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Agree, not a chance. And if they front someone as a bone thrown to the masses, then it's either him having "gotten the works" since then, or a double that's serving as a sacrifice while acting the part of Fauci.

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fraudci a lying homo

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I have a gay friend who stood by my side while everyone else couldn't have cared less what happened to me during the Con-vid isolation bullsh!t. We talked several times a day and did very much to support each other. Loyal caring friends is NOT a "gay" issue. Plenty of straight liars and horrible people out there, sheesh.

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They're ALL liars!

From the many that took staged placebos, if even they weren't proxy people, to the employees of the CDC, NIH, etc., most of which did not take them, ... where to begin. Lies at every level.

Here's the thing, for the informed, the ENTIRE thing was a FF Psyop RIGHT OUT OF THE GATE. From Day 1 or even before then.

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