I have to believe the percentage of people getting the most recent shot is higher than reported as I know or know of a lot of people getting it. The mother of my brother’s girlfriend recently got her fifth and 2 days later had to go to the hospital with what was originally diagnosed as food poisoning and now she is told she has vertigo a…
I have to believe the percentage of people getting the most recent shot is higher than reported as I know or know of a lot of people getting it. The mother of my brother’s girlfriend recently got her fifth and 2 days later had to go to the hospital with what was originally diagnosed as food poisoning and now she is told she has vertigo and is miserable. She had really bad reactions to the previous 4 shots and thus is a special type of stupid to get another one. My daughter works at a private club and says a number of members now have vertigo.
I agree with there being some kind of underreporting factor going on. Certainly not as many people are getting this one, but I know that I'm seeing way more people take them than I would expect if the uptake was actually this low.
I am also hearing frequently about vertigo since this latest booster debuted. I've had several clients complain about it this week.
I have to believe the percentage of people getting the most recent shot is higher than reported as I know or know of a lot of people getting it. The mother of my brother’s girlfriend recently got her fifth and 2 days later had to go to the hospital with what was originally diagnosed as food poisoning and now she is told she has vertigo and is miserable. She had really bad reactions to the previous 4 shots and thus is a special type of stupid to get another one. My daughter works at a private club and says a number of members now have vertigo.
I agree with there being some kind of underreporting factor going on. Certainly not as many people are getting this one, but I know that I'm seeing way more people take them than I would expect if the uptake was actually this low.
I am also hearing frequently about vertigo since this latest booster debuted. I've had several clients complain about it this week.
We am wondering if this is true vertigo or some kind of nervous system damage.
I wonder if it's correlated at all with tinnitus. That was a complaint I heard A LOT when the jabs first rolled out.