Here’s the Denmark Link



And here’s a misleading Reuters “Fact Check” on the subject:

Fact Check-Headline that claims Denmark has banned COVID-19 vaccines for children is misleading



And, here’s why this FactCheck itself is misleading:

Denmark link above:

“... The purpose of vaccination is not to prevent infection with covid-19, and people aged under 50 are therefore currently not being offered booster vaccination.”


Not a lot of difference between “banned” and “not being offered”. Reuters trying to be slippery.

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I think most people understand if you get fact checked, it is propaganda. You simply get checked when you are over the target

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I was on Twitter, the land of Twats, and I was surprised everyone seemed ant vax now. I think the tide has turned and peeps are pissed. Really pissed. I mean, we are pure, but they probably are going to get sick or worse. I would be pissed.

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Encouraging, and expected.

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