this is very obvious where i live in SC- black people wearing masks out walking, in cars by themselves, bike riding. my suspicion is that they didn't take the vaccine and so are doing whatever non-pharmaceutical thing they can (even if futile) to protect themselves.
i always want to ask but never had the courage.
on the flip side, i do have quite a few black friends who have been vaccinated. one actually said to me, when i told her that i had no plans to get vaccinated, "i hope you're ok being alone."
ha! no, but my repopulating days are over. i honestly was a bit taken aback but this was earlier before the vaccines became a litmus test of a person's intelligence, ethical character and humanity. before hospitals starting refusing to transplant people who hadn't been vaccinated. i'm not shocked by anything anymore. disgusted, yes but not surprised
Funny, but for me and many others, the litmus test is 1)did you take the poison death shot and allow your loved ones to 2) Did you lose at least one social media account (FB/Twitter/Linkedin etc) by standing up and getting the word out. Ed Dowd, former BlackRock hedge fund manager says similarly, that this will be the acid test in a year or two as to whether someone can claim to be "smart and ahead of the curve".
Well, I have friends who took the shots, even the boosters. I have friends who participated in the Moderna trial; they obviously believe in the thing. But they haven’t condemned me, called me crazy or wished me dead. So I have to respect their choice. My friend who said she hoped we were ok being alone is still my friend.
The people who failed the test of character are the ones who posted on Facebook that they wished all the “unvaccinated people would hurry up and die already.” The stagehand union members who called their unvaccinated “brothers and sisters” idiots to their faces. The people who accused anyone not getting vaccinated of being a Trump supporter, a Republican, a knuckle dragger, a Russian disinformation spreader as if all those things always came tightly bound in a package. The world renowned arts festival that dropped me without a word after 40 years. The Holocaust Museum that required vaccine passports for admission without irony.
In a letter to the arts festival after they replaced me, I wrote that it’s easy to say in hindsight that this or that should have or shouldn’t have been done but that I was only interested in foresight.
My next door neighbor said about a year ago that any adult who wouldn’t get the vaccine should have their children removed from their custody. Yesterday he said that, you know, the vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission so taking it or not is a personal choice. He’s obviously selectively forgotten what he said previously but I never will.
I also let him assume whatever he wants about my vaccination status. He is a doctor but he’s not my doctor so it’s none of his business.
But the point is he has altered his stance to be correct in hindsight whereas I was correct in foresight.
I have never thought for a minute that parents who vaccinate their children should have them removed, even though I personally feel it’s a kind of child abuse. I have never wished for vaccinated people to die, although I realize that many of them will have to before people get what’s going on. I have never made assumptions about a person’s political affiliations based on their medical status or called someone an idiot because they made a choice that I wouldn’t have made.
And yet, the remark about being alone starts to become a reality as I shed “friends” who failed the most basic of tests for decency and steadfastness in a crisis, albeit a manufactured one
I have not yet reached the point where I’m willing to give up my decades-long friendships with highly educated people who shocked me by their rabid pro-injection stance early on.
They eventually tired of chastising me with the “safe and effective” PR-speak and now there’s no point in even bringing it up.
One friend has a vague neurological problem with a hand tremor, and her husband was diagnosed with Parkinson’s, and the others now suffer from neck pain, fatigue, skin issues, and digestive issues.
ironic- you are not willing to give up on old friends and yet i fear you may lose them anyway to parkinson's and cancer, etc. i have an old friend in NYC who has been falling down in the streets lately and spending time in the hospital. maybe parkinsons? but he's had no vaccine issues, he says.
he can no longer care for himself, has people coming in everyday to change his diapers (!) and he's waiting to be accepted into a nursing home that will take him and his dog. he's just a few years older than me- i'm 69 and i'm no where near ready to go into a home!!!!
my BF is 75 and he's on a 40' ladder repairing our roof!!
i've lost a couple of people to what i'll call direct vaccine injury meaning that they developed something relatively suddenly after the vaccine and died of it. i also just lost someone to a cancer that i suspect and another friend was just diagnosed with a cancer that i also suspect.
so even though i'm not giving up on my vaccinated friends- at least the ones who didn't condemn me (the others- fuck 'em!), i may still lose a bunch of them to this
But beware the release of genetically released bioweapon that will target ethnicity. I believe Dr. Malone has said this is possible with current gene technology.
Yes, yes, yes! Think of all the people who paid to participate in their targeting by paying to give Chinese labs their DNA through 23&Me, and Oh, vanity and curiosity....
Don’t they know UPS is famous for going through your packages?! They should have used FedEx. (I saw that awhile back on a YouTube short video. Drug dealer saying UPS takes their drugs so they use FedEx.
The comments on the second article are telling. 5,000+ completely lost people, still fully bought into covid vaccines and many masks, still blaming the unvaccinated for all the problems, and many wishing them what they deserve, death, which will solve the problem.
Oh I took the bait and just spent 10 minutes looking at these hateful comments- this one sums it up IMO:
“What this article doesn’t mention is the “death grip” their religious belief system has on them too. Show me an ardent anti-vaxxer and I will show you a self-proclaimed Jesus-lovin’’ Bible-thumpin’ Christian. Every time. When they go running to the hospital with Covid it’s still Jesus who they expect to cure them and prayer that they expect to do the trick. When they finally die, they “go to the Lord”. There is no grasp of reality.”
LOL --I can hear the sanctimonious glee in his voice, enjoying his made up narrative to revel in the death of a fictitious someone in his warped imagination. And I laughed out loud with his “Every time.” line.
The mental hurdle I have to get over is that people like this are a lost cause, because when someone in his friends/family circle drops from clots, stroke, etc., they will continue to blame me. They don’t even see the irony of creating a brand new “religion” of hate against those who want to keep their bodily autonomy and preserve their immune system. Living rent free in their heads must be so exhausting for them.
Likely comment bots trying to encourage those they think are "holding out" to get jabbed. I think those pushing the jab have severely underestimated the work of Dr Sebi, Dr Phillip Valentine, Elijah Muhammad/Malcolm X/Minister Farrakhan, and hundreds of others who have literally been promoting healthy lifestyle choices and talking about the elite white's de-population agenda for at least 30+ years now.
I haven't seen anyone mention it, but Weird Al needs to be on the prosecution list. For his "Amish Paradise"video. I used to like that video years ago, but now I see him as clearly part of the "plan".
I saw a piece on the Amish just recently on how they are now dying because of Covid and because of not getting the vaccine. This was a complete reversal from a much earlier piece that showed that they were doing far better than everyone else.
Trust your own instincts and immune systems. I've gone through 3 wars 2 bouts of CV (once before we knew what it was). Never masks, gloves, or any of that crap which happens to be incorrect to be technical. 6 feet should be 15 feet. No matter I never did it.
The black community has had numerous warnings over the years. More generally about dietary choices (what to put in your body) and healthy lifestyle choices. Dr Sebi, Dr Phillip Valentine, Nation of Islam, (Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, Minister Farrakhan, et. al.) Djehuty Ma'at-Ra and many others. Some examples:
Dr. Valentine said over 30 years ago at one of the first Meeting [Gathering] of the Masters about how the elistist at the time were planning to depopulate 1/2 the world using some sort of mass innoculation. I cant find that Masters clip, but here is one about the Wounded Womb, which is based on earlier material about health and the spiritual f**kery of that time and really a precursor to transhumanism:
(which later was compiled and published into a book with ISBN number and is sold on Amazon for $1000+ (contact him at for the regular price).
Minister Farrakhan did a lecure series "The Time and What Must Be Done" in 2013 part 36-38 deals specifically with US and EU's depopulation policy, although Elijah Muhammad spoke against taking any vaccines since Kissinger's memorandum became policy (How to Eat to Live). In July, 2020, Farrakhan did the Criterion, openly rejecting the vaccine and warning US Govt that FORCED vaccinations would be a declaration of war against an individual's bodily sovereignty, and would then invoke the right to self-defense. Youtube deleted all of this, but they have backups here:
Black people as a whole are pretty used to conspiracies designed to disrupt their communities anyways. E.g. The Negro Project..... I mean Planned Parenthood. Theory of Evolution promoted by Charles Darwin...from his book. "On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or, the preservation of FAVORED RACES in the struggle for life". Tulsa, Oklahoma Race Riots.
My point is that those who took the vaccine were either not aware of at least some of the negative history (ignore-ance) or in a heightened state of fear (being kicked off the plantation and not being able to pay back their debts/feed family/etc). Some hyper attachment to this material world being exploited (an easy ticket to normal). This comment was lost and I had to retype it twice as substack app does not save draft. Sorry for the length.
Within the white population that got the death shots a disproportionate percentage were of the Liberal persuasion (brainwashed). Yet somehow they can still win elections😎. If the Democrats cheat on Nov 8 and unelectable candidates like Fetterman win...the country will be on fire.
“slow mass ritual bioterror suicide” stepping things up a notch😂 you’ve outdone yourself!
Roll up, roll up for it.
Yes and no commas.
Great stuff.
this is very obvious where i live in SC- black people wearing masks out walking, in cars by themselves, bike riding. my suspicion is that they didn't take the vaccine and so are doing whatever non-pharmaceutical thing they can (even if futile) to protect themselves.
i always want to ask but never had the courage.
on the flip side, i do have quite a few black friends who have been vaccinated. one actually said to me, when i told her that i had no plans to get vaccinated, "i hope you're ok being alone."
Did you kindly tell her that the unvaccinated plan to repopulate when they are gone? 😉
ha! no, but my repopulating days are over. i honestly was a bit taken aback but this was earlier before the vaccines became a litmus test of a person's intelligence, ethical character and humanity. before hospitals starting refusing to transplant people who hadn't been vaccinated. i'm not shocked by anything anymore. disgusted, yes but not surprised
Funny, but for me and many others, the litmus test is 1)did you take the poison death shot and allow your loved ones to 2) Did you lose at least one social media account (FB/Twitter/Linkedin etc) by standing up and getting the word out. Ed Dowd, former BlackRock hedge fund manager says similarly, that this will be the acid test in a year or two as to whether someone can claim to be "smart and ahead of the curve".
Well, I have friends who took the shots, even the boosters. I have friends who participated in the Moderna trial; they obviously believe in the thing. But they haven’t condemned me, called me crazy or wished me dead. So I have to respect their choice. My friend who said she hoped we were ok being alone is still my friend.
The people who failed the test of character are the ones who posted on Facebook that they wished all the “unvaccinated people would hurry up and die already.” The stagehand union members who called their unvaccinated “brothers and sisters” idiots to their faces. The people who accused anyone not getting vaccinated of being a Trump supporter, a Republican, a knuckle dragger, a Russian disinformation spreader as if all those things always came tightly bound in a package. The world renowned arts festival that dropped me without a word after 40 years. The Holocaust Museum that required vaccine passports for admission without irony.
In a letter to the arts festival after they replaced me, I wrote that it’s easy to say in hindsight that this or that should have or shouldn’t have been done but that I was only interested in foresight.
My next door neighbor said about a year ago that any adult who wouldn’t get the vaccine should have their children removed from their custody. Yesterday he said that, you know, the vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission so taking it or not is a personal choice. He’s obviously selectively forgotten what he said previously but I never will.
I also let him assume whatever he wants about my vaccination status. He is a doctor but he’s not my doctor so it’s none of his business.
But the point is he has altered his stance to be correct in hindsight whereas I was correct in foresight.
I have never thought for a minute that parents who vaccinate their children should have them removed, even though I personally feel it’s a kind of child abuse. I have never wished for vaccinated people to die, although I realize that many of them will have to before people get what’s going on. I have never made assumptions about a person’s political affiliations based on their medical status or called someone an idiot because they made a choice that I wouldn’t have made.
And yet, the remark about being alone starts to become a reality as I shed “friends” who failed the most basic of tests for decency and steadfastness in a crisis, albeit a manufactured one
Good stuff and spot on.
Thank you for sharing.
Well said!
I have not yet reached the point where I’m willing to give up my decades-long friendships with highly educated people who shocked me by their rabid pro-injection stance early on.
They eventually tired of chastising me with the “safe and effective” PR-speak and now there’s no point in even bringing it up.
One friend has a vague neurological problem with a hand tremor, and her husband was diagnosed with Parkinson’s, and the others now suffer from neck pain, fatigue, skin issues, and digestive issues.
Profoundly--even cosmically--heartbreaking.
ironic- you are not willing to give up on old friends and yet i fear you may lose them anyway to parkinson's and cancer, etc. i have an old friend in NYC who has been falling down in the streets lately and spending time in the hospital. maybe parkinsons? but he's had no vaccine issues, he says.
he can no longer care for himself, has people coming in everyday to change his diapers (!) and he's waiting to be accepted into a nursing home that will take him and his dog. he's just a few years older than me- i'm 69 and i'm no where near ready to go into a home!!!!
my BF is 75 and he's on a 40' ladder repairing our roof!!
i've lost a couple of people to what i'll call direct vaccine injury meaning that they developed something relatively suddenly after the vaccine and died of it. i also just lost someone to a cancer that i suspect and another friend was just diagnosed with a cancer that i also suspect.
so even though i'm not giving up on my vaccinated friends- at least the ones who didn't condemn me (the others- fuck 'em!), i may still lose a bunch of them to this
well, darn it. I don't want to loose Ed Dowd's respect but I chucked my FB page 6 years ago and that was my only social account.
I applaud you 👏 , dear lady.
The only way I’d get back into it would be commercially. Sigh. Don’t want to
Try to kill me once, shame on me, twice shame on you.
Its at least twice for the black community
Makes the Biden saying: if you aint black, this the first time I have tried to kill you so true.
But beware the release of genetically released bioweapon that will target ethnicity. I believe Dr. Malone has said this is possible with current gene technology.
Yes, yes, yes! Think of all the people who paid to participate in their targeting by paying to give Chinese labs their DNA through 23&Me, and Oh, vanity and curiosity....
Don’t they know UPS is famous for going through your packages?! They should have used FedEx. (I saw that awhile back on a YouTube short video. Drug dealer saying UPS takes their drugs so they use FedEx.
Bit of an error to mark the packages 'full of random viruses' so that everyone can see what is contained within.
All my fellow black friends rushed to get the deathvax...but then they're the 'educated elite' bot types so all common sense is long washed out 😭😭😭
This will never stop unless certain people are taken out.
Good for them. Whatever makes you sceptical is what is saving you. I’ve been dying to ask “who is the smartest guy?”
Perhaps Atila Sinke Guimarães?
Medical Apartheid is a good resource.
The comments on the second article are telling. 5,000+ completely lost people, still fully bought into covid vaccines and many masks, still blaming the unvaccinated for all the problems, and many wishing them what they deserve, death, which will solve the problem.
Oh I took the bait and just spent 10 minutes looking at these hateful comments- this one sums it up IMO:
“What this article doesn’t mention is the “death grip” their religious belief system has on them too. Show me an ardent anti-vaxxer and I will show you a self-proclaimed Jesus-lovin’’ Bible-thumpin’ Christian. Every time. When they go running to the hospital with Covid it’s still Jesus who they expect to cure them and prayer that they expect to do the trick. When they finally die, they “go to the Lord”. There is no grasp of reality.”
LOL --I can hear the sanctimonious glee in his voice, enjoying his made up narrative to revel in the death of a fictitious someone in his warped imagination. And I laughed out loud with his “Every time.” line.
The mental hurdle I have to get over is that people like this are a lost cause, because when someone in his friends/family circle drops from clots, stroke, etc., they will continue to blame me. They don’t even see the irony of creating a brand new “religion” of hate against those who want to keep their bodily autonomy and preserve their immune system. Living rent free in their heads must be so exhausting for them.
Likely comment bots trying to encourage those they think are "holding out" to get jabbed. I think those pushing the jab have severely underestimated the work of Dr Sebi, Dr Phillip Valentine, Elijah Muhammad/Malcolm X/Minister Farrakhan, and hundreds of others who have literally been promoting healthy lifestyle choices and talking about the elite white's de-population agenda for at least 30+ years now.
A valuable reminder. Either option equally disturbing; bots or real sentiment.
I'll be cooking food for them and ready to tend their wounds when they do.
And that is the reason I am working extra hard to stay fit at 56. That will be my contribution to the re-population of the planet.
At some point, actual men will do what must be done.
I haven't seen anyone mention it, but Weird Al needs to be on the prosecution list. For his "Amish Paradise"video. I used to like that video years ago, but now I see him as clearly part of the "plan".
I saw a piece on the Amish just recently on how they are now dying because of Covid and because of not getting the vaccine. This was a complete reversal from a much earlier piece that showed that they were doing far better than everyone else.
I hope there’s no evil meddling going on in there
It seems they are trying to turn this into a race thing, how stupid. Do they expect us to buy into that?
Trust your own instincts and immune systems. I've gone through 3 wars 2 bouts of CV (once before we knew what it was). Never masks, gloves, or any of that crap which happens to be incorrect to be technical. 6 feet should be 15 feet. No matter I never did it.
The black community has had numerous warnings over the years. More generally about dietary choices (what to put in your body) and healthy lifestyle choices. Dr Sebi, Dr Phillip Valentine, Nation of Islam, (Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, Minister Farrakhan, et. al.) Djehuty Ma'at-Ra and many others. Some examples:
Dr. Valentine said over 30 years ago at one of the first Meeting [Gathering] of the Masters about how the elistist at the time were planning to depopulate 1/2 the world using some sort of mass innoculation. I cant find that Masters clip, but here is one about the Wounded Womb, which is based on earlier material about health and the spiritual f**kery of that time and really a precursor to transhumanism:
Part 2: how our participation actually fuels the beast:
(which later was compiled and published into a book with ISBN number and is sold on Amazon for $1000+ (contact him at for the regular price).
Minister Farrakhan did a lecure series "The Time and What Must Be Done" in 2013 part 36-38 deals specifically with US and EU's depopulation policy, although Elijah Muhammad spoke against taking any vaccines since Kissinger's memorandum became policy (How to Eat to Live). In July, 2020, Farrakhan did the Criterion, openly rejecting the vaccine and warning US Govt that FORCED vaccinations would be a declaration of war against an individual's bodily sovereignty, and would then invoke the right to self-defense. Youtube deleted all of this, but they have backups here:
Black people as a whole are pretty used to conspiracies designed to disrupt their communities anyways. E.g. The Negro Project..... I mean Planned Parenthood. Theory of Evolution promoted by Charles Darwin...from his book. "On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or, the preservation of FAVORED RACES in the struggle for life". Tulsa, Oklahoma Race Riots.
My point is that those who took the vaccine were either not aware of at least some of the negative history (ignore-ance) or in a heightened state of fear (being kicked off the plantation and not being able to pay back their debts/feed family/etc). Some hyper attachment to this material world being exploited (an easy ticket to normal). This comment was lost and I had to retype it twice as substack app does not save draft. Sorry for the length.
Within the white population that got the death shots a disproportionate percentage were of the Liberal persuasion (brainwashed). Yet somehow they can still win elections😎. If the Democrats cheat on Nov 8 and unelectable candidates like Fetterman win...the country will be on fire.