All a nice planned trivision of the right into Trump's cult, DeSantis cult and Rhinos on the sideline watching gleefully. "...will go head to head against the Trump and DeSantis ticket, who by then will have kissed and made up." There will be no Trump-DeSantis ticket in 2024. DeSantis will be the nominee and the selection planners will push the "DeSantis is a Rhino shill" or "Deep state stooge" to keep the trump cult at home in just enough numbers to steal the same five states again from DeSantis this time. OR Trump will run as a third party "independent" stealing DeSantis votes because there is no destroying his ego, and the world gets Global UN governments straight through to 2030. Feel free to save this comment for reference in 24 months. You don't get to "vote" your way out of their Agenda for one world government and neo feudal digital gulags. Your only solution is to declare independence from their diseased systems...


And find a wolf pack to survive the coming collapse...


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There is a reason why they destroyed all venues for male kinship. Leading to the eventual atrophy of our collective might.

It wasn't enough to smother natural masculinity in the cradle - and then geld the boys with years of social conditioning. Because the spark still lingers. All that is right and true remains, innate and infinite. So, they salted the social, economic, and political landscape to leave no fertile soil for men to gather and cultivate that spark.

Those who "notice" can plainly see that the "greatest threat to 'our democracy'" is one of their many wicked mantras to affirm their inverted world. But it also reveals their greatest fear - and the weakness of their empire built upon the shifting sands of lies. To vote and march and send tribute to the supposed better men who would occupy a station within the rigged system is exactly the efforts they encourage.

Meanwhile, a few men take up a pint of ale in a common house and begin to plot a course of independence. The first rebellion is always a man's own reckoning; to cast off the lies and accept the full weight - and glory, of the Truth. Men on the other side of that reckoning, well they will earn a lot more than my "vote". Iron sharpens iron.

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yeah trump seems to be the designated driver ... the guy is a total imbeccile, this is the end of the line ....

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Trump is and always has been a narcissistic opportunist. Those people are easily led around by a nosering and therefore typically not the brightest. In the eyes of many, a foolish many, they equate wealth with intelligence.

The fact that he insists on being the father of these injections is otherwise troubling.

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Covfee fee ... covid + fee2 ... he knows ...

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I predict Trump will go against DeZionist in the 2024 primary and lose, assuming DeZionist runs.

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Tucker Carlson will determine the direction. I believe he will play the correct cards. Stave Bannon will have something to say too.

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Doesn't take "conspiracy theory" night goggles to see everything you've noted come to fruition. Idiocracy, sigma 12. Never forgive or forget what they've done, and as you said, NEVER COMPLY.

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The average person with night goggles affixed over their Ludovico Technique clamped open eyeballs does not appreciate what is transpiring in the least.

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Too much feel bads.

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Here's the problem with "never comply" that almost everyone writing about that never says, and in fact, with many of them doing the opposite.

They control us via the Company money system. That's why those professions that help sustain and prop up that money system, the owners of that money system see to it that they get rewarded the best. Law, indoctrination ("education"), Finance (in particularly to keep the top-level charade going including Wall Street), Banking, Medical ("health"), et al.

So "never comply" would involved divesting from essentially all Big-Corp stuff owned, ultimately, by BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street. But these people are too busy protecting their money/mammon, and their [perceived] wealth, to actually "never comply."

Sending ones children, particularly at this point, by the same enemy via the public school system, is also complying. So it not looking first to the neutriceutical industry as first as an option to our "marvelous" medical INDUSTRY. There's more, but their systems have replaced Common Law.

As long as we wilfully stay in their system we're hosed. But again, so many of these "awake" writers, even ones on Lew Rockwell and even here, talk about "how to invest" [using the perps' systems] that it tells me that while they may be "awake," they're hardly knowledgeable as to how the perps are organized and how they used that to control us.

In short, we cannot have their goodies (wealth/mammon, comforts, etc.) and renounce and be separate from their systems.

As I often mention to people, if during the 2008 "Too Big to Fail" crisis, we had allowed the "Too Bigs" to actually fail, we wouldn't be where we are today, despite the economic pain that it would have caused. But we can now easily see that the situation has gotten exponentially worse because we did not allow it to fail. Now genocide is their primary tool and goal.

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Jesus Christ. Desantis too? Didnt love the guy but loved that he had the guts to do what was right with covid. I guess we cant have anything nice. I gotta get out of NY and find a place to hide away with my wife.

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You definitely need to leave NY.

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DeSantis, deep state operative

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Hochul will have you building your own Covid cell...get out!

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The system is rigged; long live the system!

What we have is a critical shortage of Men of the West. I don't need a president. I need four men in my county who are right with God and oriented toward building a small, robust, insulated community of like-minded Americans prepared to go without the spoils of that system in order to cultivate the taproot for what will replace it one day.

The question is not of politk or democracy, but of what a man is prepared to give up, to live without in order to secure a future for his children.

This is about our people. Our people have been spiritually gutted. We have countless men without chests. Men who are addicted to feeding that hungry ghost where that spiritual will and character and hardscrabble mettle of their ancestors once beat, who lament all that was lost while filling that void at the systems feedlots. Don't talk with your mouth full.

The actors in the grand charade who collect our "votes" as they might our "taxes" while their machine prints both as fiat at their beckon, are of little significance. Yet what really matters falls into the shadow of time because reasons. Those tiny moves that build a strong core and anchor us to the Truth are uncomfortable and boring and so we do not have time and hit the drive through instead. That fullness of time will reveal, perhaps on our watch - I do hope so, but perhaps not, that the fiat our masters feed us is, in fact, a two-party transaction in which we submit to their terms and consent to their lies.

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I'm your man. Who will back me?

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45 others with me.

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Got one.

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The movie 'Oblivion' comes to mind...

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Ken Griffith has a history that is obvious.

He also gave $1 million to the Obama Foundation in 2017.

Griffin, the head of Citadel, an investment firm, has been donating to political campaigns for more than 20 years, giving $5,000 and $10,000 increments in those early days to Republicans and Democrats alike when he was living in Chicago.

Mayors Richard M. Daley and Rahm Emanuel, both Democrats, were beneficiaries. And in 2008, he raised money for both presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama.

He wrote a $500,000 check for Joe Biden’s 2020 inaugural committee.

Can't be trusted, I heard can't remember where he is being considered for financial advisor for Ron DeSantis campaign. I'm sure you will be posting more as more is revealed.

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“four legs good, two legs bad, four legs good, two legs bad!”😂

Funny as hell. Old but timeless story. Just read it again. It tells you everything: what just happened, why it happened and what’s gonna happen next. Works every time. Been there, done that (communist Poland).

Highly recommended lecture to read before “new cabinets” sit down for “debates”.

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All this is so depressing I will consider dropping out and turning to mushrooms. Not really but maybe it would be the best option. The world can go to hell and I won’t care.

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Graditude is not a DeSantis trait, unfortunately.

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“No sides, no Sunnis, Shiites, Republicans, Democrats, just haves and have nots.”

-6-term Senator Charles F. Meachum

"There is no Deep State, only THE STATE.”


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Hey Mr. 2nd Smartest Dude. My new book, a short pamphlet, inspires a new direction after Idiocracy.


"This is a book for cultural secessionists. Learn about the author's disillusionment with American Idiocracy and his decision to live an ascetic life apart from the normies and the idiots. The author, a counter-cultural philosopher and Deistic minister, draws from a long career as a mental health professional to offer his prescriptions for healthiness, happiness, and holiness.

This book is not about great resets. It is about restoration. The author believes in the goodness of the people of the Historic American Nation. His ideas reflect the common sense and the traditional understandings of those exceptional people."

After these Trump tantrums I am off that train for good. What an asshole.

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yeap, true.

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Wow. No conservative will ever win again. Not Trump or DeSantis. It’s over.

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Don't worry as soon as a critical mass of Conservatives capitulates to the dictates of the elitists, they can take turns with the Democrats as compliant actor president, senator, congressmen, supreme court justice, etc....

It's not about whether anyone wins, it's about how our countries were all sold down the river. The real solution will not come from scam elections. That should be so clear now to most of us.

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Sorry, there was a red wave. I saw it and anyone who got up very early did too. The stunt aka psyop or steal-machines going down across the country, NOT just Ohio or NY. NJ, all across to TX. Now want to see where I got a tipoff that *something* was being rigged? Look up Nov. 7 ALL or any MSM talking points, they are all the same, hinting at it. Not at a blue wave nor a red one just something. Btw, I was told the Bar Association is out of business. Hm, who is all lawyers? Oh yeah the demonrats.

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Just watched a Martin Armstrong interview, who has met with most world leaders of our lifetime. His take on Trump's character is interesting. I find him kinda fascinating. His ego is huge, but has probably helped him survive. Never have they tried so hard to take someone down. In the end if Trump ever gets close to the White House again, they will surely assinate him.

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"If you try to kill the king and miss"........ 2020 sElection Coup might have failed in the long run.

Wars are not Battles, big difference. Trump 2024 Triumps to National Cheering as he enters the WH again. Deep State Ferals along with their democRat & rinoRat Lackeys squeal and have tantrums.


Martin Armstrong has a better grasp of Reality than the Never Trumpers & Normies, imo.

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You are right about Armstrong. His insights are spot on.

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What's happening with the sElections in AK? that Communist "Ranked Voting" may be Unconstitutional, it gives Two Votes.

Anyway Mitchy's Bitch Murkowski will use it to try to be the DemocRepubRat senator again.

So What's Up on the ground there?

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I don't believe much of anything today, but at same time I also don't believe what's spoon fed and gobbled up here. Ya'll are just as gullible as most normies.

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Certainly, you do not believe that anything is spoon fed on this here substack other than irreverent observations on the MSM spoon feedings.....

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Well at lest we can mitigate future disappointment by knowing the “right” side is a facade. We are the real bipartisan folk as we know it is bad A and bad B. The best “party” is no party. More real independent people need to step up and get into office. But nothing really maters with 30 trillion debt.

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A revolution should fix that a huge bit. As you've said, no party just what we choose. A 5 person council for a Congress WITH TERM LIMITS!! Same for the Senate. Do we need a SCOTUS? All power to the states, after all DC is and always has been a foreign entity. Xavier Becerra says paying taxes is voluntary.

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I’m crying. 😂 All 💯 spot on. 🤡🌎

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