1. Organ transplants for the Oligarchs 2. Medical experiments 3. breeding stock 4. Forced labor 5. Targets. You asked.
You have to understand how evil people think. They are different from normal people. Old money people born to wealth and privilege look down on everyone else.
Prince Phillip (the Queen's husband) openly stated that if …
1. Organ transplants for the Oligarchs 2. Medical experiments 3. breeding stock 4. Forced labor 5. Targets. You asked.
You have to understand how evil people think. They are different from normal people. Old money people born to wealth and privilege look down on everyone else.
Prince Phillip (the Queen's husband) openly stated that if reincarnation existed that he wanted to come back as a virus and kill a lot of the population. There are countless other statements by others over the past 2 centuries. Or as Dr. Emanuael (the Architect of Obamacare) mused, "we could put something in their water to sterilize them." Or, that "we'd have to kill 25 million Americans to impose communism.
Thanks for that … I honestly forget not everyone is good at heart. It is very hard to comprehend when you have a moral-based foundation. There is one judge these evil people cannot thwart. I would not want to be either of those two you mentioned no matter how powerful
1. Organ transplants for the Oligarchs 2. Medical experiments 3. breeding stock 4. Forced labor 5. Targets. You asked.
You have to understand how evil people think. They are different from normal people. Old money people born to wealth and privilege look down on everyone else.
Prince Phillip (the Queen's husband) openly stated that if reincarnation existed that he wanted to come back as a virus and kill a lot of the population. There are countless other statements by others over the past 2 centuries. Or as Dr. Emanuael (the Architect of Obamacare) mused, "we could put something in their water to sterilize them." Or, that "we'd have to kill 25 million Americans to impose communism.
Obama I swear is an antichrist. Knew it the first time I set eyes on the bugger.
Thanks for that … I honestly forget not everyone is good at heart. It is very hard to comprehend when you have a moral-based foundation. There is one judge these evil people cannot thwart. I would not want to be either of those two you mentioned no matter how powerful