For far too long VIR-X was out of stock while the company founders were hard at work researching and developing a new and improved formulation that would offer the most potent synergistic antiviral and anti-Spike Protein (SP1 and SP2) formulation possible. This product also ensures overall wellness, is anti-cancer, and offers powerful antioxidant support. It is manufactured in the best American cGMP facility using the finest ingredients that are rigorously tested for purity.
This is by far the absolute best product of its kind currently on the market.
Quercetin Inhibits Influenza Infection [1]
Quercetin Performs Inhibitory Activity in the Initial Stage of Influenza Virus [1]
Quercetin: Antiviral Significance and Possible COVID-19 Integrative Considerations [2]
Quercetin: A Promising Treatment for the Common Cold [3]
Quercetin has Potent Anti-Cold (HRV2) Activity [4]
Quercetin is a Strong and Long Lasting Anti-Inflammatory [5]
Quercetin as a Promising Therapeutic Strategy for Chronic Disease Management [6]
Quercetin Inhibits the Interaction Between Virus-Cell Link in Influenza [7]
Quercetin Combined with Zinc Provides Powerful Zinc Ionophores [7]
Zinc Ionophores have Anti-Cancer Properties [7]
Quercetin and Vitamin C Demonstrated Synergistic Prophylactic and Treatment Evidence for COVID-19 [8]
Quercetin and Vitamin D as Possible COVID-19 Mitigation Agents [9]
Flavonoids Inhibit SARS-CoV 3CL Protease [10]
Flavonoids as Potent MERS-CoV 3C-like Proteasee Inhibitors [11]
Zinc Possesses Unique and Distinct Antiviral Properties Against a Number of Human Viruses [12]
Zinc has been Shown to Contribute to a Number of Innate and Adaptive Immune Signaling Pathways [12]
Upon Recognition of Microbial Antigens, a Rapid and Transient Influx of Free Zinc Occurs[12]
Zinc Plays a Significant Role in the Response to [Interferons] by Modulating Secretion, Cytokine Potency, and Receptor Binding, as well as Influencing Signaling Intermediates and Pathway Inhibitors [12]
Zinc Deficiency can probably be added to the Factors Predisposing Individuals to Infection and Detrimental Progression of COVID-19 [13]
Zinc has Direct Antiviral Effects as Demonstrated in Various Cases. Examples Include Coronaviridae [i.e. Coronaviruses] [13]
Zinc Supplementation Improves the Mucociliary Clearance, Strengthens the Integrity of the Epithelium, Decreases Viral Replication, Preserves Antiviral Immunity, Attenuates the Risk of Hyper-Inflammation, Supports Anti-Oxidative Effects and thus Reduces Lung Damage and Minimized Secondary Infections [13]
Vitamin D Significantly Reduces the Need for ICU Treatment for COVID-19 Patients [14]
Vitamin D Appears to Reduce the Severity of COVID-19 [14]
Randomised Controlled Trials Showed that Vitamin D Decreases Acute Respiratory Infections (ARIs) [15]
Low Vitamin D Status Might be Associated with an Increased Risk of COVID-19 Infection [16]
Preliminary Observational Studies Indicate Low Vitamin C Status in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19 [17]
Possible Therapeutic Effects of Adjuvant Quercetin Supplementation Against Early-Stage COVID-19 Infection [18]
Quercetin is a powerful senolytic, inducing death of senescent cells and improving overall health [19]
In preclinical models, Quercetin delays, prevents or alleviates frailty, cancers and cardiovascular, neuropsychiatric, liver, kidney, musculoskeletal, lung, eye, hematological, metabolic and skin disorders as well as complications of organ transplantation, radiation and cancer treatment [19]
Quercetin as possible anti-aging therapy [19]
Quercetin disaggregates prion fibrils and reduces fibril-Induced cytotoxicity and oxidize stress, thus reducing spike protein induced diseases such as Alzheimer's, Lewey Body Dementia, Mad Cow, etc. [20]
Quercetin has properties that disaggregate fibrils, and in conjunction with Serratiopeptidase which breaks down the disaggregated fibril waste may be useful in COVID-19 [21]
Bromelain inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection via targeting of ACE-2, TMPRSS2, and spike protein [22]
Bromelain may be a powerful antiviral against SARS-CoV-2 and future coronaviruses [22]
VIR-X may also be added to the following protocol for even greater healing synergy:
New & Improved Synergistic Joe Tippens Protocol
Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great.
Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable.
Vitamin D (62.5 mcg [2500 IU] seven days a week).
CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 167 to 334 mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) CBD-X: The most potent full spectrum organic CBD oil, with 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG per serving.
Fenbendazole (300mg, 6 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1 gram
Ivermectin (24mg, 7 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1mg/kg/day
VIR-X immune support (2 capsules per day)
Removing sugars and carbohydrates (cancer food) from your diet and replacing table sugar with a zero glycemic index, zero calorie, keto friendly rare sugar like FLAV-X
I have personally witnessed miraculous COVID-19 anecdotal cases using this product, and a stage three cancer patient going into full remission after several months of using this nutraceutical along with a partial Joe Tippens protocol.
A pair of website reviews:
This formulation also includes K2, which works together with the Vitamin D to ensure calcium is absorbed properly into the bones while preventing calcification in your arteries. Also, we know that the majority of COVID-19 hospitalizations were due to low Vitamin D levels, and daily VIR-X supplementation may achieve optimal Vitamin D concentrations.
The perfect amount of Quercetin works like a “gun” that “shoots” the Zinc “bullets” deep into the cells, thus raising their pH levels and eradicating any and all virions, while also attenuating cancer as per the above research citations. (Note: Zinc will not penetrate the cells without combining it with a compound like Quercetin, which is somewhat of an Hydroxychloroquine analogue.)
Curcumin and Bromelain round out this powerful formulation, and the grossly under-appreciated trace element Boron confers the following additional benefits:
(1) is essential for the growth and maintenance of bone;
(2) greatly improves wound healing;
(3) beneficially impacts the body’s use of estrogen, testosterone, and vitamin D;
(4) boosts magnesium absorption;
(5) reduces levels of inflammatory biomarkers, such as high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and tumor necrosis factor μ (TNF-μ);
(6) raises levels of antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase;
(7) protects against pesticide-induced oxidative stress and heavy-metal toxicity;
(8) improves the brains electrical activity, cognitive performance, and short-term memory for elders;(9) influences the formation and activity of key biomolecules, such as S-adenosyl methionine (SAM-e) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+);
(10) has demonstrated preventive and therapeutic effects in a number of cancers, such as prostate, cervical, and lung cancers, and multiple and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma; and
(11) may help ameliorate the adverse effects of traditional chemotherapeutic agents. In none of the numerous studies conducted to date, however, do boron’s beneficial effects appear at intakes < 3 mg/d. No estimated average requirements (EARs) or dietary reference intakes (DRIs) have been set for boron—only an upper intake level (UL) of 20 mg/d for individuals aged ≥ 18 y. The absence of studies showing harm in conjunction with the substantial number of articles showing benefits support the consideration of boron supplementation of 3 mg/d for any individual who is consuming a diet lacking in fruits and vegetables or who is at risk for or has osteopenia; osteoporosis; osteoarthritis (OA); or breast, prostate, or lung cancer.
Source: Nothing Boring About Boron
In short, this is truly the absolute best nutraceutical product of its kind, and should be taken daily by everyone.
Do NOT comply.
I am so happy. Vir-X was my go-to supplement. Especially loved that it had K2 and bromelain. Can't wait to get my order!! Thank you to Virex.💕
I still have some from the first go-round. I took some every morning this past week and gave to the husband too -- because he said he had a sore throat.
Yesterday, "how's your throat?" "what?"