and expect when pushed too far will certainly be so. when self-preservation becomes more closely linked to a healthy society then the risk of creating it will be less a stretch. when clarity of focus about what one can do to that end, there will also be a cascade of those willing to contribute and put ideals ahead of comfort.
Maybe. Let's hope so but I'm not seeing it. Lots of people are losing jobs to technology...started with atms and growing. AIs are already giving medical diagnoses that are on par with the average doctor and law offices are totally addicted to them for research. I think the genie is out of the bottle.
Maybe the real resistance is stronger than they think it is.
that is my hope.
and expect when pushed too far will certainly be so. when self-preservation becomes more closely linked to a healthy society then the risk of creating it will be less a stretch. when clarity of focus about what one can do to that end, there will also be a cascade of those willing to contribute and put ideals ahead of comfort.
@Jim Reagan Mm-hmm..
Maybe. Let's hope so but I'm not seeing it. Lots of people are losing jobs to technology...started with atms and growing. AIs are already giving medical diagnoses that are on par with the average doctor and law offices are totally addicted to them for research. I think the genie is out of the bottle.