Now it makes sense why for the first time in history they pushed an experimental drug on pregnant women. Some hospitals even required mothers to be vaccinated to give birth. This operation is so diabolical a lot of people are never going to believe this until they see it happen when it is too late.
I've been pondering this as well, ever since it was shown that the LNP, and mRNA did not remain local, but had an affinity for the reproductive organs. It would not surprise me to also discover that men who have taken the jab, pass the genetic code to their offspring. The mRNA goes to the testes, so it would be logical that it would be incorporated into the sperm.
Great article, 2nd SG! I'm glad to know my mind wasn't going into dark alleys alone.
Todd Callender said the same - months, maybe more ago. Once people take in this patented product, the owner of the patent owns them. (I nicely forgot about it.)
Well yes. And, no. No because - even if there is an intention and a law to codify another human property - its so morally repugnant - it's total BS. So humans who've been jabbed will need to rise ad loudly let them know they can fu(k off.
Kathleen, didn't you find a law that no human beings can be patented??? Where did I see soemthing like this...on the other hand, aren't moderna and BNT whatstheirname in a patent quibble right now? THAT i find ominious.
I did not, But I have to think it exists implicitly. And to my mind it doesn't matter if it does or not. Humans decide these things. Law be damned if they are unjust.
what a long & complicated way to explain that the offspring of mothers that have been jabbed with the Covid vaccinations will pass on VAIDS to their children which will then genetically continue for future generations to come if they are actually not sterile. I really can't imagine why Moderna would wish to plead in court that all this evil has been produced by them first or perhaps this is so that Pfizer can claim that THEY didn't cause all the harm to humanity. I cant wait until they are jailed for life & worked on a treadmill to produce electricity for all of us.
I hope they both go broke. Pfizer should be broke a long time ago with all the bad products they made. I also do not understand why so many people are so jab happy. And I wish we would stop calling these things vaccines because they are not. As to a real good vaccine, there was one against colds in the 70s. I took it. It was called Entoral and is history now because when you took it you did not get sick, so pharma made no more money off you.
Yes. People don’t seem to realize that by calling mRNA injections ‘vaccines’, they are succumbing to the propaganda. How can we get everyone to stop using that misleading and incorrect word?
Knowing that (potentially) all of us who read this would choose 😡, I wondered if 2nd Smartest cast the first pro-GMO vote as a test of sorts since it is the first time including a poll.
In my Genetic Testing Complaint filed with the Canadian Industrial Relations Board against my employer, Canada Post I asked the questions, " Who owns the patent to the gene-edited recipients of the experimental injections? "
Excellent story Dr Sayed and thanks for the warnings
I remember Percy's battle well as I had some involvement. The issues were both human rights and food safety.
And I remember back to the same time Shiv Chopra's battle with Health Canada.
Shiv's book "Corrupt to the Core" should be read by all to remove any doubt that the Canadian courts and government agencies serve the mega corps and not the people.
And yes, Monsanto perpetually holds the rights (owns) to the seeds they sell and the seeds accidentally pollinated by their GMO nseeds.
And so the big pharma DNA injections create corporate ownership of the injected and their offspring.
I expect that big pharma is developing a Covid injection that will increase the survival rate and ownership of fetuses of injected mothers.
A really interesting idea. The sort of thing that I would have written-off as obvious nonsense five years ago, but given what is going-on with the Great Reset and virtually forced vaccinations by governments who are either controlled-by or beholden-to the people who we would think-of as members of the Party of Davos....... there is nothing nonsensical about it. It's still an 'out there' idea.... but one worth keeping an eye-on.
Okay I know I am being difficult but you make a compelling case and my knee jerk reaction to fear is to cling to reason … I have five offspring and, while they are very charming, they are truly in every nuance of the term USELESS EATERS. What would someone want with them? I hardly want them … they are expensive and very dramatic. I have three teenage girls so you will need to excuse my candor. Want them FOR WHAT?
Anyway, they are not injected but I am still willing to talk if anyone from moderna is reading this 🤣
1. Organ transplants for the Oligarchs 2. Medical experiments 3. breeding stock 4. Forced labor 5. Targets. You asked.
You have to understand how evil people think. They are different from normal people. Old money people born to wealth and privilege look down on everyone else.
Prince Phillip (the Queen's husband) openly stated that if reincarnation existed that he wanted to come back as a virus and kill a lot of the population. There are countless other statements by others over the past 2 centuries. Or as Dr. Emanuael (the Architect of Obamacare) mused, "we could put something in their water to sterilize them." Or, that "we'd have to kill 25 million Americans to impose communism.
Thanks for that … I honestly forget not everyone is good at heart. It is very hard to comprehend when you have a moral-based foundation. There is one judge these evil people cannot thwart. I would not want to be either of those two you mentioned no matter how powerful
Now it makes sense why for the first time in history they pushed an experimental drug on pregnant women. Some hospitals even required mothers to be vaccinated to give birth. This operation is so diabolical a lot of people are never going to believe this until they see it happen when it is too late.
I have always thought this wondering if it was the real end game
I never thought about this
I thought they might keep people in
Constant sorrow and move them to AI
but never did my wicked imagination
Ever consider this …. I guess my capacity
In evil just expanded …
It is horrifying to contemplate isnt it? I cant imagine the horror of anyone injected coming across this without dismissing as nonsence...
Well 2 things are horrific 1 owning a child by a patent by injection
2. Total complete monetary control with passports etc
I just got done listening to a guy spark to to the cover of Covid
Using the Fed blac rock to financially crush us by economic weaponizing no jab no no job
Take your house big banks seize assets crush us then State installs
Their slavery … soo get the babies
And get the whole family
Think about what Trudeau did to stop the Canadian truckers
We are being assaulted on many levels all at same time
I feel like I am watching a horror flick but no, unfortunately, it is the real deal.
I've been pondering this as well, ever since it was shown that the LNP, and mRNA did not remain local, but had an affinity for the reproductive organs. It would not surprise me to also discover that men who have taken the jab, pass the genetic code to their offspring. The mRNA goes to the testes, so it would be logical that it would be incorporated into the sperm.
Great article, 2nd SG! I'm glad to know my mind wasn't going into dark alleys alone.
Todd Callender said the same - months, maybe more ago. Once people take in this patented product, the owner of the patent owns them. (I nicely forgot about it.)
How absolutely frightening
Well yes. And, no. No because - even if there is an intention and a law to codify another human property - its so morally repugnant - it's total BS. So humans who've been jabbed will need to rise ad loudly let them know they can fu(k off.
Well I hope so !!! Fuck off big pharma
I just had this thought either people play
Victims or Warrior
The victims wear mask inferior self
The warriors rise and say F OFF Superior
I hope Pray to God People take the Warrior
Me too. :-)
Me 3 :-)
Kathleen, didn't you find a law that no human beings can be patented??? Where did I see soemthing like this...on the other hand, aren't moderna and BNT whatstheirname in a patent quibble right now? THAT i find ominious.
I did not, But I have to think it exists implicitly. And to my mind it doesn't matter if it does or not. Humans decide these things. Law be damned if they are unjust.
Yes it's interesting isn't it?
Yes, thanks I remember that now too.
what a long & complicated way to explain that the offspring of mothers that have been jabbed with the Covid vaccinations will pass on VAIDS to their children which will then genetically continue for future generations to come if they are actually not sterile. I really can't imagine why Moderna would wish to plead in court that all this evil has been produced by them first or perhaps this is so that Pfizer can claim that THEY didn't cause all the harm to humanity. I cant wait until they are jailed for life & worked on a treadmill to produce electricity for all of us.
I hope they both go broke. Pfizer should be broke a long time ago with all the bad products they made. I also do not understand why so many people are so jab happy. And I wish we would stop calling these things vaccines because they are not. As to a real good vaccine, there was one against colds in the 70s. I took it. It was called Entoral and is history now because when you took it you did not get sick, so pharma made no more money off you.
Yes. People don’t seem to realize that by calling mRNA injections ‘vaccines’, they are succumbing to the propaganda. How can we get everyone to stop using that misleading and incorrect word?
Holy patent owning children the perfect slave trade by injection. Good lord what a sci fi nightmare.
Wow, 2% of your survey takers are pro-eugenics?
Er, to be slightly more polite, they're pro-inheritable-GMO?
It wasn’t me
Knowing that (potentially) all of us who read this would choose 😡, I wondered if 2nd Smartest cast the first pro-GMO vote as a test of sorts since it is the first time including a poll.
In my Genetic Testing Complaint filed with the Canadian Industrial Relations Board against my employer, Canada Post I asked the questions, " Who owns the patent to the gene-edited recipients of the experimental injections? "
and " How does this affect their human rights? "
( I refused the gene-editing. )
The people here on Substack are to my mind, the smartest and most awake people I've ever met.
They’ve always wanted the children. Evil bastards.
So THAT was the plan to achieve legal global slavery! Through patent law.
Excellent story Dr Sayed and thanks for the warnings
I remember Percy's battle well as I had some involvement. The issues were both human rights and food safety.
And I remember back to the same time Shiv Chopra's battle with Health Canada.
Shiv's book "Corrupt to the Core" should be read by all to remove any doubt that the Canadian courts and government agencies serve the mega corps and not the people.
And yes, Monsanto perpetually holds the rights (owns) to the seeds they sell and the seeds accidentally pollinated by their GMO nseeds.
And so the big pharma DNA injections create corporate ownership of the injected and their offspring.
I expect that big pharma is developing a Covid injection that will increase the survival rate and ownership of fetuses of injected mothers.
A really interesting idea. The sort of thing that I would have written-off as obvious nonsense five years ago, but given what is going-on with the Great Reset and virtually forced vaccinations by governments who are either controlled-by or beholden-to the people who we would think-of as members of the Party of Davos....... there is nothing nonsensical about it. It's still an 'out there' idea.... but one worth keeping an eye-on.
Okay I know I am being difficult but you make a compelling case and my knee jerk reaction to fear is to cling to reason … I have five offspring and, while they are very charming, they are truly in every nuance of the term USELESS EATERS. What would someone want with them? I hardly want them … they are expensive and very dramatic. I have three teenage girls so you will need to excuse my candor. Want them FOR WHAT?
Anyway, they are not injected but I am still willing to talk if anyone from moderna is reading this 🤣
1. Organ transplants for the Oligarchs 2. Medical experiments 3. breeding stock 4. Forced labor 5. Targets. You asked.
You have to understand how evil people think. They are different from normal people. Old money people born to wealth and privilege look down on everyone else.
Prince Phillip (the Queen's husband) openly stated that if reincarnation existed that he wanted to come back as a virus and kill a lot of the population. There are countless other statements by others over the past 2 centuries. Or as Dr. Emanuael (the Architect of Obamacare) mused, "we could put something in their water to sterilize them." Or, that "we'd have to kill 25 million Americans to impose communism.
Obama I swear is an antichrist. Knew it the first time I set eyes on the bugger.
Thanks for that … I honestly forget not everyone is good at heart. It is very hard to comprehend when you have a moral-based foundation. There is one judge these evil people cannot thwart. I would not want to be either of those two you mentioned no matter how powerful
Hilarious, BelleTower.
Spsssst wanna kid? 😂
I have been anticipating this. This is the stuff of nightmares.