Flew out of NYC area recently. TSA screener in front of me was sick as hell, had her mask around her chin, and when she turned to tell me something she coughed right in my face. I felt her breath hit my face. I was stunned. A friend who works for the agency offered to report her but I did not get her name.

Three days later and it hit me. Head cold with chills and fever. Two days of riding the wave of sickness. After 48 hours i was 80% better. Hell of a way to spend a vacation.

My unjabbed immune system did its job. 👍🙏🏼👆🏻

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Glad you trusted your immune system to do its job.

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Grab yourself some horse dewormer, from a tack and feed store, in whatever area you escaped from NY to.

It works miracles.

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I have a connection in the Brazilian community in my area. They have bootleg pharmacies for people that speak Portuguese. I’m all stocked up since 2020. 👍 shit works

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Damned straight!

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And yet, Fauci and corp. media suppressed it! IVERMECTIN, the paid talking heads mocked it. Who will laugh last!?

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They had to smear HCQ as fish tank cleaner and IVM as horse dewormer in order to distribute the clot shots under emergency use authorization. Early treatment would also interfere with their fear and control narrative and depop agenda.

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They're not ignorant. The Elf and his ilk are criminal.

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It's anyone's guess but so far? Me. 😉

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"I grew up in NYC, went to school and university there and I can assure you that its spirit is long gone; only the architecture and memories remain. Don’t look back."

I grew up in NYC, and went to school and university there, too. It's not the same city. It's gone. Haven't been there since February 2020, a month before the shutdown commenced. No plans to visit again. Ever. Told my family and friends (the ones who aren't covidiots) that we can meet up in Florida or another free state.

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We are of identical mindset.

Thanks for your comment BT!

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Did the tourist jaunt there from TO in 2018...only a long weekend and missed so many things...but why would I return now? Sadness.

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I went to college in NYC but grew up in SF. You want to see a city that's "gone" you should check out SF. NYC, as bad as it is, isn't even close.

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I lived in NY a few times in the 70's and 80's, visited in the 90's. I loved walking the streets of NY. The city had a palpable pulse.

Lived in SF for a bit in late 2018 as well.

The streets were kind of scary (I'm not easily frightened though) but its architecture so beautiful.

I very much miss wintering in the USA.


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I hope we win against this tyranny so we all can go back to traveling freely. I haven't flown since just after TSA introduced scanning. If I can't drive or sail, I just don't go.

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I am prohibited from driving or sailing into the States as well as flying. 😭

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Lots of places I’ll never see because I waited too long.

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Watch Rick Steves on PBS…

The photography is well done literally “just like being there” sans the smells and stupidity of Airline folk… 🤣

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Sadly, I get the feeling Rick Steve's is fully jabbed. I'd love to be wrong

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London is the same.

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Such a shame... I went to school in London as well. Visited many times for work and pleasure. It used to be my favorite city :-(

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New York is a dystopian shithole. It's a giant corpse of a once great city ruined by decades of Dem malfeasance. Adams is a moron mayor, actually worse than DeCommieO. Nothing they do will cover the gact that the jabs are indeed deathvaxx's. I will never set foot in there again.

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Yes. They need a young Guilliani. Heck, even an old one would improve things X10

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A Guilliani could never get elected today in that corrupt liberal shithole.

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Dec 11, 2022Edited
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I checked out the VIR-X ingredients. Nice collection of the supplements I’m taking piecemeal. Great recommendation. 🙌

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This whole thing is one enormous self-fulfilling prophecy.

The injections cause diminished immune function, on top of other ailments. VAIDS

So even normal respiratory and cold-n-flu illnesses will have the ability to become fatal, and the more time passes the increased odds of that happening as the damage to the immune system is compounding.

The more illness and death, the more “pandemic” and the more the establishment can force further injections on everyone.

I’ve been warning people since day one, this is the only virus in human history that can only be cured by a never-ending string of government spawned injections.

Obviously those injections align with the MAID (Medically Assisted Induced Death) “services” being provided in Canada and coming soon to a theater near you. Their goal is to rid the world of anyone with a recollection as to how life used to be before everyone thinking that the government was their mother.

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Many years ago we (Mrs Soyelcaminodelfuturo & I) actively pursued a goal of moving to NYC. Glad that never happened.

In January 2020 I had what I assume was Covid. It was early days in the phenomenon so no tests. I recovered from what seemed like a very bad case of flu in about 5 days. Since then, to this day, not even a cold. Goes without saying that we are jab free and will remain so.

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NYC is no place to raise little Soyelcaminodelfuturos. You missed nada.

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The spirit of the place left with 2019. I left this year. I don't miss it but I miss it in better times.

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Same with SoCal - only the beaches and the weather remain. The once Golden State is beyond tarnished. Beautiful landscapes marred by sub par infrastructure and every whacko in the universe on the streets. And some of the highest taxed in the country.

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I used to live in LA and agree 100%.

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You are batting 1000 with this one Dr. Malone.

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Dec 11, 2022
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Give me a break. 2SG lost a lot of my respect with the circular firing squad.

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Our DNA is made, like all other surviving species, is made up of survival of the fittest ... aka millions of viruses.

Our DNA is survival of VIRUSES! A TOTALITARIAN handful of Global Leaders, MONETIZED it.

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As it had been predicted from the getgo, ADE caused by the poison shot:

"This substack has been carefully monitoring the various premature “cold” and “flu” outbreaks transpiring across the nation, which are nothing more than cover stories for decimated immune systems due to the slow kill bioweapon injections"

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Well, if the oceans will drown the coastal cities like the woke are so sure of, cleaning them out in advance with bioweapon injections saves the trouble of trying to preserve the cities. NY and Cali are both trying really hard to destroy their populations

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VAIDS rising, Qatar edition

Khalid al-Misslam, a Qatari photojournalist for Al Kass TV, died suddenly while covering the FIFA World Cup in Qatar, according to Gulf Times


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9/11 and the Plandemic.

They feel similar because it's the same production company


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Never forget that the Doctor who invented the brutal lobotomy procedure won the NOBLE PRIZE IN MEDICINE/ PUBLIC HEALTHCARE for it.

(By the way, you should also know that it was our very own covid truth hero Dr. Peter Breggin who almost singlehandedly took on Dr. Freeman who lobotomized 5000 patients with ice picks on stage infront of full amphitheaters. Breggin sued and is responsible for the universal contempt this barbarism is viewed with today!)

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Thank you and shared.

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