The hardest part of this election is the stupid people 🤷‍♂️

After all this death and destruction and everything else in between…you’d think people would have caught on by now!

If they cheat and put her in against the will of the people, the only thing I will love is rubbing their miserable lives in their face🤷‍♂️

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People are brainwashed and ignorant of the truth. Very few people have any idea what is going on at all. We have descended back into the Dark Ages when the rulers ruled with impunity and did whatever they wanted and the masses lived in fear and superstition. BY the way, that was the time of popery and guess what!!!! we are still suffering the papacy now as it rules and devours the whole world as the ANTICHRIST devil which the bible warns us explicitly.

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And they still won't see it, & will resent you for pointing it out.

Have mercy on them instead, they're not in control of this corruption on parade.

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You cannot make a case for voting when it is known that election machines can be hijacked, dead people still vote, people vote more than once, fake ballots can be produced and counted, illegals get to vote like they are royalty, the actual counts may be hijacked, votes can be destroyed, and who the heck knows how many other ways the cheating persists. Congress is to blame for all of this by allowing it to happen in a national election. And you want me to vote for these bums and therefore more treachery?

We have to know that for sure the Marxist democrats are going to try everything in the book to steal votes and the election for two main reasons: Their hate for Trump is off the scales and they desperately need to continue the WEF's and gates's massive depopulation schemes which means CBDCs, social credit scoring and outrageous murder by mRNA injections.

These people are totally lawless, insane, and psychotic anti-humans and don't care about anything but themselves and their wretched agendas. That is what infiltrates and controls the entire DC Swamp. You cannot vote your way out of this.

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“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

I understand why you feel this way , BUT if WE ALL speak up we CAN fight this. Your vote is your VOICE!!!

Not voting is voting FOR the continued evil destruction of our country. That is what they want !

Let’s get out there and vote FOR WE THE PEOPLE.

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I disagree. I will not vote in a system that is beyond corrupt. I will not participate.

Not because I do not think my vote counts. Although I wish it did.

But because the system itself needs to change. It is INSANE. The whole process. It is a huge dog and pony show - one which I used to love before I learned the reality.

No. I will not participate. I will not take that shot for the good of all.

I respect everyone's decision to vote. I respect everyone's decision to take that bioweapon shot.

But I'm not participating.

I write that with a very heavy heart.

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Voting Trump in is the only way to fight back effectively. Short of this, the worst outcomes are inevitable. One man fought his way in & out of the "deep state" to tell us about his remarkable journey. His credentials are impeccable, intellect unquestionable, and his Asperger syndrome a huge bonus. Learn about how the Russian hoax was conceived, the ongoing coup perpetuated, and what hopes we have if we can survive the next election steal attempt, and whatever schemes the Globalist/Communist lunatics have in store while their useful idiots riot & loot when Trump wins.

The Enemy Within Docuseries


Make sure Patrick Byrnes gets all the support he needs to dismantle the machine fraud. Learn about it here: https://rumble.com/v5k1paa-bombshell-patrick-byrne-exposes-cuban-venezuelan-mafias-smartmatic-election.html

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Yay Israel! Yay Netanyahu! Yay Abraham Accords! Yay Warp Speed! Yay Millions Saved by Bioweapons! Yay yay yay!

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This is it... lets do what we have to do to Restore the Constitutional/Republic.. If Raskin and the Commies scream like stuck Pigs.. let em scream.. try and pull whatever.. We Will not be Deterred.. We Will Never Comply... with American Communists.. relentless Civil disobedience... nonviolence Rules the Day...

We are taking the Nation back from Cacklela and her Commies...

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Cackela 🤣🤣🤣

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We are headed for a landslide. I really think Trump's gonna win by 15 points maybe more. Even mainstream media starting to admit, early returns look very bad for the Cackela..

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when every major voting bloc other than single cat ladies (Blacks, Hispanics, men, Jews, Catholics, evangelicals, union members, NRA members), are either supporting Trump or have moved significantly away from their support for democrats in '20, it is hard to argue with your conclusion - and early returns show the cat ladies are staying home

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It also would be smart to remember the eccentric genius that can save us from the machine fraud that he has completely uncovered, along with his team of transgender misfit hackers. Support him now, because his evidence will need to be submitted in Federal court. Here is his story, in case you somehow missed it: https://rumble.com/v5jq48a-the-enemy-within-docuseries-all-3-episodes.html.

Go here for details:

https://stolenelectionsfacts.com/. And here for a PowerPoint presentation: https://rumble.com/v5k1paa-bombshell-patrick-byrne-exposes-cuban-venezuelan-mafias-smartmatic-election.html

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Absolutely nothing's out of the realm of possibility.

Anyone still thinking that American troops/cops/etc. wouldn't fire on and kill their fellow Americans is not only naive but delusional.

DEWs, weaponized weather, fake drone UFOs with REAL weaponry hiding in them, fake "completely unforseen" pandemics, lethal injections, etc. etc. are just a few of the options.

We're dealing with satanic psychopaths that sacrifice humans, primarily children and babies, for sacramental purposes. Who in their right mind really believes that they wouldn't kill most of the world's people if it suited their needs and goals.

We'll see what happens, but first, today is the day whereby we give our consent to be ruled by these satanists.

For everyone that refused to vote and thereby validate and consent to that ungodly and satanic/demonic crap, God bless you!!!

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I appreciate the positivity but i dont understand this thinking where if we turn out they wont be able to cheat. Says who? In 2020 Trump actually won by a landslide. That election was not close—they figured out how many votes they needed to scrape together and they did. The numbers dont matter, they will find enough to win—whos going to hold them accountable? The media whos been talking shit about election deniers for weeks now.

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Cheating goes way back.

Remember 2000? Remember 2004?

Cheating is non-partisan.

They cheat and then they go play golf together.

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utterly impossible for Trump to win the popular vote and lose the electoral college - that would mean that millions of NY and Calif voters are voting for Trump - not gonna happen - if he wine the popular vote it will be because red states turned out & voted Trump in record numbers

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Not gonna happen? Surely you jest! The state governments are “blue”, the population is RED! If a legitimate vote was taken today, CA and NY would be RED.

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Hillary won the popular vote but lost the electoral college. Trump became president.

Just read that Trump lost in 2016, but won in 2020.

Mark Miller wrote that. Anyone able to read his full article?

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If Trump wins the election and the Democrats refuse to certify the election, the Republican led House would decide, each state delegation would cast a vote and it's only 1 per state. The Red states outnumber the blue states so Trump would win. However, in September the U.S. House of Representatives proposed a constitutional amendment to address potential mass casualty events. The amendment aims to ensure continued representation for American citizens by allowing House members to be quickly replaced in the event of a mass casualty incident. This would help prevent any power shifts due to violent acts aimed at changing the balance of power in Congress.

The proposed amendment would require each House member to provide a list of potential successors to their state's governor, who would then appoint an interim representative within 10 days of a representative's death. This temporary appointee would serve until a special election could be held. In Ukraine elections were suspended by Zelensky as the country is under martial law.

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And the proposed plandemic in the coming spring could supply that mass casualty event. It’s already in the works, allegedly.

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This is very close to the formal introduction of Communism = Total Control of our daily existence!

Congratulations to the USA for bringing reality and common sense back to your politics! Hopefully Trump can get Facebook to stop censoring and distorting the TRUTH, with their favouring of 'Dis-information and mis-information? Both of which are TRUTH and Freedom of expression! They hate it!

Hopefully Trump and RFK jr can remove corruption from your (FDA) Food and Medical industries, and make Pfizer etc, responsible (LIABLE) for injuries and DEATHS caused by their poisonous mRNA injections!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live longer by avoiding corrupt medics with deadly syringes.

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Trump is crushing the bitch🤷‍♂️😃😁

People are FED UP🤣😁😂

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So they’ll do to Trump now what they did to Clinton in 2016. Watch all the angry side pickers go at each other after the fact. Meet Manners with Manners and Force with Force. :)

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