Will another 2 million+ vax believers wake up?
Dr John Campbell - UK JAB DEATHS on the increase (Deleted by YouTube)
Dr. John Campbell has since day 1 rubbed yours truly the wrong way. Even early on in the PSYOP-19 program Dr. Campbell was touching upon the grim truths yet his CogDis prevented him from making the connections.
And now when it is essentially far too late, he has come to his senses that the slow kill bioweapon DEATHVAX™ is, well, a deadly eugenics injection.
Well, Dr. Campbell has not made that final connection, yet.
by Joel Smalley
Notorious pro-vaxxer, Dr John Campbell finally joins the throng of truthers censored by Big Tech.
Welcome, John! How does it feel?
It’s taken an incredibly long time for a man of his apparent experience and intelligence to work out what us much less capable folk realised years ago (yes, more than one year ago!) - COVID jabs KILL!
Despite being a flag bearer for the pro-vax narrative for so long, just one honest slip into the truth and bang, John, you’re taken down!
Here’s the offending video, thankfully republished on censorship-free Bitchute:
The burning question is, will he and his 2.43 million subscribers now wake up to the Big Lie?
Will he and his subscribers ditch YouTube and start to question all the other MSM and Big Tech propaganda peddlers?
Given how long this tide is taking to turn, I’m not holding my breath but I’m so glad I’m already in the lifeboat!!
Do NOT comply.
I saw the video where he first laid eyes on the Phfizer documents, how he sat there sighing, speechless. I did not follow him before because he was a pro jabs. I have been in the other side for quite some time, since seeing vaxxed and the sequel. A person like this can have a serious effect on his followers and I expect many of them to being speechless at the fraud played on them by everyone from their government, their medical people, bigharma, friends and family etc.
Lord above, John Campbell finally "went there," to the Land of the Awakened. Err, maybe. We'll see how long his newfound knowledge lasts, hope he doesn't make an apology to UTube. But this is actually very big news, considering his subscriber count. The bad news: too little, and much too late. It's as if he's JUST realized that the cattle cars with their tagged genetically modified humans have been off to the Camp of Suddenly and Unexpectedly since the time of Warp Speed. Better late, than never.