If even a decent sized minority refused to comply, then Chengdu could not be locked down. Cursed sheep are the fascists' fuel.

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This is why they CENTRALIZE agriculture, energy and currency (CBDC coming soon). Prepping is ACTIVE DECENTRALIZATION.

*apologies for all caps 🤷‍♂️

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the pope ordered all clergy to centralize their finances with vatican bank too

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What do you think the billions who have not prepped... are gonna do to those who have?

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some people think that China is behind all this. I don't think they are. But I think they know what is going on. How the virus has been messed with to cause something else. IS that why they lock down so fearsome ? Is that why they want a zero covid, because they know the virus (and the jabs) cause that spike and that is the messenger for something else coming ? Just playing games in my mind

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Ingrid, I also wonder this. My husband was born and raised in that country but cannot fathom the existence of evil forces intent on nothing but destruction. He is convinced that the hawkers of covid wares (testing etc) are behind the insanity of Chinese policy. The people there are generationally compliant with a rich history of being subjects of various forms of despotry. In any other place this level of brutality would result in a coup (which is what leads to me to wonder what you wonder) but the Chinese are capable of withstanding all levels of abuse. The government has fought hard in the last ten years to keep social media OUT. The portrayals of rich and free western peoples are not rife enough to wreak havoc in that society like they have in other places. I give equal weight to both theories (yours and my husbands) ... time will certainly tell

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Is it Possible that the USA is REMERGING from It's Covid Comma???? Is the JoBama Regime breaking up from Internal Dissent???


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"Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded, not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering a high morale and community purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.” -- David Rockefeller, CFR chairman, NY Times 1973-08-10

This praise of the "social experiment" in China came shortly after Mao's bloody cultural revolution. In 1973, CFR member Kissinger was Sec of State, Rockefeller and Brzezinski founded the Trilateral Commission, the WEF and Club of Rome were just getting started, and the UN had just finished the first "Earth Summit" under the leadership of Rockefeller protege Maurice Strong.

Fast forward 50 years. The CFR/UN/WEF network is still in control, and the long-planned global governance / population control agenda is progressing rapidly.

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China has a demographic problem. Too many old people and too few young people to pay for them. Why are they so concerned about letting older people pass away when that would solve their issue? I wish I knew but the answer cant be good.

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Xi and the PRC are sitting on the sidelines.

CCP being set up to take the fall? Sure looks like it...

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Beta test for North America but vary it for a sick, dying and starving population ca. 2024 that will be freestyling with ammo to reduce the numbers and increase the chaos even more.

This is by design. They think we are herd animals. So don’t behave like one. Act proactively.

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Has anyone else noticed that the years long ammo shortage is no more -- plenty for everyone!

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Every morning my iPhone comes alive with pings from the '2nd Smartest Guy in the World' and others who have incredible, courageous insight into our f'-up world.

Your emails actually save me money; I no longer need coffee to wake up. Thank you.

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So Kissinger installed Pinochet, who made a habit of tossing commies from helicopters. Am I to believe that this group which created Kissinger is also communist? Makes no sense!

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Makes perfect sense. Kissinger was always a communist a la Klaus Schwab and his Lenin bust prominently displayed in his office.

You can't make this up.

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So why didn't Pinochet toss Kissinger from a helicopter after Kissinger installed him?

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> Lenin bust prominently displayed in his office

lol wut?

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Thank you - I can now see the overlap you're referring to, but I still think that the metastisized corporate power represented by the WEF is what Marx sought to fight against. Perhaps I'm thinking of communism in it's most fundamental sense, and not what it became in it's many different manifestations.

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Yep. But Kissinger wasn’t literally so retarded as to have a bust of Lenin in his office, was he?

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Lenin was the level of Bankster stooge that Kissinger aspired to.

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The CFR/UN/WEF network are neither "communists" nor "capitalists". They are "corporate socialists" or perhaps "liberal fascists". The oligarchs play both ends against the middle.

"Both the extreme right and the extreme left of the conventional political spectrum are absolutely collectivist. The national socialist (for example, the fascist) and the international socialist (for example, the communist) both recommend totalitarian politico-economic systems based on naked, unfettered political power and individual coercion. Both systems require monopoly control of society." -- Antony Sutton, "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution" (1974)


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Sutton spelled it all out decades ago.

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This footage, most of it anyway, looks like pretty standard life in crowded Chinese cities ... even the opening street scene does not look especially chaotic or desperate by Chinese standards

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How naive and gullible are some people!

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CCP lockdowns, vaccine lunacy, energy crisis in the EU, RU/UKR, attack on farmers in various countries, and here we have Dementia Joe attacking about half of voting US citizens by labeling them extremists. This is going to be a bumpy ride, guys.

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What a horrible place to live!

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