The same people that failed for 4 decades straight to find a “vaccine” cure for AIDS while murdering millions with AZT and said “vaccine” trials (men, women, children, mothers, unborn children, foster care children all brutally murdered in the name of “science” aka Dr. Fauci, mister “I am science”, or “science” incarnate), a deadly drug that induced AIDS-like symptoms a la the murderous analogue Rx du jour Remdesivir which murders people with similar symptoms as late stage “Covid”, are the very same people that turned on a dime from researching AIDS “vaccines” to cranking out untested dangerous experimental mRNA “vaccines” for “Covid”. And note that the survivability for “Covid” for anyone 70 and under with no pre-existing medical conditions is greater than 99.9%+, and the IFR for school aged children is 0.0. AND not a single mRNA or vector DNA “vaccine” ever made it past animal trials, because the animals never fared well — see my post on this citing some of said animal studies here. And now we have incontrovertible evidence that these “Covid” “vaccines” are not just murdering and maiming people, but they are inducing what has been termed VAIDS, or Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Fauci & Co. inserted HIV into the “Covid” virus via Gain of Function, paving the way for their “vax” to also contain this deadly insertion. Fauci & Co. have quite literally spent their lifetimes and the spoils of unconstitutional government sanctioned thievery via taxation to fund all of this medical holocaust planning and execution on We the People and the citizens of the world. But I digress…
So who is really running the PSYOP-19 show? This term, a perfect stand in for “COVID-19”, is your blatant hint; to wit":
“With all the preparations for a coordinated military response, with deep involvement from intelligence agencies, it should come as no surprise that the government’s COVID-19 response quickly emerged as a military project.
On Sept. 28, 2020, science journalist Nicholas Florko published in STAT a leaked organizational schematic291 exposing the $10 billion Operation Warp Speed project as a highly structured Defense Department campaign with “vast military involvement.” The byzantine flowchart shows four generals and sixty other military officials commanding Operation Warp Speed, badly outnumbering civilian health technocrats from HHS, who represented a mere twenty-nine of the roughly ninety leaders on the chart.
HHS’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy, Paul Mango, told STAT that the Department of Defense was deeply enmeshed in every aspect of the project, including creating more than two dozen vaccine pop-up manufacturing plants, airlifting in equipment and raw materials from across the globe, and erecting cybersecurity and physical security operations “to ensure an eventual vaccine is guarded very closely from ‘state actors who don’t want us to be successful in this.’” This paranoid addendum seems like a pretextual effort to link vaccine-hesitant Americans to sinister foreign governments, thereby justifying a military and intelligence agency response. It is, in short, a “conspiracy theory,” albeit an official one. Mango told STAT that Warp Speed planning and debriefing occurs “in protected rooms used to discuss classified information.” A senior federal health official told STAT he was struck by the sight of soldiers in military uniforms ambling about HHS’s headquarters in downtown Washington, including over 100 soldiers in the HHS corridors wearing “Desert Storm fatigues.
Health officials complained to STAT that they found themselves marginalized as Warp Speed devolved into a partnership between the military and the pharmaceutical industry, presided over by Robert Kadlec—who, according to Mango, personally signed off on every business agreement made by HHS for Operation Warp Speed.
Warp Speed has secret deals with six major drug companies developing COVID-19 vaccines. The operation’s chief adviser is Moncef Slaoui, a former GlaxoSmithKline official who prior to the pandemic served as chairman of Moderna, the Fauci/Kadlec/Gates collaboration that would be Warp Speed’s primary beneficiary. By characterizing his post as an “outside contractor,” Slaoui, who holds roughly $10 million in GSK stock, dodged the application of federal ethics rules. Slaoui has since promised to donate any increase in the value of his stock.293
“The first person to be fired should be Dr. Slaoui,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) responded at a hearing. “The American people deserve to know that COVID-19 vaccine decisions are based on science, and not on personal greed.”294
Dr. Fauci had direct hands-on involvement with Warp Speed through his employee Larry Corey, who described himself as an “ex-officio” member of the Warp Speed governance. Corey runs Dr. Fauci’s COVID-19 prevention network, which transforms HIV clinical trial networks into Phase 3 COVID-19 clinical trials.
“Dr. Fauci was undaunted by the military takeover of US health policy, applauding the Operation as a “talent show.” Dr. Fauci told STAT he was untroubled by the dearth of public health experience among Warp Speed’s Pentagon leadership: “If you go through the organizational boxes of Operation Warp Speed, they’re very, very impressive.”
Excerpt From: Robert F. Kennedy. “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense).” Apple Books.
Impressive indeed, if you are a full-blown sociopath.
I have said since day 1 that “COVID-19” was a CIA-run power grab and depopulation program, with front men Fauci and Gates et al. driving the pre-programming of the government while funding through tax avoidance schemes and theft via taxation deadly depopulation soft kill and not so soft kill biochem research, as they deployed the Mockingbird MSM in a coordinated operation to use a “virus” as pretext to usher in the brave new social credit smartphone vax/co2/etc. passport beast system. But even the fascist CIA is nothing more than a node, albeit a vitally powerful one, that executes on behalf of the cabal. So who is this cabal? More on that later….
Do NOT comply.
In the not-so-distant future, we may not be able to read something like this:
EVERYTHING your government tells you and tells you to do is for your benefit. Keep repeating until you finally believe it.