The body ejects toxins out it's garbage chute. You go playing around in it and you're bound to be exposed to toxins that body ejected for good reason. Rub the contents on abraded thin skin, and those same toxins will enter your body, which in turn it will attempt to eject back out through the skin, and pus filled boils, aka pox, will be expressed. Duh.
The body ejects toxins out it's garbage chute. You go playing around in it and you're bound to be exposed to toxins that body ejected for good reason. Rub the contents on abraded thin skin, and those same toxins will enter your body, which in turn it will attempt to eject back out through the skin, and pus filled boils, aka pox, will be expressed. Duh.
The body ejects toxins out it's garbage chute. You go playing around in it and you're bound to be exposed to toxins that body ejected for good reason. Rub the contents on abraded thin skin, and those same toxins will enter your body, which in turn it will attempt to eject back out through the skin, and pus filled boils, aka pox, will be expressed. Duh.