This substack has been carefully monitoring the various premature “cold” and “flu” outbreaks transpiring across the nation, which are nothing more than cover stories for decimated immune systems due to the slow kill bioweapon injections:
And now possibly the most DEATHVAXXED™ city in all of America is experiencing what this substack has been warning about for close to a year now: the VAIDS sufferers’ destroyed immune systems are unable to cope with frigid air, common colds and flu.
The triple threat of COVID-19, the flu and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) has already begun to wreak havoc in NYC: the term Tridemic is simply the whitewash narrative that is now being seeded in order to reinstitute ever more draconian junk science mandates.
Naturally, the “cure” for total and medical and scientific failure is more of the same:

Boosters slow kill you, and do ZERO to prevent transmission. This was known from the start by all of the “experts,” and later admitted by Birx, et al.:
MK Ultra masks do nothing; in fact, they increase chances for sickness and death, especially for the most vulnerable that also happen to be the most likely to don them:
NYC Health Commissioner Ashwin Vasan is just another useful idiot that is guilty of crimes against humanity. He and his fellow apparatchiks are actively murdering New Yorkers with their bioterror advisories and soon to be PSYOP-23 lockdowns.
As someone that fled NYC last year without ever getting any flu or COVID “vaccine” injections, and never once wearing a mask for any reason, and for very good reason (see below) never getting sick from this “pandemic,” I can assure you that the majority of New Yorkers that willing continue to reside there are the living dead. They cannot be helped, nor saved.
NYC is about to undergo its most deadly and destructive cold and flu season ever this winter, and its brainwashed residents will booster and mask themselves into even shorter lifespans.
I grew up in NYC, went to school and university there and I can assure you that its spirit is long gone; only the architecture and memories remain. Don’t look back.
If you or your loved ones have been “vaccinated” or if you avoided these deadly injections, then one of your best lines of defense against sickness this winter is using a potent nutraceutical like VIR-X. Please use code 2SG to receive 15% off on this wonderful product that my family, friends and I have been taking for well over a year now, with none of us in that time having had so much as the sniffles. There are 22 research citations on the VIR-X product page showing powerful immune support, antiviral, anti-cancer, etc. properties of this synergistic formulation.
Do NOT comply.
Flew out of NYC area recently. TSA screener in front of me was sick as hell, had her mask around her chin, and when she turned to tell me something she coughed right in my face. I felt her breath hit my face. I was stunned. A friend who works for the agency offered to report her but I did not get her name.
Three days later and it hit me. Head cold with chills and fever. Two days of riding the wave of sickness. After 48 hours i was 80% better. Hell of a way to spend a vacation.
My unjabbed immune system did its job. 👍🙏🏼👆🏻
"I grew up in NYC, went to school and university there and I can assure you that its spirit is long gone; only the architecture and memories remain. Don’t look back."
I grew up in NYC, and went to school and university there, too. It's not the same city. It's gone. Haven't been there since February 2020, a month before the shutdown commenced. No plans to visit again. Ever. Told my family and friends (the ones who aren't covidiots) that we can meet up in Florida or another free state.