So everybody's black now? Got it!

Wow, this feels nice- not being guilted because of the color of my skin.

I guess we'll all stop talking about skin color now? Now that we're all black?

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It’s Black History Month!

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If the Founders were black, if the military of 1776 were black, if the captains of industry have been black, then it’s pretty clear, per Google FOLLOW THE SCIENCE that no historical wrongs against blacks need redress. So we can dump affirmative action, DIE, MBE/WBE, etc., right? And any discussion about “reparations?” LOL.

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Exactly. You can't have it both ways. In any case it was always people with no loyalty to any particular nation who were behind all the empires, wars, banking, etc. They happened to look 'white' so we have all collectively been made scapegoats.

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We need to start looking at the actual data. The major cities with the highest crime have black leaders. Look at who murders the most black people? it is other blacks. The most blacks raped? It's by other blacks. Blacks living in run down homes because they spend money on drugs and not fixing their property. Why do we have this? Mainly because of no male presence or influence in a family. Requirements to get public assistance have the requirement that no adult male is living with them. No accountability for the men. they produce babies with many partners without the need to provide support. The unintended consequence? in the black community, the probability of an uninformed Incestuous coupling is high. with close genetic relationship we have higher incidence of birth defects that include mental instability. Add the fact that government promoted the false ideas that if you are black, you are special and must get special treatment that includes their requirements for diversity. The media that enforces the idea that everything is raciest. Blacks are the subject of automatic raciest insults to anything said by a white person. Government has created the victim. It needs to pass its laws to regulate the lives of these victims. The goals are to expand their power and control. Creating the divisions that pit us against each other. Growing up in a neighborhood that contained many races and ethnic backgrounds. We played together as children and went up in schools and graduated together. only the people that were on government assistance never went on to other things, like better jobs or school. most are still there for three generations. I saw this because some were close friends. The blacks were taught the dependent mindset. their problems are caused by everyone else. Government had to "level the playing field because of discrimination. Well discrimination did exist. Not just for the color of their skin, but because many couldn't even read or write. Passed on by government programs that lowered the standards so they wouldn't have hurt feelings and feel left out. As a contractor, I hired a young black man that had a diploma. he couldn't fill out the job application form. he was a good worker and dependable. We got him into an apprenticeship program. Today he owns his own contracting company, so it was government that failed him. So many blacks have been on welfare for generations. Their mindset is that they are owed this money and won't seek out a way to better themselves. can we fault someone for not taking a job that pays less than what they get on welfare? The system is broken and we can't put blame entirely on blacks. it is time to make changes while we still can. I refer to what was taught to me in church. give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. teach him to fish and he will eat for a lifetime. a starting point? get government out of our school system. the people must be in charge to have good education. then attack government corruption where ever you find it. Time to choose and time to act.---------- I, Grampa

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What did you expect from the folks who told you that men can get pregnant and have babies?

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Free citizens must demand intel community be DEFUNDED. Intel leaders created #FAKENEWS with report "51 Intel offcials say Trumpt colluded with Russians." Those 51 need to be in jail!

It simple Crime & Punishment. I Intel commits crimes and is NEVER PUNISHED, they will to continue to fester.

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That would be great, but they already have more money than God. They own the patent for the Vaxx. They got the royalty payments.

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If their Fed account is ZERO, they are forced to use non-government account which keeps them from using/moving Fed funds to hassle citizens. It used to be they could not add funds or move from designated accounts. OMB makes sure all gov funds come from a designated account to track where TAX$$$$ go down the rabbit hole???

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I agree the government cant account for 65 billion dollars at the last accounting. It is clear we have massive fraud. why hasn't the AG prosecuting these. instead they will go after a felony charges for paying hush money or inflating property worth to get a bank loan. And they want more!------ I, Grampa

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Wokism is English for Illuminati, isn't it?

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Leftist lock-stepper borg creatures is the goal…. They’re halfway there.

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Feb 24
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Do tell!

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The reality is, there is a substantial segment of our population that is completely fooled by all of the woke crap, or has actually bought into it for one reason or another. We all know people like this, I certainly know many. The good news is, these people will be destroyed by the dystopian system they support, and they will willingly, I'm not saying knowingly, but they will willingly participate in their own destruction.

And that makes me incredibly happy.

Darwinism at its best!!!

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His(STORY) will continue to change.

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Feb 23
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And the dark “hiss” bunch need to depart Gaia? Like a quick & bigly thorough ‘bye-bye’.

Centuries upon centuries with the sneaky backroom hiss’ has been quite enough, imo. Thank you. ;)

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Google has been running on D-Wave for a long time. A.I woke-ism and political crimes and big pharma crimes is up all our asses from everywhere.

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working hypothesis: the google chatbot is a straw man, just like the johnson & johnson shot

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(Believe it or not but the founding father where not white wash folks so they are telling the truth on that) am not for this Fake Woke Mess Agenda and I got the original photos to prove otherwise not those AI generatered deep fake photos I see on this post, their not telling the whole truth on everything.... their just gas lighting yall...

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At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if at all.

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1984...2024....there is not enough storage to keep record of the past...so his-story is created out of thin air...to suit 'the narrative'.

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When Beyonce is nowadays a top County Music star,with a blond mop and designer cowboy hat,we should realize how bad off the world is. The saddest thing is that we can't talk about it without being called a racist.

AI has all but eliminated white males from advertising ads.

So now Beyonce has her own line of cowgirl clothing,,overpriced and useless. Just like she is.

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It's just another attack on the white male. But take heart - imagine what a threat you must present to 'them' and their plans. It is a huge back-handed compliment.

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On a recent Dr. John Campbell video, he had guest, Ros Nealon-Cook, an Australian Psychologist. She is asking the citizens of the world, yes YOU, to sign CAPE BRYON LIGHTHOUSE DECLARATION, an international movement, to raise awareness of widespread censorship of expert opinion and propaganda.

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“It is clear we have massive fraud. Why hasn't the AG prosecuting these?”

Maybe it’s the AG’s that we should take a good hard look at? AG’s in general like/love to prosecute (& win), & oft to rise re politico opportunities.

Not to caste aspirations re all AG’s, who knows re them all. Thanks.

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