"It's called something else when it happens on our watch."
What friggin libocrits. No consistent ethic. "What a woman does with her body is between her and her doctor." Unless it's a forced 'vaccine.' Oh yes the definition of vaccine has changed too.
According to this administration people are hurting because times are so good. When there is no food to eat don’t worry as there are over 7 billion people we can eat. Yum!
Politicians (not all, just majority) lie. They lie on domestic and international subjects consistently. They will say what they believe is to their future vote advantage to remain in office. I doubt that they are born liars. Perhaps they learn along the way to do or say whatever they think is necessary to their advantage. And, best career for that is to be a politician. Loyalty to themselves, loyalty to the party. Yes. Loyalty to those who simply voted them into office? No. Loyalty to large donators? Yes.
Why is it ONLY Peter Doocy, who is asking the troubling questions?
If Trump was in office, they would be screaming out the most ridiculous questions, trying to score points and cause as much damage as possible.
Brandons illegitimate cartel?
Ice cream.....
George Orwell's head must be spinning off his shoulders...
No doubt!
Good Doocy keep asking questions.
These people are shameless.
Cant define a woman
Won’t define a recession
Stolen elections have dire consequences.
It's the old...."It's different when we do it."
"It's called something else when it happens on our watch."
What friggin libocrits. No consistent ethic. "What a woman does with her body is between her and her doctor." Unless it's a forced 'vaccine.' Oh yes the definition of vaccine has changed too.
Cartoon characters have more credibility.
Recession Obsession...what a waste of time. Doocy and KJP are are actors in a play
meant to engage people in the meaning of the word "recession" and it is pure nonsense
and a distraction.
According to this administration people are hurting because times are so good. When there is no food to eat don’t worry as there are over 7 billion people we can eat. Yum!
please dont make me watch her, it brings out my rage!
Politicians (not all, just majority) lie. They lie on domestic and international subjects consistently. They will say what they believe is to their future vote advantage to remain in office. I doubt that they are born liars. Perhaps they learn along the way to do or say whatever they think is necessary to their advantage. And, best career for that is to be a politician. Loyalty to themselves, loyalty to the party. Yes. Loyalty to those who simply voted them into office? No. Loyalty to large donators? Yes.
Bravo! Well said!