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Agree with your recommendation to be tolerant. He is not fortelling an impossible future, only an uncomfortable one to face. However his assumptions must be discussed and understood.

My worry is his assumptions may be accurate. Any existing Constitutional protections appear quite untethered already. It also appears technology is already being used to create sentiment profiles of most which can be used to evaluate how much room exists for those who pull the levers, or the rich, can go before gettijg too muvh pushback, and also the ability to directly target individuals to reduce their societal influence.

Transparency is a wonderful tool to societies can use to maintain visibility to how the world operates. Markets are corrupt without it, yet we see less and less as opposed to more as time progresses.

Those who believe their reputational and thus financial and familial futures rely on compliance or averting ones eyes to injustice are clearly willing to do so in large numbers already. When will enough be enough?

I suggest we have already arrived wherre you fear we will go. As the media, academic, governmental, industrial and other institutional organizations are already firmly in control, what is really left to protect those who would be impacted by more direct, restrictive and even violent actions done by our technology and by the military and/or police actions which follow to corral the "useless?" If watching provided "entertainment" or masterfully escaping with drugs or even being proficient at scoring in video games is all that can be pointed to as "of value," perhaps we've lost already and will end up with the society we deserve.

Perhaps the only answer is to not accept the label and be able to demonstrate the value of being free - but this means escaping the defiled and bastardized definition of value meaning what an indivividual provides to the economic output and never-ending growth. Instead the focus of value could be linked to realizing potential of creation amd co-creation that provides society with beauty and enlightenment and expansion of knowledge. What if harmonizing and nurturing and amplifying natures beauty was valued and rewarded? Living is an experience, and thus can it truly be useless? What could generating more love and tolerance and harmony and peace and health and joy lead to?

Harari clearly has low expections for humanity as a whole, as it seems most of our leaders now do. Why are we allowing them to make such decisions for us?

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No and No and No. We already see what is wrong with this self-important insect. No need whatsoever to fritter or waste even a single valuable moment "discussing" every little wrong thing about it.

Our PRIORITY right now is to get the bad actors out of position.

LATER we can deal with the computer gamers, played by innocent do-nothings who aren't trying to kill us all.

BTW um, who was it you said you work for?

And WHY would you honestly give one single d-mn what this insect's personal opinion of you is?

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There is nothing 'wrong' with it. It is a prediction based on history and current events which he fully admits might be wrong. Why would you not consider his warnings in the spirit they were given?

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Because I disagree with your *opinion* about the spirit in which it was given, of course.

If he is correct as you imply, then he is wasting everyone's valuable time.

Now ask yourself, for whom would that be a good idea?

And further, why do you need to be told this?

Here's my opinion: TROLL.

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And I contend that you don't know the man or his work...and that makes you ignorant.

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Contend whatever you wish prsmith.

I have seen enough and am not interested in anything either of you says or does.

I am sure my I.Q. beats yours :-).

I simply have already heard enough to see the rest of the picture.

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Ignorance is so ugly and sad. :(

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Here is how I assess Yuval Harari based on what PsSmith (who I believe is a troll on Substack) says; a.) Listen to a crazed homosexual like Harari who is headed straight for hell if he does not repent and ask Jesus for forgiveness or b.) continue to stay in the word of God and listen and discern the truth from the Bible!; Let's see that is a no Brainer it is Choice B.

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Maybe the real resistance is stronger than they think it is.

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that is my hope.

and expect when pushed too far will certainly be so. when self-preservation becomes more closely linked to a healthy society then the risk of creating it will be less a stretch. when clarity of focus about what one can do to that end, there will also be a cascade of those willing to contribute and put ideals ahead of comfort.

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@Jim Reagan Mm-hmm..

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Maybe. Let's hope so but I'm not seeing it. Lots of people are losing jobs to technology...started with atms and growing. AIs are already giving medical diagnoses that are on par with the average doctor and law offices are totally addicted to them for research. I think the genie is out of the bottle.

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