken out of context. So I hunted down the original and uncut video.

The context makes it even worse:

Zuckerberg: "Doing the safety trials is obviously very important. You want to make sure that you're not injecting people with something that could be harmful. But once you have that, why not push harder on rolling it out more aggressively, even if you don't know exactly how effective it is?"

Fauci: "The initial safety study is, if I inject it in the arm, does it have some sort of idiosyncratic or bad reaction?

There's another element to safety. And that is, if you vaccinate someone, and they make an antibody response, and then they get exposed and infected, does the response that you induce actually enhance the infection and make it worse? And the only way you'll know that is if you do an extended study - not in a normal volunteer, who has no risk of infection, but in people who are out there in a risk situation.

This would not be the first time - if it happened - that a vaccine that looked good in initial safety actually made people worse....[rest of quote above].

So you can't just go out there and give it, unless you feel that in the field, when someone is getting infected and exposed, being vaccinated doesn't make them worse. That's why you gotta do a trial."

The date of that provocative warning? March 20, 2020... when Fauci also said that "a couple of days ago we [sic, Fauci's NIAID with Moderna, funded by Bill Gates]" started Phase 1 vaccine trials using "gene-splicing" into "the sequence that we got from the Chinese".

MIT reported that Moderna went "from sequencing to human trials in 63 days." That means gene-switch selection, chimera creation, fine-tuning, in-vitro testing, animal testing, and production -- all done in 2 months.

When 21% of the Phase 1 drug recipients had "one or more severe adverse events," the study concluded that "no trial-limiting safety concerns were identified."

Fauci said in this video that it would take 6-8 months of tracking 1000s more in a phase 2 study, "to know if it even works". Moderna's Phase 2 in July, working with 600 guinea pigs, was immediately followed by Phase 3, also started in July.

Fauci said the mRNA vaccine needed "about a year to a year and a half" to be properly tested. Both Moderna and Pfizer got their junk authorized just NINE MONTHS after this interview.

Somebody needs to go to jail.

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It is real testimonies, as from these innocent vaxx injured, that may finally begin to get across to the sleeping that these injuries are not “misinformation”.

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That video needs to be seen by everyone, but the popular social media bans you if you try to share information like this. And all the while those in power, if they even acknowledge this, just say it's just a coincidence. There is true evil in this world, and those in power prove it every day.

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Okay, I just watched the entire video and I believe that it should be an immediate mandatory watch for every doctor, nurse, and hospital administrator in the world. The death and human suffering caused by these injections is beyond words. It’s time for a lot of people to pay the price for what they have done and allowed to be done!

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please dr gottlieb, dr. fauci, dr collins, dr birx, dr ajisha, dr zelensky stop these mRNA vaxxines.

president trump was wrong to ask development of a vaxxine in one month ... it is not possible and it cant work. stop it! enough is enough

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And all this to prevent a temporary illness 99.7% recover from easily at this point with no medical intervention. In surveys it is starting to show possibly one in 5 have had a serious adverse event and the number grows with each booster. And yet the show must go on with more boosters. And we are only about a 1 and a half into this mess meanwhile the died suddenly seems to be picking up speed.

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Aug 4, 2022
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Before this substack existed I posted following:


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