Great article. Thanks for sharing. This is it, in a nutshell.

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I listened to Joel Skousen on the Kate Dalley podcast this morning. He says Putin has always wanted to rebuild the old USSR and saw this as an opportunity to grab the Ukraine, which was always important to the USSR. Its “breadbasket.” He also says Russian and China are interested in globalism, but not the western/WEF style. They both want to be in charge. He also said China and/or Russia launch nuclear attacks at US defense positions, to force us to surrender, by the end of the decade, if not sooner. His opinion, for what it’s worth.

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Joel has a good book rating the 50 states on survivability. Has FL as the lowest.

Funny how wrong that turned out to be with covid policy changing so much in our world.

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The invasion seems both confusing and not confusing. The NATO angle seems overstated to me, and the 2014 invasion of Crimea is never explained as a part of the "Putin is invading because of NATO expansion". Maybe there is some truth to that, but it seems unlikely that it is THE reason.

I've seen some chatter and even maps about US biolabs in Ukraine and Putin bombing those. The maps overlay very well, but the biolabs are not exactly in the middle of nowhere so it could also be a coincidence. I have not seen before and after pictures of the biolabs...maybe they're out there somewhere. Until that happens I'm skeptical of that being a/the reason.

I've read and heard that Biden pushed Putin into this to create a distraction. So I'm being asked to believe that Biden is playing 4D chess and Putin is playing checkers? Yeah, I'll pass on that one. The Brandon admin might welcome the distraction but to think that they are competent enough to have created it seems extremely unlikely.

Here is what does seem factual and irrefutable. Germany basically runs the EU, they are the most powerful EU nation and call the shots. It's been this way since...forever. Germany has allowed themselves to become a slave to Putin and Russian energy. This was probably not done on purpose but rather by a bunch of brainwashed and incompetent bureaucrats. Klaus and his WEF buddies obviously played a role in this. Is it reasonable to think that Putin knows he has Germany in the palm of his hand? Haha, of course - whether planned or not, Putin took and is taking advantage. I can't think of a reasonable argument against this position. Putin knows he has an impotent EU thanks to the German energy situation and knows he has a paper tiger administration in the West with the UK military focused on a carbon neutral military and Biden focused on updating military hairstyles and maternity flight suits.

So Putin dipped his toe into the water in 2014 and didn't get bitten. And now he sees the perfect opportunity to push and take Ukraine. It seems to me like he has been thinking and planning for this for at least a decade and probably longer. Kind of like ISIS used to say, "the Americans have the watches but we have the time". In the West we think of policy in 4 year intervals. Putin has the luxury of thinking in terms of decades. Putin has clearly had his eyes on Ukraine, and he's been presented with the best opportunity he has had to make the push. I think it's basically as simple as that.

The part that doesn't really fit together is how this fits into the WEF plan from a Russian perspective. A lot has been made about Putin being a WEF young global leader grad and that can't really just be ignored (Orban in Hungary gets some good press from the right but he's a graduate himself). I find it hard to believe that Putin is in favor of a Russia second agenda where his allegiance lies in with the WEF/one world government agenda. Perhaps this is where the 4D chess begins and we just can't see the pieces.

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Interesting, makes sense. Regarding the biolab supposed bombings/targets, I cross checked 4-5 of the addresses, from the docs that were apparently copied before access was disabled from US Embassy website.

I did confirm (3-4) docs listed with lab names are "not found" on the US Embassy webpage, they are still up, like you can click and go to them, but no longer there.

So, I cross checked some of the addresses found on these docs, and NONE of them show up on this sight..... https://maphub.net/Cen4infoRes/russian-ukraine-monitor , in theory we should see video/pics where the addresses to the labs exist on the map.

This first search of finding the lab addresses on the MapHub (to see if those locations have any actions) may be significant, because the maphub sight is "verifying" video and pictures to make sure they are REAL. Some of the addresses of the labs are very near hospitals, populated areas ect. The map is dynamic, so more investigation needs to be done for sure.

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Credit to lionessofjudah.substack.com for posting the list of labs.

Here is a full list of the biolabs:
















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Right on. The war is a distraction. Two things we all must do; continue to fight for freedoms and concentrate on our own spiritual growth and higher frequencies.

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Thanks for the in depth analysis 2nd Smart Fellow.

We might soon ask Russia to liberate us from the communist takeover in here Canada.

(I started this writing this comment with sarcasm but after reading my own words it's sounding like a possibility I would support).

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Excellent, well written. I agree with everything you have stated. Thank you for pushing us to keep our eyes on the FREEDOM ball! I have been taking a hard look at the MapHub sight, that aims to "verify" real video/photos.

It does take eye off the ball, but it's an interesting website. For folks like us. https://maphub.net/Cen4infoRes/russian-ukraine-monitor

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