May 6, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I read a detailed article some years ago about how this fraud faked a rapid battery change in one of his cars and thereby was able to continue receiving a higher level of subsidy from the taxpayers of Kookifornia to the tune of 9 figures.

Hey genius Elon, how’s Hype-r-loop working out? Carrying a lot of passengers?

Pro tip: Mars isn’t going to be colonized. If they find anyone stupid enough to attempt to go there, they will in all likelihood die a horrible death shortly after arrival, if they even make it that far.

Mars colonization is a fantasy of the cult of scientism, as is “transhumanism”. In a way I am happy that they are going to waste their time and resources pursuing such ridiculous dead-ends, but I pity those who will be stupid enough to let these ghouls martyr them to these foolish “causes”.

Don’t look to this huckster to “save free speech”. In fairness, maybe, but beware.

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May 6, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Muskrat’s buying of twitter is to keep it relevant. As alternatives gain steam people shun twitter. His buying twitter is a smokescreen to distract from Gettr and delay the inevitable...the disappearance of twitter.

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May 6, 2022·edited May 6, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

GTTR is owned by bad people too.

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However, so far, GETTR is ok. Apart from the n-words, I have not encountered any censorship.

I was gobsmacked when Gab blocked a link I got from a patriotic Aussie lawyer on Telegram but GETTR was fine with it.

I read that GETTR and TruthSocial blocked some posts re vaccine injuries.

Minds dot com is excellent, except it has few users!

Make use of them while we still can.

Have multiple platforms.

Always be switched on.

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I like Minds too, anything goes and it’s not hate filled.

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Agree..shop around..don’t focus on only one source..it’s more informative..I only use twit to find good users..

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Where to find Minds dot com?

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I don’t consider GETTR a big player, mostly Chinese

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Yes..who owns GTTR? A lot of Chinese ppl on there?

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Twitter was fine in early days..could actually interact and talk with humans..I followed Pres Trump there. But around 2019 got shadow-banned a few times..in early 2020 got suspended twice for saying the virus show was not as told. Then told about number of ppl injured and got the boot. In early 2023 was invited back but I don’t really use it..never trust it again..you can’t interact and it is all bots/community notes ect. A shame..

Substack needs a better way for ppl to interact?? Or am I missing something? Has Substack been infiltrated now ??

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May 6, 2022·edited May 6, 2022

Those Space X landings are all fake. It is pretty obvious if you look close enough.

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A lot of space stuff is fake. Moon landings are 100% fake. It seems the shuttle program and the space stations are fake too. Many claim Flat Earth is a CIA PSYOP. Was FE meant to cover up that NASA is fake?


This guy claims all space travel except for satellites (one-way trips) are fake.


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This doesn't really tell me anything new. Please say the quiet part out loud. What is the cia connection, what is the real underlying story, and how does this fraud end up the richest man in the world. What is the rest of the story?

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Well, his mom appears to be a Satanist; I suspect he is just another WEF grad being used to bring in their dream of a one world govt. The WEF/CIA are tools of the Satanist NWO crowd, basically old world money. They have been around for well over 1000 years. Joe Rogan said, Musk is a guy who believes in nothing, seems accurate.

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Perhaps China is involved ?

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From what I understand Miles Guo is heading up the anti-CCP movement. That’s why D.C. threw him in jail just prior to his testimony to expose some politicians and agencies connected with the CCP. If you listen to War Room, they discuss it regularly. You can also follow Frank Gaffney on Gettr to understand what’s really going on.

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Musk - the great pretender. In a meeting Trump had with officials where Musk happened to be present, Trump pointed out to those in the meeting that Musk was being financially helped to setup SpaceX and Musk must give back. Whatever that meant!

Let me say this. If you want financial backing from the cabal, the main requirement is to sell your soul to the devil. Musk showed us he did when displaying to everyone his satan suit.

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I have a bizarre theory… bear with me! A little over a year ago Elon did a bunch of really good interviews… he was siding with the awaken ones… around June he disappeared and went silent for more than 14days only to reappear in Rome with the pope and his kids. Never was he ever this silent from twitter. I believe the Elites got rid of him or MKULTRA’d him (a homeless guy on my street 6/21/22 was singing ding Dong the King is Dead, Elon Musk is dead. Something right out of They Live) and we are now working with an AI/MK’d version of Elon that they have some control over and at other times they don’t….I know Elites on left who hate him…truly…he must of pulled some shit…or their controls are not working. Elon bringing Tucker on board is why this new CEO is being put in place….Elon very much could be the Elites puppet… but I don’t believe they have a good handle on AI and full control over what he is actually doing….

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All his money currently comes from the US govt. Meaning they own him. Judge his actions accordingly.

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It sure seems like that!

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Excellent. It is about time some sane people elongate some facts re him. I will virate it.

We musk be watchful over what he does re the bird, and other things.

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Would you trust him with your money?

Could you trust him with your money?

Is he "Too Big to Fail?"

Was Trump?

The answer to all these questions must be NO!

What the hell is wrong with these people?

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Musk hasn't yet realized the Catch-22. But then again, neither have most people with money.

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I’d agree…he could feed all of us on X to the cabal effortlessly. However God is in charge…and Elon is a duel Player/actor who is a wild card, lending to the raw sewage Obama spoke of …but he is also adding to the free will that was granted to all of us thru Gods action to allow his son Lucifer an opportunity to reign here for a brief season. Elon must support the reveal that has to be in place for our free will to be our ticket out of this dimension. 2024 is the year of confusion… if we come together in Truth… muscle test and trust ourselves… we will be transcended out of 3D

God Bless Us All ✨🙏🏼✨

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Thanks 2SG! You're my Go2Guy 4Sure!

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“Do not fall for this latest con.

Do not comply”

Could you clarify this please. How our non-compliance would look. What should we do/don’t do; say/don’t say?

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“Do not fall for this latest con.

Do not comply”

Could you clarify this please. How our non-compliance would look. What should we do/don’t do; say/don’t say?

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We’ve been conned. What a pos. I knew it was too good to be true. Now what? We are taking hits all around us and we are standing here with out thumbs stick up our asses and no one is stopping thus shit from happening if everyone would go exempt on our withholding, they wouldn’t have money to screw us over!

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